Once Upon a Time…. by theFrey (Sections 7-8)

Forums General Sci Fi Original Science Fiction Once Upon a Time…. by theFrey (Sections 7-8)

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    quote[quote]**** SECTION 7 ****[/quote]

    She looked at Kai in wild disbelief, lower lip trembling. “Why!” she cried.

    “I’ll tell you why you ignorant b*tch…” 790 shouted, before falling silent in response to a frown and slight headshake from Kai.

    “I told Stanley that I would not assist you further until you could properly fix my hair.”

    “But Kai, surely you didn’t MEAN that! Prince has us here as prisoners!” Xev cried as she studied his face closely.

    “But you have been well-treated, have you not? Prince asked smoothly taking a step forward to stand beside Kai. You have been fed? Kept warm and safe? Isn’t that true”

    “Well…” Stan muttered.

    “Xev? Is this true?” Kai asked.

    Throwing a mutinous look at Prince she answered in a low husky voice, “Yes, he has treated us well but we are still prisoners!”
    Xev and Stan both looked at Kai, his normally expressionless face seemed to be even more expressionless than normal.
    “Kai… are you really saying you will not help us?” Xev asked quietly.

    “No. I am not. Have you learned to how to care for hair in the Brunnen-G style yet, Xev? Kai asked her.

    “Well then what the hell ARE you saying?” Stan asked, frowning as he moved over to a where a very forlorn Xev was standing and placing a comforting arm around her shoulders.

    “Oh Kai, how can I? We have nothing here to practice with!” Xev cried.

    “It wouldn’t help if you did, you and Tweedle are both hopeless!” 790 declared from his perch on the table.

    “Kai, I know we could do better if we had the proper tools to work with. After all, I’ve never done this before in my life, and I did pretty darn good on my first try with nothing to work with but a piece of string.” Stan told the ex-assassin earnestly, nodding at the braid Xev now sported.

    “Yes, quite a smashing job,” Prince murmured.

    “Hey!” Xev growled throwing a venomous glare at prince from under her lowered brows.

    “Tweedle is useless Kai, kill Prince or we will never get out of here!” Shouted 790.

    “I will not do that, 790. That would not be right, I cannot help until you learn to help yourselves.”

    “But Kai! How can we learn without your help?!” Xev cried with a hint of tears in her voice.

    “Kai,” Stan said earnestly. “If Prince would let us have the right stuff to work with we could do this.”

    “Well, now that, I’m afraid, is not my problem,” Prince sighed in falsely sympathetic tone.

    “Not yet,” Xev retorted. “Kai, what are we supposed to do? For us to fix your hair PROPERLY, you have to tell us what is involved in fixing it!”

    Kai gave Prince a sidelong glance and then looked down at Xev and Stan. “Xev, that is something you must figure out for yourselves.”

    Xev stared at him in disbelief, and then shrugged Stan’s arm off her shoulder and stalked over to look blindly out the small window.

    Kai was not unmindful of her distress and Stan’s growing unease. “The reason I told Stan I would not longer help you …” he paused noticing the slight shaking of her shoulders and then continued in a softer voice, “Is that you seem to have developed an increasing dependence on me to solve all of your problems no matter how small. I think… it is unhealthy for all of you to be that dependant upon me.”

    A silence developed. Despairingly, Xev thought about how difficult it was to persuade Kai to change his mind once he thought he was doing the right thing. It would take time, and a valid argument neither of which she had right now. She blinked back the tears standing in her eyes, and the garden which she had been staring at came in to sharp focus, giving her an idea.
    Exhaling loudly she turned and looked at him, “Well, if you aren’t going to help us, would you at least bring me fresh flowers while I am here?”

    Kai regarded her steadily, “Why do you want flowers?”

    “It could cheer me up while I try and figure out what to do!”

    Stan looked at Xev like she was crazy. “Flowers!! Xev, are you nuts! We need your comb back! We don’t need flowers”
    Stan stepped forward holding his hands out pleadingly, “Kai, Prince has stolen Xev’s comb, at least make him give it back to her!”

