Why so many visitors?

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  • #39304

    For some reason, there are LOTS of visitors to the site today. Why is this, does anyone know?

    Not that I’m complaining of course, it’s just unusual.


    You got linked at [url]www.bbspot.com[/url]


    Ahh right! Thanks

    Wadda cool site!


    Yep – never heard about it until BBSpot linked you .. nice site, Geezer..

    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
    It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
    the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.


    Welcome all!!

    Nice Dune quote there Jake =) We actually have a “Dune” section almost complete we’ll be putting up shortly.


    Ahhh … a place where my signature is recognized ..

    I’m in Heaven ..


    You’re also linked to yahoo daily wire.
    I’ve been looking for something like this for a very long time. I love it!
    love, love love it! Great site 😉
    funi O


    [quote=”ItsJustJake”]Yep – never heard about it until BBSpot linked you .. nice site, Geezer..[/quote]

    Thanks Jake, it’s a fun place to hang out 🙂

    [quote=”funionion”]You’re also linked to yahoo daily wire.
    I’ve been looking for something like this for a very long time. I love it!
    love, love love it! Great site 😉
    funi O[/quote]

    Welcome and thanks Funi! 🙂


    I saw your site on YAHOO Daily Wire. Man where have you been. This is a great site. I’ve been a fan of sci-fi for as long as I remember. It’s good to find so many like minded people in one place.


    Yep, I guess I need to work more on advertising.

    It’ll take you a while to get round everything and to checkout all the features of the site (we even have a download section where [i]you can download a couple of cult sci fi films (Kin Dza Dza (one that me and newkate subtitled) and Tripping the Rift)[/i].

    But the site is noted for it’s community. Sci Fi SadGeezers (and Lady SadGeezers) are a lot of fun to chat with and meet up with (at various cons etc. and on-line) and some of them even write interviews with the stars and episode reviews etc.

    It’s not my website, it’s theirs…… yours!

    Thanks for the nice words pardotkynes, and welcome 🙂

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