I’ve got some great may be Lexx News

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    Hi Fellow Lexxians,
    I was talking to a friend, who lives in Southern CA, the other night & he told me that there might be some Lexx guests at `[i]Gallifrey One’s 15 Minutes of Fame[/i]’; he also told me that the Gallifrey staff is currently talking about getting some Lexx guests for the con. Wouldn’t that be 8) ; as soon as I get more info & I write to the Gally staff tonight, I’ll definitely let you know whether or not this is true. If it is, I might add a link to my Lexxian/V/Gally page to raise money for a Lexx table or something. 🙂 😀
    More info will be here about it as soon as I can.

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉


    Bebop vote for the DC crew!!!

    I would always rather meet people that actually want to be met…


    I saw a video of Nigel “Prince/LaCroix” Bennett (from some random Con) and man was that guy hilarious, and quite generous to the fans as well. So I chose him =0


    I’d like to meet Patricia Zentilli and Brian Downey, but there’s no way I’ll make it to CA.


    [quote=”sgtdraino”]I’d like to meet Patricia Zentilli and Brian Downey, but there’s no way I’ll make it to CA.[/quote]

    That’s ok, there’s always Dragon*Con 2004; they’re great people to meet & talk to. You’ll like them & I hope you meet them someday.

    Hi Fellow Lexxians,
    Since many of them are in Canada & Gally has only a limited budget, I was just told that it would cost them too much for them to have any Lexx guests; he did thank me for making the request. I wrote the letter earlier this evening, not expecting to hear from them till later, but when I was on a web site, I went to my e-mail & I got a reply saying there would not be a chance of having any Lexx guests at this yr’s Gally. Ahhhhhhh, well, may be next yr; I’ll still be making my link on my Lexx/V/Gally page to raise money for a Lexx table or something & I’ll keep trying. Also, if we all write to our favourite Lexx actor &/or actress, may be they would want to go. I’ll keep you all informed & hopefully we’ll gain some more interest.

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉

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