    Prince cleared his throat loudly.

    After a short pause as all waited for Kai to say something, Xev cast Prince a murderous glance and said, “That would be *helping,* I’m sure.”

    She then pushed away from the window a few steps and looked at Kai pleadingly. “Please, Kai, just a few pretty flowers? That wouldn’t be helping, just cheering me up.”

    “Well, I suppose that cheering you up would be all right,” Prince said with a smile.

    Kai looked at the smiling Prince and then asked him, “How exactly did you get Xev’s comb? You said she gave it to you. Stan says you stole it. Are you a thief Prince? Kai asked in such a cold voice that it caused the smile on Prince’s face to flicker out and be replaced by a guarded expression.

    “Stole is such an ugly word. I prefer ‘creatively acquired.’ That is not exactly stealing.”

    “Yes it is!” Xev shouted.

    “I seem to remember asking you to give it to me so I could comb your hair with it…” Prince murmured.

    “But that didn’t mean for you to keep it!” She snapped.

    “Yeah!” Stan agreed. “You didn’t tell him he could keep it.”

    Kai looked at Xev intently. ”Xev did you give your comb to Prince or did he take it with out your permission?” he asked.

    Xev flushed, “I gave it to him to USE, not to KEEP! Only to comb my hair!”

    “But you didn’t say I had to give it back, either,” Prince stated, a smug smile twitching the corners of his lips once again.

    “Since when do I have to ask for my own comb back! Besides, while you were combing my hair your guards burst in and grabbed us.”

    Stan rubbed his hand across his face and clench his hair in exasperation. “Aw, geeze, Kai, you know he stole it, she didn’t intend for him to keep it! As soon as his goons attacked us, he vanished. How in the heck was she suppose to have asked for it back?”
    Tilting his head to one side with a mulish look, Stan regarded Prince for a long moment. “Besides,” he snarled moving to stand directly in front of Prince. “What does Xev’s comb have to do with you taking us prisoner?” He spun away from Prince and appealed to Kai, “He shouldn’t have done that. If he hadn’t taken us prisoner, we wouldn’t be in this fix in the first place. And we certainly wouldn’t be arguing over a stupid comb!”

    Kai looked at Stan and Xev and even the uncharacteristically quiet 790, and then turned to survey the room they were in. “Have any of you been injured Stan?” he asked quietly, turning back to face Stanley. “Are you and Xev in mortal danger at this point in time?”

    “Kai, what does that matter! Ask Prince why he even kidnapped us to begin with” Xev challenged.

    “Yeah Prince, why don’t you tell him why you took us prisoner?” Stan taunted.

    “Well it is quite simple, actually,” Prince replied. “Kai will not help you right now, so I am in a perfect position to make a deal.”

    “What kind of deal?” Xev demanded.

    “I have told Kai how much better off he would be staying here, under my rule. I believe I have given him something to think about.”

    “How dare you use us to try to manipulate my dead man of delight!” 790 screeched. “Kill him Kai, kill him now so that I can be reunited with you forever! I’m the only one who truly loves you, he only wants to control you, just like he wants to control Stanley and the key to the Lexx. In fact….” His voice took on a callous calculating tone. “Why not just take the worthless Tweedle and let the rest of us go…”

    “I’m afraid I can’t do that 790,” Prince told him in a amused voice as he stepped around Stanley and crossed to the table looking down at the enraged robot head. “I don’t want to take Stanley and let the rest of you go. I want all of you to stay here in my kingdom. I want Stanley, but I also want you and Xev and especially Kai.”

    “Why!” Xev asked harshly.

    “Having Kai at my disposal would ensure me a long reign as ruler of this land.” Prince informed her with a tranquil smile, “And the best way to keep Kai here is to keep all of *you* here as well.”

    Kai looked the stunned trio, “What Prince wants has nothing with what I told Stan.” He informed them. He then went over to Xev and looked down at her. She looked away hurt and angry refusing to meet his glance.

