Farscape Season 5 Canceled

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Farscape Farscape Season 5 Canceled

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    yep, it’s true. SciFi elected not to renew Farscape for a fifth season. Filming on season 4 just wrapped up, and the sets are due to be struck by the end of next week. In one week, Ben, Claudia, DK and Ricky Manning (not to mention the entire crew) will be out of work.

    If you are as shocked by this as I am, write a letter immediately expressing your disappointment to:

    The SciFi Channel
    1230 Avenue of the Americas, F115
    New York, NY 10020-1513

    Dave Kemper asked that we keep our letters civil, as rude letters are ignored and discounted.


    Wont do any good if SciFi is beign sold.
    As per what we heard at DargonCon.


    The SciFi Channel is completely insane. I just do not understand the logic of any of this. If they don’t think a high-budget show like [i]Farscape[/i] is any good, then what do they consider good? No matter what any of you pragmaticists might say, I can’t beleive that ratings have anything to do with anything. I mean, wasn’t [i]Farscape[/i] one of the highest-rated show on the SciFi Channel? If they are unhappy with the ratings for one of their best shows, why don’t they just shut down the network altogether. I mean, my freakin’ GOD! I don’t think it’ll get any better for them. I think there is going to be extreme backlash from fans as a result of this.


    Now that I think about this, it has to be some sort of hoax.



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    Now that I think about this, it has to be some sort of hoax.

    Why would the writers do that? They could stand to get in big dodo with the network for making them look bad because they are blaming ScFi as the enemy.


    It’s just insane! Why would SciFi Channel do this? It’s one of their most popular, critically acclaimed shows! I still haven’t heard any explaination. It doesn’t add up. It doesn’t make any sense!


    Farscape is not entirely cancelled. Sci-Fi however has no interest in Season 5 due to the shows unwillingness to lower production costs. At the moment they are seeking new backing and not folding shop. But lets face it, no one’s gonna pick up a show that costs twice as much as any other sci-fi show on TV(Andromeda withstanding).

    Flamegrape said

    “It’s just insane! Why would SciFi Channel do this?”

    You answered it in your first sentence =) No one’s ever accused Sci-Fi of being sane. But personally I think Farscape shares some blame here, lets face it the plot has been anything but cohesive and interesting to many this season.

    My personal analysis is they havent got a show to support Farscape, that reaches the same whacky Sci-Fi viewers that shows like Lexx and The Chronicle did. Like Farscape, The Chronicle for all its 1.0+ ratings was just too high in production cost(in their case actors).

    The Dead Zone is great great great fiction, but its no where near the genre or demographics of Lexx and Farscape viewers. They simply show it because it gets excellent ratings on its own, and its practically free to show, with their new partnership.

    Stargates two major problems are that 1) Many fans watch for Richard Dean Andersen alone. The other being you dont see many Farscape fans that like or have even seen SG-1, and vice-versa.

    But as Flamegrape eloquently put it “They’re insane” anyway so its tough look for method in their madness.


    A friend of mine on ICQ linked this to me, if anyones interested, it also contains the un-official annoucement about Farscapes cancellation


    Just had this arrive today:


    Thought this should be on your site – Sci Fi has CANCELLED Farscape in the middle of their contract! Info and the ‘Crackers DO Matter’ protest movement info available at [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com]http://farscape.wdsection.com[/url] . Please Help!

    Kale Ganann
    Store Systems Help Desk
    10400 Yellow Circle Drive
    Minnetonka, MN 55343


    It’s interesting to note that in both my link and Saddys there has been no announcement by Sci-Fi or USA Network. Just the leaks, and the chat transcript from a couple nights ago. Why the silence I wonder?

    [ 08-09-2002: Message edited by: LexxLurker ]



    Originally posted by LexxLurker:

    [b]It’s interesting to note that in both my link and Saddys there has been no announcement by Sci-Fi or USA Network. Just the leaks, and the chat transcript from a couple nights ago. Why the silence I wonder?[/b]

    Probably because it’s the weekend.

    I imagine it’s cancelled because they don’t want to spend the $$. Look at what they’ve got coming up for next year–remakes: Tremors, Quantum Leap, more Firestarter (what is it with Firestarter??) I think the parent company owns the franchises so the money stays in the family. Even if the channel is sold, the parent company is still making money then.

    Frankly, I think there oughta be a law about calling yourself SciFi Channel and showing little or not science fiction…… [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]




    Originally posted by LexxLurker:
    Farscape is not entirely cancelled. Sci-Fi however has no interest in Season 5 due to the shows unwillingness to lower production costs. At the moment they are seeking new backing and not folding shop. But lets face it, no one’s gonna pick up a show that costs twice as much as any other sci-fi show on TV(Andromeda withstanding).

