Are girls evil? Here’s the proof

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  • #39278
    fluffy bunny



    yep I used to think girls were all SUCKUBUS’s too (a suckubus is an evil bitch from hell sent to suck the life out of men) but then I meet Xenia and she’s different 😀


    🙄 Something tells me that formula was originally scribbled on a napkin…

    Oh yeah, we are in the Pub arent we 😆



    That is brilliant ❗


    Finally, I can give a reason for my being single! 😈


    [quote=”Dudelove76″]yep I used to think girls were all SUCKUBUS’s too (a suckubus is an evil £&$* from hell sent to suck the life out of men) but then I meet Xenia and she’s different :D[/quote]

    Singular: SUCCUBUS

    Plural: SUCCUBI

    Just thought you had to know. 😈


    😈 Yes girls are evil,but they got the GOLD!what all men want,wars have been fought,whole societys lost,Examples Adam and Eve,Helen of Troy,(Hillery Clinton),(Monica Lowinski),need i say more.They posses the ultimate prize we strive for.We are a sex oriented society-sex sells cars,boats,everything!We want what they GOT!and they know it.(Bang-“we lose”)WE LOVE SEX=WOMEN!(starmanjohn)


    [quote=”starmanjohn”]:twisted: Yes girls are evil,but they got the GOLD!what all men want,wars have been fought,whole societys lost,Examples Adam and Eve,Helen of Troy,(Hillery Clinton),(Monica Lowinski),need i say more.They posses the ultimate prize we strive for.We are a sex oriented society-sex sells cars,boats,everything!We want what they GOT!and they know it.(Bang-“we lose”)WE LOVE SEX=WOMEN!(starmanjohn)[/quote]
    😈 😈 [serious ribbing mode]
    Ha! Adam and Eve? Did you hear that guy? “It was her, it was her! nothing to do with me!” So much for sticking up for your wife!

    Helen of Troy! Poor woman was just minding her own buisiness when some bloke comes along and carries her off and her husband and brother in law decide to lay waste much of Greece and Turkey to get her back. Couldn’t they have just sent a letter?

    Would have been a different story if the roles were reversed.

    Eve: “No, no, it wasn’t my husband’s fault, he was tempted by the devil, I’ll stand by him through thick and thin!”

    Dear Paris, you appear to have made off with my husband. Please may I have him back.
    Yours sincerely

    Dear Paris, thank you for very much for the prompt return of one husband. I fully appreciate how easy it can be to mistake a man for a sack of potatoes, I do it all the time. It makes for a tasty stew but doesn’t get the floors swept.
    Many thank you for your co-operation.


    [/serious ribbing mode] 😉


    Yep, I’m with starmanjohn on this. Soft to touch (in all the right places), exciting, funny, loving, superb way they tend to waggle their bottoms……

    So, could we not also say that evil is good?



    💡 Nursewhen,your kinda right But!,women are in possession of the ultimate prize!Guilty or not they posses the Gold!Possession is control!They own goregouse,wonderfull delisious,bodies we desire at the cost of wars,crime,money and they sell everything on earth through sex.Friends betray each other,sons lie to fathers,daughters to mothers all over sex.They say money is root of all evil but I believe that is Sex tops everything?But Sex=women is also VERY,VERY GOOD!It is they ultimate prize in this world!We love women,the best thing on planet earth!(Sometimes women are inocent,but they still got the GOLD!)SEX=GOOD+ONLY NECESSARY EVIL


    Sorry about that Starmanjohn, I’ve reread your original post and realised I lost the plot a bit there. 😕
    But hey, I do love a good rant when the opportunity presents itself. 😀

    [quote=”starmanjohn”]:idea: Nursewhen,your kinda right But!,women are in possession of the ultimate prize!Guilty or not they posses the Gold!Possession is control!They own goregouse,wonderfull delisious,bodies we desire at the cost of wars,crime,money[/quote]
    I was going to say that (*ahem*) male bodies are pretty good too you know 😳
    And I’m sure they too have generated many incidents of hair pulling, hand bagging and eye scratching. 😉

    [quote]They say money is root of all evil but I believe that is Sex tops everything?[/quote]

    I quite agree. But sex=women depends on which side of the fence you stand. For me, sex=men, so I think the conclusion we’re reaching here is that sex is the root of all evil and we should all stop right now. Yes?

    *Oh dear, I think Starmanjohn’s just fainted* 😯

    (By the way, women aren’t evil, but I am 😀 )


    :mrgreen: [b]NurseWhen,you are cool,This site is very cool,you expressed your feelings,thats cool!Opions,contreversy hey thats what its all about!Men-Women cant see things same but being cool openened minded Thats where FUN begins!SEX=MEN+WOMEN+Necessary EVIL!(girls still got the gold)The ultimate prize![/b]


    Hot Diggedy Starmanjohn! You’re so right. Here’s to necessary evils. 😉

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