Pilot Episode Serenity

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Firefly Pilot Episode Serenity

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  • #38854

    Somehow I managed to download the Pilot Serenity through a P2P Network it was called “Firefly Serenity.TheTube.avi”. Well while the show was absolutly amazing, the quality of this version was terrible bad, it was recorded from a VCR I think, even my late 80s MTV VHs tapes were in better shape. Someone knows if there is a better quality file of this Show-Pilot, and where can I get it?
    Thanks to all, I love this Show!

    Champagne Supernova

    As far as I know, there isn’t a better quality version available. But hopefully the Serenity Pilot should air in December if Firefly makes it ’til then.



    How can they air the pilot(if they do…) so late? it doesnt make sense. no one knows whats in Fox minds…

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