Harry Potter V: Order of the Phoenix (Minor Spoilers)

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    This post contains minor spoilers that have been out for months by JK Rowling. Still I will put this little disclaimer. If you dont want to know some basic plotlines, wait a week then come back and talk! =)

    Okay that should be enough =)

    This week marks the release of the new chapter in the Harry Potter saga. I personally have been waiting forever it seems.

    What we know:

    1) A Major character will die.

    This is your last chance to speculate, personally I think it might be Dumbledore, simply because his time is at an end and it’s time for a new *order* to arise, and for Harry to become the leader of the forces of good. I can also possibly see Snape dying in this one too. When we last left our slippery friend, he had just returned from presumably visiting Voldemort as a double-agent for Dumbledore. Snape has nothing to leave behind, and would be an easy character to kill.

    2) Title: Order of the Phoenix

    Yeah. But what the heck does it mean?

    Personally, I think it will be the name of their army, in honor of Dumbledores favorite bird friend: Fawkes. Also might possibly be the link between Voldemort and Potters wands.

    Also has anyone else ordered this from Amazon.com? Holy cow, did they get a TON of preorders. My copy is already in process of being prepared for shipping since last Friday. Normally I get that message a day or less before it ships.

    I can’t wait to hear other thoughts on this. And for those of you who think this series is just for kids, check it out! Starting with Book 3, the series takes a nasty turn into mature fiction. 😈


    I cant wait! I love the Potter books.

    1) Please God, don’t let it be Hermoine, Black or Ron. We know it won’t be Harry. Anyone else can die and it’ll be okay… except maybe Nev Longbottom. I love the goofy dumb blob!

    2) I recon its some sort of award. Like a medal or knighthood.

    Nope. JK is in South Africa for the opening. Im going to a book store to pick up a copy the day after it comes out. I pre-ordered.

    I love the books, and I’ll back you up there. If you’re think they’re for kids, read book three or four. They really do mature as the characters mature.

    My thoughts… I think we’re gonna find out something really cool about Snape. I also recon Lilly Potter was a death eater. Don’t ask me why, I just think she had a dark side. I also think Peter aka scabbers will end up saving Harry.

    Oh yeah, and I think a new character is going to be introduced.

    What I hope for – Black is cleared, Ron hooks up with Hermoine, Lupin returns and for lots more of the Weasly family to be in the book.


    [quote]My thoughts… I think we’re gonna find out something really cool about Snape. I also recon Lilly Potter was a death eater. Don’t ask me why, I just think she had a dark side. [/quote]

    I never bought that stuff about Harrys scar being the source of his evil I think its just the source of his extra power. The sorting hat seemed *quite* sure that Harry should’ve been Slytherin. I’ve always thought it’d make a good *alternate* series to show what would’ve happen had Harry taken Malfoys hand, and later joined Slytherin. You could almost write the series from the evil point of view, showing Harrys motives being to gain Voldemorts power instead of stopping him, with Malfoy, Crab and Goyle as his side kicks. And Hermoine, Ron, Neville et al, as his nemesis.

    Hmm I will say this. I have a feeling Snape was in love with Lily, and that’s why Snape turned from the ‘dark side’ so to speak. We know Voldemort was not supposed to kill her from the dialogue just before her death “Get out of my way silly woman, I’m not here for you”.

    Why? Voldemort kills EVERYONE in his way. My guess is Snape asked him not to kill her. And when Voldemort did, Snape was forever turned.

    You get a taste of this at the end of book 3 when Snape goes beserk and tells Harry something along the lines “Your father strutted around here and could have had any girl he wanted”.

    Just my guess though =)

    As for Neville, we just learned a great deal about his character in the fourth book (who woulda thought his parents were the biggest bad asses in the lands?) so I expect his character will grow a lot more powerful and confident in the upcoming books.

    As for Ron, I have a feeling he will be the Judas character. Every book his whining gets more and more pronounced as does his envy at Harrys success. The perfect target for the dark side.


    Your comments on Ron have made me think. If Harry gets invovled with Hermoine, it could be the ultimate turning point for Ron. 😳

    There have been lots of surprises for me in the books, the biggest in the fourth being that the ‘Mad Eye’ we read about first, was a baddie, so to speak. Black being a good guy was the biggest by far in the whole series. I think number 5 will shock us in the begining instead, and then we’ll understand more as it goes on.

    Im not sure about Neville. I think he is just doesn’t have any talent. It was cool to learn about his parents in the pensive.(sp?)

    I know from the internet that Harry will learn something about his past that will really surprise him/us . There has been a part released to the public saying this.

    If you’re up for a bit of a read, you can skim some of the comments made on http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org I’ve found the place most interesting.

