andromeda does’t work

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    i have a problem with this series. first you have a ship, and its captain reappear after hundreds of years, to set about this hurculean (sorry- couldn’t resist it) task of rebuilding this ‘federation’ of hundreds of worlds. does this guy think he can perform miracles? is his dad zeus? (sorry again). then you have the crew, with at least one of them in every episode i seem to have seen looking like they’re about to stab the others in the back. they’re not really- its either part of some master plan to fool the bad guys, or they realise the error of their ways about 2 mins. from the end credits.
    acting wise, they all seem a little awkward in their roles. kevin sorbo, to me, seems especially awkward (or is that uniform too tight?). and that one with micheal shanks in really made me cringe. both he and kevin were ace in their previous roles, but here..
    i know a lot of you like the series, but it just does absolutely nothing for me. however, if someone can come up with the definitive ‘andromeda is brill’ episode, i’ll sit down and watch it, maybe even re-evaluate my opinion. but until then, i won’t be rushing to park myself in front of the tv when it comes back on.


    ACCK! You must watch Andromeda! It is a great program (erm, about every third ep)
    Trance, Rev Bem, Harper…great great great
    kev, rommie, ermmm…

    The widening Gyre was great, harper 2.0 was great….

    sci-fi actors and storielines are generally not that great..look at ST, or Lexx [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] Its the ideas that are cool and the nice bums to look at…..Andromeda has nice bums and good story ideas. (And Kevin, good in his previous role!!! That’s like saying Scot Bakula was good in Quantum leap but not in Enterprise when the reality is once a Keanu Reeves, always a Keanu Reeves, basically there for the bum)


    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] Snooklepie i don’t know what eps you have seen, have you seen season 2? the first season was ok but the second season is very good! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] a can’t miss ep is “Ouroboros”. i am really enjoying this season. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    i have absolutely no idea what eps i’ve seen, or what season we’re up to!! shows how much attention i’ve been paying…was on Sky One here (not at the mo, though) don’t know when it’ll be back..
    i can watch it, but it has never got me all some shows have ‘something’ about them, even if you can’t exactly pinpoint what it is. andromeda hasn’t had that for me (not so far, anyway)
    p.s. bums? ben browder’s. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] in leather……ahem [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    It seems like an okay show. I haven’t seen very many episodes. I try to watch it when I can remember.


    Not wanting to upset anyone on the Andromeda forum, or knowing if this would be a good idea for a separate thread… [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    now that Channel 4 is showing Andromeda in this country, i’ve had an opportunity to see at least bits of some of the early eps again. I must admit, second time around maybe the idea isn’t quite so daft as it originally appeared, possibly more in the sense that it’s different to a lot of other sci-fi shows that i can think of, and we need new ideas and new shows (well, i do- alot of my faves have finished, or are winding down!). However i find myself still unable to embrace the show because the acting is so lousy. the only character i find believable is Rev, everyone else just seems so robotic. as i have previously said, Kevin Sorbo was great as Herc, but in this show the boy-scout attitude of Dylan Hunt is made all the more nauseating by the fact it sounds like it’s coming from someone that’s been pre-programmed by a Sinclair ZX 81. Tyr, for a supposedly hard character, is likely to fall over the moment someone shouts ‘Timber!!!’.
    I guess the whole point of this is that great shows can be seriously ruined by a poor choice of actors to play the main roles. people may drag up ST:TOS into this category, but personally i wouldn’t put hammy acting in the same brackets as bad. in this case it added to the charm of the show.
    If you want a classic example (in my opinion), take the series ‘Prey’. here we had what was a good idea, which could have made for some genuinely frightening sci-fi because it could almost be possible, and very believable. what stuffed it were the people playing the main roles. i mean, they creaked. just look for the little holes- that would have meant they had wood worm.
    Adromeda will probably never work for me simply because the wrong people are in it.
    sorry. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

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