5:03: Unleashed – SPOILERS

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Angel 5:03: Unleashed – SPOILERS

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    I can’t say that Angel episode 5.03 was my fave of the series so far, more like a bit of a damp squib. I wonder if they are trying to set the scene for the next few episodes. They still haven’t set up the story arc for this season yet and I quess this is the lull before the storm.

    However, I am pretty sure (so far) that the story arc will be something along the lines ‘power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely’ – all that stuff that Wolfram & Heart gave them will have been for a reason. Maybe they are trying to give them the goodies and corrupt them with impossible situations.

    In this episode for instance, the lab dude who, after betraying them was sacrificed (ie. bitten by the babe werewolf) to the baddies, was just not Angel. The scooby gang wouldn’t normally have let that happen. Maybe the Senior Partners think that they can entise the gang into their mirky doings by getting each of their hands dirty – or at least doing questionable deeds.

    There was a nice (but tasteful) amount of nudity in this episode which was a change and next week it seems that there will be even more [i](so they warned)[/i] although I suspect that it will be Spike’s turn to get his kit off.

    Oh yeah…. and what about the ‘[b]ship’s bike[/b]!?’ That hazen brussy Fred is being ‘dolled up’ a lot lately, who’s she gonna fall for next? – My guess is Spike. What do you think?


    Most folks’ money is on Spike and Fred getting it going on. Inasmuch as ghosties and science nerds can get it going on. Which, if history teaches us anything, means that it’s just going to end in tears.

    Joss has said prior to the premiere that this season was going to be much more “monster-of-the-week” than previous seasons, which is why the network felt that audiences fell off. If there’s a complex story arc that unfolds on a strictly week-to-week basis, it’s hard for a casual viewer to really get his/her claws into the series as a whole. If they come in after the first few episodes, they’re lost. If they miss an episode or two, they’re lost. Once the season starts, if viewers start falling off, and there’s nothing there to bring them back to balance out other viewers who miss a couple of weeks, the ratings just continue to drop instead of staying somewhat stable. Following a show every week is something that a lot of people just don’t do, unfortunately, so complex arcs work against helping out a show’s success.

    That being said, I really didn’t mind this week’s episode at all. I thought there were some nice touches in it, some decent direction and effects work (though the folks at Mutant Enemy are [b]completely incapable[/b], it seems, of devising a halfway decent werewolf design), and a number of decent lines. It was written by a couple of people whose names I didn’t recognize right off the bat, so that may explain the awkward feeling of this episode, but I really liked a number of setpieces in it. I particularly liked the emphasis on the werewolf woman’s difficulty in adjusting to her new situation. It was handled uniquely, I thought, not as a curse or something of that nature, but as a complete upheaval of her life and how she lived it. It took it out of the supernatural and brought it to a “real life” kind of level, which I thought was interesting. What I thought was funny was that they closed the episode with “La Cienega Just Smiled” by Ryan Adams. I think that Fox must have leased the rights to that song, and are trying to get as much out of it for their money as they can, because I seem to hear it all over the place on TV, particularly Fox and WB shows. It didn’t really fit the episode at all, or what was happening. But I still like that song a bunch, though.

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