New Slayer Named!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Buffy the Vampire Slayer New Slayer Named!

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #38957

    The IMDb reports that a replacement has been named for Sarah Michelle Gellar, who will be leaving at the end of this season. Faith will become the new central character of the program, and Buffy will have the occasional cameo. Dunno if there’s going to be a name change, but there kind of has to be, right?


    oh yee of little faith


    Yep, Faith the Vapmire Slayer – hmmm. should be [b]Faith the Sexy kliller with the Tight Black Leather Pants[/b].

    I have to say……. that works for me 😀


    its gonna get ever darker, what with a murdering ex con as the hero

    any ideas on who of the scoobies will stick around? (willow really doesnt like faith and xander slept with her)


    just read on the news sideboard faith isnt gonna take over the show, and in one of the sifi mags it said anya is leaving for a movie career so there wont be many left for a new show

    oh well we still have angel 😥 😉

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