Ellen ‘giggy’ dubin to miss Dragon Con

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    Ms Dubin deeply regrets that her schedule will not permit her to attend Dragon Con as scheduled this year.

    At last sighting she was in Vancover Canada apartment hunting for and doing pre-production work for her leading role of “Jeri” in the new TV series The Collector.

    Apparently the shooting is set to start right as the convention ends and the logistics of moving, starting her new role and traveling to DC were just too much. (As they of course would be.) She very much wishes she could have attended and asks that we let everyone know that she really wishes she could be there, and feeks terrible about missing it, but she has to work.

    While we will miss her at DC, I am sure we all wish Ms. D the very best of luck on her new show. We will see ya next year!

    Information from a press release abou the show states: Set to shoot in Vancouver from September 2003 to January 2004, The Collector is a new TV Series for Space: The Imagination Station, produced by West Coast No Equal Entertainment (Executive Producers: Diane Boehme & Larry Sugar).

    About The Show: Morgan Simm once a monk in the 14th Century fell in love with a young woman who contracted the plague. Morgan would give anything to have her live, and she does, for another ten years. But his “pact with the Devil” results in him becoming a collector of souls for eternity.

    Jeri (ELLEN DUBIN), is a newspaper journalist trying to uncover Morgan Simm’s history. Her husband made a deal with the Devil when they couldn’t have kids and collects on it a minute before her son Gabe is born. Jeri knows nothing about the pact and believes that his autism came from a difficult birth. Gabe is actually connected with the Devil who supervised his birth.


    She’s still trying to find a place to stay where they’re shooting her new series, and they all have to be at the studio on the first day of the con! Real bummer…

    Ellen got a chance to reply to the messages on her message board last night, and apologized for not being able to make it. She really wanted to be there.

    She was really looking forward to DC. If anyone wants to leave her a message, go to http://www.lexxusa.com/boardellen.htm


    Frey, Lexxathon,
    I’m sorry that Ellen couldn’t be there, but at least she’ll be thinking of us while she’s working; I know that she probably was looking forward to this con & meeting all of us, but may be next yr or something. I’m very glad she’s working on her new series & look forward into seeing it; it sounds interesting.
    I think we’ll still have fun, then as soon as I get home, I’ll tell her about it & the fun we all had. I’ll see you 2 next week & have a great last of Summer.

    Lexxians Unite,

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