X Is Better Than Y – A Futuristic Children’s Book.

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  • #39494

    See Tom run. Run Tom run!
    See Flip jump. Jump Flip jump.
    See Jane shoot. Shoot Jane shoot!

    Tom says go. Go Flip go!
    Tom falls down. See Tom fall.
    Flip barks loud. See Flip bark.
    Jane shoots Flip. Flip falls down.

    We like Jane. Jane is good!
    See Jane play. Jane is happy!

    Mommy likes Jane. Grand Mother likes Jane.
    Betty and Tracy like Jane. Jane is happy!

    ————–The End—————–



    That would have fit in the movie, “Ghosts of Mars.” In that movie, the planet Mars had a matriarchal government.


    Re Flamegrape:

    The conflict is an old one (especially during the Feminist revolution) and I also recall a Star Trek episode on that theme. Let me know if it is plagiaristic and I will remove it – you have more scope here than me…..



    Nice book. Maybe a little plagaristic of Ray Bradbury in style, but certainly not in content – that guy wouldn’t know feminism if it bit him in the ass! I think Star Trek did quite a few episodes where they played with matriarchies, and they were all terrible, especially the one in the first series of the Next Generation where the planetary matriarch looks like a character from Veronica’s Closet and immediatly falls for Riker. Urrgh! I think Star Trek is in general too much of a boy’s toys show to do feminsim at all realistically, or even well (I’d always rather have well than realistic!)


    [quote=”Fatguy”]Re Flamegrape:

    The conflict is an old one (especially during the Feminist revolution) and I also recall a Star Trek episode on that theme. Let me know if it is plagiaristic and I will remove it – you have more scope here than me…..

    If there was a problem, then I would have had it removed and informed you privately via email. As I recall, this was the discreet course of action that I followed when I had to deal with this sort of thing in the past. Rules would be explained in private and the subject was saved from public embarassment. However, it is the prerogative of the transgressor to freely debate the merits of the censorship. But this is at the person’s own risk of dire public opinion.


    Ok guys and gals…..I will leave it up. It would just mortify me if I was obviously stealing another person’s work and calling it my own (even if innocently).


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