
Forums General Sci Fi General Sci Fi Stuff Bittorent

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  • #38983

    As quoted from your link:

    [quote]These are BitTorrent files. You need the BitTorrent client in order to download them. It is Free, open source, and not spy/adware ridden.

    For the adventurous, there’s also an experimental BitTorrent client for Win32[/quote]

    Hmm, I’m a bit nervous about downloading the BitTorrent client, and the the other files from the site. Your “I’m like an epiphany, I’ll get to you eventually” doesn’t really help to alleviate my fears. 🙄 😉 And as soon a site tries to assure me that it is not spy/adware ridden it gets me suspicious. 🙂

    For the [i]adventurous[/i]? 😯 Well, call me Mr. Unadventurous, but I’m not that adventurous! 😛 😉 Some epiphanies I would rather not experience! 😮 😉

    BTW, as usual I’m mostly kidding around, :lol:, but is anyone here familiar with BitTorrent?

    Logan the Paranoid Android


    Your caution is understandable Logan – especially if the recommendation is coming from me 😆 My understanding is that bittorrent is a relatively recent client, with most people not familiar with it. I have only discovered it myself, when asking around about wanting to download the final season of Oz. I highly recommend it for the simple reason that if you have cable, you can download an entire episode in a couple of hours. It should also be stressed that bittorent is only good for the latest episodes of something – the links become redundant once interest in a particular episode has waned. As far as I know, shows aren’t archived, although many episodes will subsequently debut on (say)kazza – which is actually where I first heard about it.

    The site that I’ve drawn your attention to was not my primary source – I used this instead. I singled out the one above because it is updated more regularly, and seems to be particularly generous with sci fi and cult shows.

    There are many other bittorent sites, equally reliant on the ‘standard’ client and catering to more specific needs (anime, movies, music, games, etc). Interestingly, whatever the location or source, bittorent seems to draw from the same pool of resources across the Net. If you have any concerns or questions, I would encourage you to visit an efnet chat room or google message board. A popular p2p information place is – visit their forums and post a question there. There is a thread dedicated to it somewhere, or someone else can fill you in better than I could. And you can always run Adaware to determine if there is any spyware, etc (I did, and it found nothing). Alternately, you can always wait until its cross over success is complete, and wait until others tell you about it. Even better – download the files on a ‘friends’ computer to road test any concerns 😉

    Disclaimer: – nor bonnee – either endorse or condone the downloading of copywrited material. 😳 This topic was posted in the spirit of free speech and /or the mere exchange of ideas. 😉


    Thanks for the extremely thoughtful and well detailed information, Bonnee. 🙂 I have AdAware, but I like your idea of testing it out on a friend’s computer first! 😉

    I notice that you first read about it on Kazza (I did a search and found lots of info on that program), I suppose that it’s basically the same as KaZaa (a hacked version of the program perhaps?) I only mention this because KaZaa is definitely spyware and adware ridden, although KaZaa Lite (a hacked version) is supposedly spy/adware free.

    Anyway, I’ll follow your advice and look into it ’cause there’s a lot of great stuff at the site you linked to.

    [quote=”bonnee”]Disclaimer: – nor bonnee – either endorse or condone the downloading of copywrited material. 😳 This topic was posted in the spirit of free speech and /or the mere exchange of ideas. :wink:[/quote]

    Well, I’m all for free speech, but I won’t publicly endorse piracy unless it’s [url=]THIS[/url] kind of piracy 😉




    I notice that you first read about it on Kazza (I did a search and found lots of info on that program), I suppose that it’s basically the same as KaZaa (a hacked version of the program perhaps?) I only mention this because KaZaa is definitely spyware and adware ridden, although KaZaa Lite (a hacked version) is supposedly spy/adware free.

    Anyway, I’ll follow your advice and look into it ’cause there’s a lot of great stuff at the site you linked to.