    “Xev, he told her gently. You three can help yourselves. You are in no danger, I do not believe Prince will harm you.” Kai looked up at Stanley’s derisive snort. He looked at Stan for a long minute and then he looked at Prince and his expression hardened. The words, “He had better not.” Seemed to hang unsaid in the air.

    I will come and see you every day, and see what you have learned.

    “I’ll be glad to let you visit them, Kai,” Prince said graciously. “And you can even bring Xev the flowers she wanted from my garden.”

    Xev mockingly muttered Prince’s last phrase under he breath, still not looking directly at Kai.

    “Kai! Don’t let Prince sway you with his evil ways! Don’t make any deals with him! He’s evil! My robot intuition screams it!!”

    Kai walked back to stand beside Prince, and picked up robot head. “790, you know I am dead. The dead cannot be swayed.”

    790 looked at Kai’s face longingly and then shot a homicidal glare at the benevolently amused Prince, before once again gazing up into the face of his beloved corpse. “But Kai,” he wailed. “I can’t live with out you!”

    Kai put him gently back on the table. “790, I am sure that you will do everything you can to help Xev and Stan so that we can all be reunited.”

    “I have to help these two morons to get to be with you again? Now *that* is *real* evil!!”

    Kai then looked at Prince. “I am finished here now. I will come back and see them in the morning,” he said in a slightly challenging tone.

    “And you will find them in excellent care, as always,” Prince said as Kai turned and walked towards the door. “In the meantime… perhaps you will consider my words to you from earlier?”

    “Forget it, Prince! Kai will not make a deal with you!” Xev told him, staring at him defiantly.

    “Not yet perhaps.” Prince admitted stepping over to her and pulling her into his arms. Prince felt Xev stiffen in outrage at his touch, but she also trembled at his nearness. “Perhaps the time will come when you all will want to stay here,” he murmured as his lips grazed her neck. Then he released her.

    Opening the door, Kai paused. Standing in the doorway, was a tall woman. Stan recognized her as the woman who had brought them breakfast this morning. She balanced a large tray on one hand, while the other hand was frozen in the air, apparently in preparation to knock on the door for permission to enter.

    Prince motioned her into the room.
    “As you can see, Kai,” Prince gestured at the steaming covered plates on the tray. “I am making certain that Xev and Stan are well fed. They also have hygiene facilities, running water, soap, clean clothes available for them to wear while their clothes are washed and quarters that are cleaned daily.” He looked seriously at Kai holding his gaze for a moment, “I am treating them very well… I do hope you keep that in mind.” With this statement complete, Prince nodded slightly and waved for Kai to proceed him out of the room.

    As soon as Kai had proceeded him through the door, he shot a mocking smile at the stunned Stan and Xev, before firmly closing and locking the door behind him.

    quote[quote]**** SECTION 8 ****[/quote]

    “Well, at least we have food,” Xev muttered as she unthinkingly grabbed a plate from their small table.

    “Stop!” The woman cried to the thoughtless Xev. But it was too late.

    “OWW!” Xev screeched as she dropped the plate. Her face scrunched up in pain as she crumbled down on to one knee cradling her inflamed hand.

    “I’ll get the master,” The woman cried, rushing to the door and calling for the hall guards to let her out.

    As she hurried off, Stan knelt beside Xev, the food and all else forgotten in light of Xev’s pain. “Xev!”

    “Oh, Stan, it hurts BAD!” She whimpered.
    Stan frantically looked around, and then grabbed a pitcher of cold water from the tray. He took Xev’s hand by the wrist and placed her hand in the pitcher. “How’s that?” He asked anxiously.

    She nodded. “Still hurts…. but not as bad. Thanks, Stan.”

    He stroked her hair. “Hey, I gotta look after you here, right?”

    She managed a small smile just as the door opened and Prince entered.

    He sighed. “Xev, how do you manage these things?”

    “Luck,” she snarled.

    “I see. Come on. I shall have to tend to you.” He held out a hand to her.

    She stared hard.

    “Or you could remain in considerable pain for a few days and have an injured hand. It’s up to you, Xev.”

