Dark Angel

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    I recently saw that Dark Angel has been released on DVD and it got me thinking. How come that show never made it? It had James Cameron as the producer which is always good, a gorgeous lead actress in Jessica Alba and a good premise but the show never caught on. Not only with mainstream viewers but also with the cult scifi audience.
    I tried on several occasions to watch the show but could never get into it. Was it too slow moving? Was it too hoaky? I can’t put my finger on it and I was wondering if anyone else could figure it out.
    The show had a great pedigree but failed.

    Jessica Alba is HOT!!!!!


    dark angel was good but its general formula was this —

    (xmen+xenawarriorprincess)= good try fox network

    i liked it but you could tell it was going down the shitter once it got moved from sunday nights to friday night (which would be true of any show)

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