    Kazza and Bittorent are very different. The main differences are that on kazza you take off someone’s harddrive which has a complete file and its possible to encounter multiple copies indefinitely. With bittorerent, the transfers only occur during the download process , and files only remain active/accessible during the initial demand/exchange. In other words, whilst you download a file off someone else, someone will be uploading what you’ve partially downloaded and so on. Its only p2p insofar as the link remains ‘open’ and peers are sourcing the data at different rates via different transfers. That’s why the peer group is encouraged to keep the link active , even if they’ve finished the download. The file can only be relayed for as long as ‘leeches’ keeps passing it around like a baton in a relay race, feeding off one another’s activity. So it works more like edonkey than kazza (and yes – I use kazza lite if and when needed. You can find the latest version via zeropaid).

    btw, given your preference for film resource texts (as mentioned in the ‘bookshelf’ thread), have you got the latest version of David Thomson’s ‘The New Biographical Dictionary of Film’? This is definitely worth having if don’t already have it – its often an exciting and maddening look at filmmakers and their films, and indispensable if you’re into film . No film lovers bookshelf is complete without it. 😉


    [i]Stop wasting valuable time, read Time Out, your one stop film guide[/i] 😀

    Thanks for all the info -very clear. 😀

    BTW, sorry it’s taken me so long to respond, I have read bits and pieces of an older version of the book; maddening and sometimes irritating. [icon_wink.gif] The author seemed a little too puffed up with self-importance at times, but I guess that’s part of the fun — anyway, I’ll try to find the newset edition (an already long book just got longer!) 😉

    BTW, ever go to a video store and you can’t think of anything to rent? Ever look through the TV listings and you can’t decide which movie to watch (particualrly problematic for us plagued by the 500 channel universe). Well, here’s my suggestion: The Time Out Film Guide . The best book I’ve found for capsule reviews — with concise yet thoughtful and insightful reviews it’s a great source for cineastes everywhere . So remember, before you pay your next visit to the video store, waste money on what turns out to be a lame DVD, or look for a movie on TV, take the time out to read Time Out, you’ll be glad you did!*

    (The worst is when you start watching a movie on TV and you keep on watching just in the hopes that it must surely get better — suddenly you’ve wasted half an hour watching this crap, and you would turn it off, but that’s an admission of failure. You pray that the last half hour will not be a total waste of your life.)

    *Disclaimer: I have received no money or favours (sexual or otherwise ;)) for this endorsement


    Logan, I’m sorry that you received no money or favours (sexual or otherwise ) for the endorsement. 😳

    Thanks for the recommendation – as fate would have it, though, Time Out and Thompson’s book sit side by side on my bookshelf. The only ‘problem’ with Time Out, of course, is that its updated much more frequently than The New Biographical Dictionary of Film – requiring annual incursions.. Stiil, I completely agree with your assessment of it. Definitely a mandatory purchase. I only consult it, though, to get an indication of an informed critical viewpoint. I find myself supplementing it with to get a broader range of perspectives. Nothing wrong with watching complete crap though – often its just an informative and entertaining as the more worthwhile films. 😉


    For examples of bittorrent in action, try looking at.


    Other examples of bittorrent in action ( the largest directory – donkaz – includes movies, music, porn and games. Kindly ignore the porn ‘gateway’ 😳 ). (no files as such , but EXTENSIVE links, info, et al to torrents on the net)


    Loads of Anime torrents at

    And on the subject of Anime, I’ve just seen the last episode of kiddy Grade 🙁


    Not exactly ‘anime’ (although influenced by it) nor bittorrent (but might be) is Cartoon Network’s [b]Samurai Jack[/b]. I’m sure you know about it Cat, but in case you don’t – [b]Samurai Jack[/b] can be quite wonderful and currently a personal favorite.

    Might fill the void left by Kiddy Grade.

    To reiterate

    [b]Samurai Jack[/b]

    [b]Samurai Jack[/b]

    [b]Samurai Jack[/b]

    [b]Samurai Jack[/b]


    [quote] Until we can sort out the potential issues with the possibility of BitTorrented data being considered Infringement of Copyright, this site will be replaced by this notice.
    Updates to come! [/quote]

    That was the message posted at the most prolific site (the first I singled out), suggesting that bittorrent’s days might be numbered – or at least, will have to be driven underground.

    Hope it wasn’t because idiots like me were spreading the word in such public forums. 🙄

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