the first evil

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Buffy the Vampire Slayer the first evil

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  • #39084
    Beebop -bel

    Does anyone here think the first kinda looks like Nosferatu?!?! Shadow of the Vampire was on Foxtel the other day and I watched for the first time. I really likd the concept that he was a real vampire!

    Since Nosferatu was supposed to be the first Vampire flick(I think, the director tried to get rights to Dracula but failed) I wonder if thats what the designers on Buffy were thinking of?!!?



    BUt the original Nosferatu was sooooo bloody scary that I guess the producers of Buffy couldn’t rip it off completely 🙂

    A -DM

    I thought that the Vampire conjured up by the first looked a bit silly, it was really small and didn’t look that scary, not quite as good of a make up job as ‘The Beast’ in Angel, just didn’t really give me the impression that this was one of the primate type vamps.
    BTW it wasn’t the First, (assuming we are talking about what’s happened thus far in UK Buffy), it was controlled by the First and the First brought it back, but the First can’t take corporeal (solid) form, so this vamp wasn’t it, just a minion like the bringers.

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