Moving on to better things

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    “Farscape” actors David Bowers and Matron Csokas have been cast in “Star Wars”: Episode II-“The Clone Wars.”


    Lee P. Sherman

    Official Jedi knight

    [This message has been edited by DalekTek790 (edited 01-28-2001).]


    Who did they play in Farscape?


    Marton Csokas is gonna be in LOTR!!(as Celeborn!) But, in FarScape he played that guy on that botany planet, the one with the bone-eating chick, M’Lee. He was Br’Nee. But, blaahhhh, I can’t seem to place David Bowers. Good for them landing Star Wars! Maybe one of them will kill off Jar-Jar! [img][/img]

    “Time begins then time ends, and then time begins once again.”


    I don’t know anything about “Farscape.” I might have to start watching it for a glimpse of “Star Wars”actors. [img][/img] But I do know the characters they play in the upcoming film. Marton Csokas, under alien makeup, will portray Poggle the Lesser, a Geonosian leader and opposer of the Clone Wars. Jack Thompson has been cast as Cliegg Kenobi, Obi-Wan’s non-Jedi brother.


    Lee P. Sherman
    Official Jedi Knight


    THE CLONE WARS!!!!???


    I hoped they would finally cover that since they mentioned it in every other breath(and, book). I hope this one has less hype and more oomph than that first prequel. The very first movie, “Star Wars,” blew my mind! And, it was made with much less money and almost no big names attached, except Guinness, Cushing, and Jones’ voice. I truly hope Lucas goes back to the good ole basics…uh, one being a PLOT! (and, please oh please, let them kill off Jar-Jar! [img][/img])

    “Time begins then time ends, and then time begins once again.”

    [This message has been edited by BlackCloud (edited 01-30-2001).]



    Originally posted by BlackCloud:
    [b] THE CLONE WARS!!!!???
    …oh please, let them kill off Jar-Jar! [img][/img])

    haha. Absolutely agree on that one [img][/img]



    “You fought in the Clone Wars?”
    -Luke Skywalker

    “Yes. I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your father.”
    -“Ben” Kenobi

    “General Kenobi; years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars, now he begs you to help him in this struggle against the Empire.”
    -Princess Leia

    “Episode II will be about the Clone Wars, and the blossoming love between Anakin and the Queen.”
    -George Lucas

    You heard right, [i]Star Wars[/i]: Episode II will finally give us a glimpse of the oft-mentioned series of conflicts that precipitate the fall of the Old Republic. The Clone Wars were started by Darth Sidious, and involved the illegal genetic duplication of Mandalorian warriors on the planet Kamino.

    I have been following information, rumors, and speculations on the new installment in the [i]Star Wars[/i] saga, and according to what is allegedly from an inside source, the film will start with the Battle of Condawn (Concord Dawn in some versions) on Alderaan.

    It has been officially confirmed that Ahmed Best will be returning to again give life to Jar Jar Binks, but it is also clearly stated that it will be a cameo appearance equalling less than 15 minutes. George Lucas says he will be less silly, reflecting the need for seriousness in the new, harsher Galaxy of the Wars. Also, persistant yet unsubstantiated rumors hold that [b]Jar Jar’s wife[/b] will also appear. [img][/img] Best is not in the Episode III cast. I’m not sure if I should be posting this in a board for [i]Farscape[/i], but BlackCloud sort of asked for it. [img][/img]

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.

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