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Forums Announcements/New Stuff Post your comments here

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  • #64819

    Of course there isn’t much to report yet [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] But there will be soon, honest [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    This forum has been set up to answer questions about the new site and its development.

    I’m please to answer any questions you may have about the new site and the new SadBAORD.


    A suggestion given to me by one of our posters. TThey like the recent replies list on the main page, but they wish that the forum was also listed. I must say that I agree with them on that, I clicked on a new member needs help post…. and ended up in the BUFFY forum! gahhhhhhhhh! I must now go wash my keyboard and sandpaper my eyes. 😛

    Oh and while I am mentioning these things…. where is my little smiley that sticks his tonge out??? the new 😛 is not as cute as my little buddy was.

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