Re: ‘How very sad’ message from Steven

Forums Announcements/New Stuff Re: ‘How very sad’ message from Steven

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    Hi everyone,

    I just received a message from Steven (not sure of his handle) regarding a discussion concerning LEXX season 4 and Farscape.

    He complained that he had been barred from SadBOARD because he had made what he considered possible inflamatory remarks. His emal was elloquent and pretty reserved considering his feelings.

    However: THIS IS NOT THE CASE!

    Steven is not banned from the board, the discussion is not edited or deleted and both I and the moderators encourage lively debate (and even comparisons with shows)!

    Unfortunatelt there are some really annoying and fiddly problems with the BOARD that have wound up a few of our posters in the last couple of weeks or so. I am not able to fix them since I’m out of the country with VERY limited access to the net (it took me 25 minutes to load this damned page!!!). However, for the benefit of Steven and anyone else who has suffered similar problems, I’ll try and explain what went on here:

    The server that hosts the SadBOARD has (twice now) come up with a new date (!?!?!) The first time was 2010 and a few days ago it came up with 2009. It may seem funny, but it causes complete havock with the board software. UBB (SadBOARD) software has a limiter of 120 seconds to prohibit ‘flooding’ (when nutters decide to post huge numbers of messages to disrupt a discussion). But if the server time is 2009 and you post a message it’ll work fine until the server time is set back to 2002. What happens then is that the software thinks that you have posted a message within 120 second (and theoretically you will have to wait nine years before you can post again.

    Yes I know, it’s completely nutty! But the only way of sorting it out is to go back and delete the original message (sometimes the moderators copy the content of the original and make a new post).

    If you are having trouble posting messages to any of the forums, please email myself, FX or CAT and they will be able to either advise you on what can be done or, fix the problem for you.

    Please be assured Steven (and anyone else) that we rarely edit or delete messages posted by people visitng the board.


    the link to that discussion is: [url=][/url]

    Nothing is coming up when I go there, but the delete topic option is still there. That [i]should[/i] fix it.


    hi saddie; since it’s even cold here in florida, i am assuming you have gotten your wish to experience siberia at it’s …er.most siberia like…at any rate, this topic has been mentioned elsewhere so i would like to clarify again; that discussion went away, along with general lexx, immediately after i tried to delete a duplicate post with the odd date on it…i do not know how my deleting a duplicate post would have cause lexx general and that particular topic to disappear, [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] but i really was not trying to edit anyone…nor did i ban anyone…if people will simply private message me, i will go and search their names out in the registered members queue and get them reinstated…thanx and sorry for the mess, fx [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

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