    She scowled, but took his hand with her good one and let him pull her up.

    “You’re gonna bring her back, right? You’re gonna help her, right?” Stan asked anxiously.

    “Yes, Stanley, to both questions,” Prince sighed again.

    “I’ll be all right, Stan. We’re no use to Prince dead, anyway.”

    Prince’s expression became one of hurt. “Xev, why do you assume that I want to kill you? Or hurt you?”

    “Because that’s what bad people do!” She replied as they left the room and walked down the hall.

    “I’m not as bad as you think, Xev. I just have different goals than you.”

    A snort was Xev’s only response.

    They entered a parlor room, where Prince ordered the guards to stay outside while he waved Xev towards an overstuffed purple velvet duvet. She sat down reluctantly. Her hand was starting to burn again.

    “Well?” She asked. “Are you just going to let me sit here and suffer?”

    “Sorry. I was just admiring your beauty,” he said absently as he brought a large green stalk and a knife over to her, sitting in a chair beside her.

    “Right.” She stared at the plant. She had never seen it before.

    He used the knife to slice it open. A clear substance oozed out of the cut. Despite her pain and anger, she was curious. “What is that?”

    “It’s called an aloe plant. The gel you see is used on burns to take out the string and help speed the healing process.” He studied her hand. “You’re fortunate. It’s a minor burn.”

    “It doesn’t feel that way,” she answered.

    “Then allow me to ease your pain.” He applied the aloe gel to her hand, rubbing it in lightly.

    Xev’s features relaxed as the pain eased. “It’s feeling better.”

    “Good.” He rubbed in some more, and suddenly Xev was aware of the slow, almost sensual movements of his fingers. She shivered despite herself. Part of her knew she needed to jerk her hand away. Part of her didn’t want him to stop, and not just because of the burn.

    He seemed to sense it, because he stopped and gazed into her eyes.

    “Don’t,” she whispered.

    “Why not?” He asked softly.

    “I don’t want you to!” She cried.

    “Your body tells a different story,” he grinned.

    “My body is vulnerable. But my mind is strong.” She glared at him fiercely, hoping he wouldn’t press the issue, because she was afraid. Not of him, but of herself.

    To her surprise he stopped, bandaged her hand and then released it. As he led her to the door he whispered in her ear: “One day, Xev, you might not ask me to stop.”

    She looked disdainful, but he only smiled as he handed her an aloe vera leaf and escorted her back to her cell.


    Stan awoke with a feeling that something wasn’t quite right. As the wisps of sleep cleared from his mind, he felt a bit silly. Of course something wasn’t right, Lexx was gone, he was Prince’s prisoner, Xev had hurt herself and Kai was on a crusade to increase the number of beauticians in the world! Other than that everything was just fine.

    Tugging the covers up over his shoulder, he thought muzzily that while he missed the Lexx, this planet was certainly more comfortable. He unconsciously stroked the smooth sheets thinking how nice it was to use real furniture to sit on as opposed to the living protrusions of the Lexx. He tugged the soft pillow into a more comfortable position and reflected that a real bed with real sheets and pillows certainly beat a dead moth carcass and membrane scraps any day.

    He tried to work up a bit of panic, just to keep stuff in perspective, but he was so warm, relaxed and comfortable he just couldn’t do it. So we’re prisoners, he though sleepily, pulling the soft warm comforter up under his chin, big deal. It’s not like they weren’t virtually imprisoned on the Lexx. And while the food Prince provided was just as bland as the stuff Lexx fed them, at least it was hot when it should be, and cold when it should be, and occasionally chewy. Stan thought he could get use to having toast and fresh fruit again. It was certainly better than the disastrous cooking attempts that he and Xev had made during their short stay here. And that tall woman who brought it to them was certainly an interesting improvement over a food tube. He grinned a little at the memory of her smiling at him this evening when she had brought Xev up another plate of food.

