So why did you come to this quiet little place of mine? And; what did you hope to find here? What is it that you miss….. Do your feet touch the ground as you walk – or are you somewhere else? I am nothing but the words you find before you – it is you who fill in the rest.
I am what I am, as my words touch your mind…… Yet I only offer the vessel for your emotions to pour. It is you that feel and love in your heart. Your private lonely heart…..
We are all alone in our own little worlds. Kidding ourselves that others are how they appear – Or how we want to see them. Love or hate – it is all within you, and I am powerless in this regard.
I can only offer a shadow of who I am…..and just who am I….. We make such a giant leap that those around us think like us; and that as such, similar acts indicate similar emotions…..or so you think.
I can love and I can hate – but you will never feel them; only that which resides within your heart; my friend. But a heart that is full – is a heart that can love – and be loved.
What binds us together is a faith. A faith that can not be proved. A faith that can not be exposed. It is the mirror of our souls that stare at each of us as we look inward, and the only one that we can truly see. It is the only true love, the essence of our sanity. I say I love you – I say I love you – I say I love you…..