    One thing that a lot of potter fans are guessing, is that the old lady (I can’t remember her name) that sometimes looked after Harry, is a witch. If she isn’t, then I think that there must be a witch or wizard that lives nearby. Why else would he be safe there? Surely any dark wizard could find him there?


    They’ve hinted why he is safe there. At the end of book 3 or 4, Dumbledore told Sirius that Harry is definitely unfindable at the Durselys, but doesent explain why?

    My guess is they used the Secret Keeper, and Dumbledore is Harrys secret keeper.

    Also at the end of book 4, yeah you’re right, Hermoine acts a lot more affectionate towards Harry than Ron. And you have to wonder why a big nosed, gangly red head kid is gonna be a better catch, than the most important person at the school.

    The real selling point is the rhetoric used. Ron gets furious every time Harry can get something or buy something that Ron can’t. Even after Harry is almost killed Ron is still sulking about how Harry gets everything. Then the final straw was at the end of Book 4 when Rons own mother turns up, not for Ron, but to act as Harrys mother during the final trial. Uh-oh. Looks like Harrys taking away EVERYTHING from Ron.

    While I don’t think Ron will be evil, he certainly is the top character to get seduced by the *dark side*.

    Oops, I didn’t mean to say that Neville will be powerful, but what I meant to say was I think he will be extremely influentual down the road. He may even be the one that takes down the LeStranges, or whoever it is that turns out to have incapacitated his parents. (I think in Book4 it’s revealed that Neville is one heck of a botanist, maybe he will poison them or something =p)

    Finally, speaking of the LeStranges, I think it’s mentioned in Book 4 or Book 3, that Snapes best friends were the LeStranges, and if they do indeed come back from Azkaban this book, Snape could go through a crucible of some sort.


    I think you’re spot on, LexxLurker.

    Neville killing the LeStranges is something I’d like to see.

    Im just holding thumbs that it won’t be Ron, Hermoine or Sirius.

    If I was a betting man, I’d put money on Dumbledore being the one thats killed. If not him, then Hagrid.

    Almost the weekend… I can’t wait. I wonder how many Potter fans are going to spend this weekend reading at home mostly. I know I will.


    Well, I’ve read it at last and though I enjoyed it, I don’t think it’s a patch on the other 4.

    It had one hell of a slow start and didn’t hot up until it got to Hogwarts. It was also missing the ‘who’s the bad guy?’ mystery that the other books had. I loved the way they left clues all the way through and I was STILL surprised when the bad guy was revealed

    *Goes off for a Scooby snack*

    I found this one, though entertaining, rather linear.
    I also kept getting that ‘written with special effects in mind’ feeling.


    Interested in your last comment. I wonder how many of us also felt that most (if not all of the books ahad that ‘written for special effects’ feeling.

    I’ve ot read any of the books but was intrigued by the wifes comments – she was well keen on the books (though found tha last one a bot tough).

    Personally I absolutely can’t wait for the next film which wifey (Newkate) thinks is the best book.


    I read and enjoyed it, but I have to admit… I have not re-read it like the other books in the series. In fact I only read it twice before sending it to theSister-in-law. I will buy the paper book of course when it comes out for future re-reads.

    If you like Alt-Potter speculation, I highly recommend the Draco series by Cassandra Claire. I enjoyed her trilogy so much I formatted the first book in the series, designed a cover for it, and sent it to a one-off print service to be printed for my library and as christmas gifts for a few close friends. Tree, Allison, theSister-in-law, theLittlestNeice and even FX loved it.

    I am going to do the second book as soon as I get a break in RL, and the third as soon as it is finished.


    [quote=”thefrey”]I read and enjoyed it, but I have to admit… I have not re-read it like the other books in the series. [/quote]

    Ditto. Plus for me not having been a fan from the beginning; I got to read the first 3 books just before the 4th was released. So basically anticipation overload has drove me to apathy knowing it will be many years before the series is completed. 😛


    [quote=”LexxLurker”]I got to read the first 3 books just before the 4th was released. So basically anticipation overload has drove me to apathy knowing it will be many years before the series is completed. :P[/quote]

    You know I had the same thing happen to me with the Nine Princes in Amber series by Zelazny. I got into the series late (like book 7) and was in such WOW! But waiting for the last three books killed me. I had a bad case of ‘Whatever’ by the time the last book arrived. Bummer yes, but after a few years when I started re-reading the series I re-discovered my WOW. 😀

    I imagine that much the same thing will happen with the Potter books.

    mandara k

    The kicker about this book, is that she kept referencing the last book and i forgot about the last book. Who attacked what and who got hurt. Umm, I forgot.

    They are getting more and more like adult books though, Ginny and Harry, Hermy and Ron.

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