    Just as sleep was threatening to overtake him again, Stan heard a stifled sob. He raised his head off the pillow and strained to hear a soft crying from Xev’s side of the room. Pushing himself up on one elbow he peered across the dark room and called out softly, “Xev, are you alright? Is your hand feeling worse?” For several long minutes he was unable to hear anything else. Just as he was about to convince himself that he had imagined the whole thing, he heard Xev take in a deep shuddering breath.

    Wrapping his comforter around him, Stan crossed over to Xev’s bed and peered down worriedly. “Xev,” he whispered, “are you okay?” Xev was facing the wall with her covers over her head. Stan placed a hand on what appeared to be her shoulder, and felt it shaking beneath the covers.

    “Ah Xev,” he said in soft worried voice, as he sat on the edge of the bed. “What’s wrong? Is it your hand?” He received no reply. For a few moments he though she was going to ignore him, but then she rolled over. As she uncovered her head, he could just make out her pale, tear stained face in the moonlight coming in through the window.

    “Oh Stan,” she sighed shakily “ I’m sorry that I woke you, I was trying to be quiet.”

    “No. No, it’s okay.” He assured her. “I was awake, you didn’t disturb me. But Xev what’s wrong? Is it your hand? Should I have the guard go get Prince?”

    “No, it still hurts a little,” she said, wiping her tears with the back of the soft cotton bandage, “but it’s not too bad. It’s nothing really,” she lied. “It’s just… well… oh Stan,” she sobbed burying her face into her pillow. “I just can’t take being abandoned any more!”

    “Xev, this is crazy, no one is going to abandon you, we all love you, you know that.”

    “First it was my parents, then 790, then Lexx, and now it’s Kai! Everyone leaves me!” she cried in a muffled voice. “I just can’t stand it anymore.”

    Unable to think of anything that to say, Stanley just sat there patting her arm comfortingly, occasionally uttering a few consoling words in rebuttal to Xev’s increasing incoherent whisperings, until finally, she had cried herself back to sleep.

    After what seemed like hours, Stanley straighten up from his crouched position with a soft groan, and then stumbled back to bed. “Gosh,“ he thought to himself, “tomorrow has just got to be a better day.”


    Xev awoke several hours later, the despair from earlier that night had faded into a quiet sadness. She turned to see Stan, still sleeping in his bed She was touched by his efforts to comfort her the night before. But only Kai could really make her feel completely better. She looked forward to his arrival.

    Since Stanley was still asleep, Xev decided to go take a quiet bath, thinking that perhaps that would make her feel better, while at the same time get her out of the room so she wouldn’t be disturbing Stanley. Who was doubtless tired after her disturbing his sleep last night.

    She crept carefully into the bath chamber, running very warm water with some soothing oils she found in one of several glass jars. As she bathed her mind focused in the problem at hand. She feverently hoped they could practice somehow on fixing her hair. She was afraid to stay in the castle, afraid of being forsaken by Kai, and afraid of her feelings towards Prince.

    After her bath, which was made a little more complicated by her not wanting to get the bandage on her hand wet, She dressed in a simple dark blue silk dress with matching slippers that had been left for her. When she came out, Stan was awake and sitting on the side of his bed.

    “Good morning Stanley,” Xev said. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting by taking too long in the bathroom?”

    A sleepy eyed Stan, shook his head ‘no’, mumbled good morning, yawned, stretched a bit and then shuffled off towards the bathroom, apparently still half asleep.

    After a few moments the wisps of sleep finished clearing from Stan’s head and he decided to take a quick bath before breakfast himself. After all he smiled to himself in the mirror while brushing his teeth, he wanted to be look good, when the tall woman arrived with breakfast.

    When Stan came out of the bath, Xev stared. He was dressed in a grey long sleeved cotton tunic, with black trousers, and without a hat. He actually looked… almost nice! “You look good in that outfit, Stan,” Xev said.

    “Yeah?” He asked, surprised.

    “Yes,” she smiled.

    “Thanks, Xev.” He grinned at her.

    At that moment, the door opened to reveal Kai and Prince.


    kick (For ordering purposes [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] )

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