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  • #38541
    Got Hope?

    I’m Hope (waves) and I have some Fam Fiction I worked hard on. Is there any Lexx web sites who are willing to take it. I need some one to also check over it.I have a learning disability and am very bad at punchiation and Spelling (as you can read)
    If so, please get back to me.

    Hope [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]


    Well this is the place for Lexx Fan ic alright. As for looking it over… as a rule if it brushes close to any of the no-no areas you can email it to me or Flame before posting it. Just to double check.

    But for normal editing… you may have to scout around for a writing partner that you can run it past. Unfortunately I already have one.

    theBrother also suffered from it for many many years, so I have to go over all his stuff. The bummer there is he writes GAMES! Heck even when he has them right, they don’t seem to make sense to me! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

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