Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy comeing to US DVD!

Forums British Sci Fi Series Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy comeing to US DVD!

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  • #37843

    “Remember the long ago mini-series of
    Douglas Adam’s HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO
    THE GALAXY? The 1981 translation of his
    classic science fiction comedy that ran all of six episodes and starred Peter Jones, Simon Jones and David Dixon? No? No matter. It’s being released on DVD at the end of April (April 30 to be nit-picky) sporting audio commentary, deleted scenes, a
    documentary and a sparkling print. How much will it put you out? $34.98, if you really must ask.”


    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Slopmaster ]


    Hey Slop, I was going to buy that Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy DVD today, but I didn’t because I have never actually seen the series and might not like it. So I want to ask you some questions about it (as you are the moderator of this board so therefore must be a big fan)

    I like Lexx so will I like this?

    How long is each episode?

    What year was it filmed?

    Is the acting good?

    Do the Aliens (or whatever) look realistic?

    That’s all for now…



    quote[quote]I like Lexx so will I like this?[/quote]


    quote[quote]How long is each episode?[/quote]

    Dunno, but both series combined was 192 minutes on double VHS (sans titles between episdes)

    quote[quote]What year was it filmed?[/quote]

    I should know, but I can’t remember..

    quote[quote]Is the acting good?[/quote]

    Umm.. some of it.

    quote[quote]Do the Aliens (or whatever) look realistic?[/quote]



    hahaha! all true!

    I liked it but it reminded of Dr. Who. Esp the Dr Who with the guy who has the frizzy hair and scarf down to his ankles.
    But i enjoy Dr. Who and the dalatecs with toilet plungers for arms…….

    it’s all good baby!



    Originally posted by Raven:

    I like Lexx so will I like this?

    [b]Well Lexx and HHG are apples and oranges[/b]

    How long is each episode?

    [b]Well the entire series is about 191 minutes.[/b]

    What year was it filmed?

    [b]1981 (way back when)[/b]

    Is the acting good?

    [b]I thought so[/b]

    Do the Aliens (or whatever) look realistic?

    [b]Well of what aliens there are, yeah they aren’t to bad for 1981 and hell even now. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    Hope that helps




    all I need now is a dvd player………..


    cant wait [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

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