    Hey Lexxlurker
    I was wondering where you had heard this. I know that at the moment, no one (official) is talking about why the show was cancelled (ie, the cost issue, as far as I know, is speculation only), and this is the first I had heard that new backers were being sought. If you have more info, could you please post it? Also, could you let me know where you heard this from? There are a lot of people out there dying for answers (including me!), because knowing what happened would clarify what options we have and what direction to take.



    Farscape simply sucks! I just tried to watch one episode and couldn’t even get to the end – it sucked so bad!

    Stargate SG-1 is million times better



    Anthony Simcoe joind fans yesterday in the the #farscape chat. He said that SciFi had not wanted to cancel farscape but EM TV (owner of Jim Henson Company)pulled out of financing the show. Because SciFi/Vivendi is having it’s own financial problems, they couldn’t take on the additional costs of supporting the show without EM’s backing.

    The ratings were acceptable to Sci Fi, however the additional costs could not be aforded, and the show was cancelled.

    Edited to include EM TV contact info:
    EM.TV & Merchandising AG Betastr.
    11 D-85774 Unterföhring
    Telefon: +49 (0) 89 995 00-0
    Fax: +49 (0) 89 995 00-111
    E-mail: info@em-ag.de
    You need to use a German fax service as 0049 (Germany) is not covered by US online fax services [url=http://www.faxen-online.de/Fax_versenden/fax_versenden.shtml]http://www.faxen-online.de/Fax_versenden/fax_versenden.shtml[/url]

    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]

    [ 08-09-2002: Message edited by: Camelyn ]


    Update: (Edited to add source)

    Clarification provided by Rockne S. Obannon:

    Sci Fi requested from EM TV that the price for Season 5 be lowered from what was agreed to in the contracts. EM said no, and Sci Fi exec. Michael Jackson (no, I’m not kidding, that’s his name) made the descision to cancel the show.

    So, fans are keeping up the pressure on both Sci Fi and EM, to convince one of them to budge, or at least re-open negotiations.

    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]

    [ 09-09-2002: Message edited by: Camelyn ]


    Excerpts from a letter from Rockne S Obannon:

    “In additional to letter/fax/etc. campaigns aimed at the Sci-Fi Channel, fans should also express their passion about the show to
    UPN, TNT, and Showtime. UPN is actively seeking a science fiction companion piece to Enterprise, and Farscape airing with a hit like Enterprise could keep it on for years to come. TNT is looking for a new genre series, now that Witchblade is off, and an award-winning, “the best sf series on tv” with a built-in audience might really appeal to them. TNT has expressed some initial interest in the idea of bringing the series over to their network, and a flood of fan support would certainly help there. And Showtime is clearly a place where science fiction has a healthy home (Odyssey 5, Jeremiah) and they may also take a serious look if there were a strong enough demand shown for it.
    I know there’s been a scattering of postings on message boards about writing to other networks, but most fans are directing their attention solely to Sci-Fi Channel, and with the current regime at Sci-Fi, it’s a long shot that they’ll reverse themselves.
    I’d love to see fans aiming their passion at these other networks, as well. If you message-board posters could get the word out that the head of drama development at these three networks should also be given the full-court press as much as the Sci-Fi Channel, it might really mean something.”

    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com]http://farscape.wdsection.com[/url]

    [ 09-09-2002: Message edited by: Camelyn ]


    “In additional to letter/fax/etc. campaigns aimed at the Sci-Fi Channel, fans should also express their passion about the show to
    UPN, TNT, and Showtime. UPN is actively seeking a science fiction companion piece to Enterprise, and Farscape airing with a hit like Enterprise could keep it on for years to come. TNT has expressed some initial interest in the idea of bringing the series over to their network, and a flood of fan support would certainly help there. And Showtime is clearly a place where science fiction has a healthy home (Odyssey 5, Jeremiah) and they may also take a serious look if there were a strong enough demand shown for it.”

    Cancelled. That seems sadly typical. Insane, but I just can’t find the energy to be surprised.

    I do intend to write to Scifi to protest their decision, but I’m not sure if TNT, UPN and the like care what UK viewers think about a series. Goodness knows our own dear BBC, ITV and Channels 4 and 5, and Sky don’t give a d@mn, or they wouldn’t a)put scifi on at 6pm when they have to cut it to shreds b) put it on unnanounced at midnight every second week, if they feel like it c) bump it if anything that can be vaguely termed a ‘sport’ is available instead.


    SAVE FARSCAPE released a press release this morning that has gone out to major media outlets across the US.

    Read it here: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/pressreleases.html]http://farscape.wdsection.com/pressreleases.html[/url]

    Post Edited to include Sci Fi wire announcement: [url=http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2002-09/09/13.00.sfc]http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2002-09/09/13.00.sfc[/url]

    Save Farscape: [url=http://farscape.wdsection.com/]http://farscape.wdsection.com/[/url]

    [ 09-09-2002: Message edited by: Camelyn ]

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