Lexx Cast at MegeCon again for 2004!!!

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    The paperwork is signed for the Lexx cast to be in Orlando, Fl again next year at the MegaConvention! Dates are March 5th – 7th, 2004, at the The Orange County Convention Center. Xenia, Patty, Brian, Louise, Jeff will be there. Ellen might be, too, depending on her shooting schedule for her new TV series. The website is:


    As usual, there will be the Saturday night mixer. The party signup sheet will be posted at LexxUSA.com within a week or two, along with the rest of the info…

    See you there!


    I guess M.M. will not be there….. 🙄

    mandara k

    Have a good time!

    Once you met them, IMHO, bring a book unless you are attractive, perky, someone who wants in the business or have an angle because I found that peeps like me were passed over for our our livlier counterparts which leaves me very bored. Three words oh famous ones…. work the (freakin’) room. If I remember correctly, there was a ROOMfull of people not just sitting at your side. You see you have 2 sides thus limit yourself; but if you walk around you multiply that many times over and open yourself to many more people thus you expand your mind.

    I really think my CON days are over; too much effort very little return; I miss those others from here at Sad’s and lexx.com because ultimately these are the people you spend the most time with oh unless you’re “special” It’s easier to talk free and openly here without spending excess money for what? A picture, a handshake and then a “next” attitude. If I ever do a CON again; I will get a readilly accessible room; I will throw a party for peeps like me that get the “passover” and we will have a wonderful time without the “notice me- notice me” mentality. I really hate that, it puts us in a sort of contest mentality with these “stars’ and they shower attention on those they deem “worthy”. That’s a load of crap and might be harmful in the end to any kind of LEXX future. Well, it make sense. If there are many in body one in mind; this group will realize all of their goals but if there are many in body many in mind they will not accomplish anything of worth. Even a person at cross purposes with himself can accomplish very little.

    So, the Cliff Note version I just said; you of influential power; stop dividing your fan base with you personal feelings in a public forum; if you want to be friendly to a select few do it on you own BB your own time but don’t say one thing and do another.

    Mandara K walks muttering, ” Special relationship my ass!”


    Re Mandara K: I guess I am in the unusual position of being the one person at this (or any other) sci-fi website, that could care less about the stars….. I have contact with bigger stars than on LEXX (Prince being one) and he gets the same crappy service from me as anyone else.

    I have always said that my fellow internet friends were always more interesting than a made up, puffed up and entirely scripted “actor” or “actress”. M.M. gets so much crap thrown his way…..but he might actually be the nicest guy of the bunch. “I” could not care less, sure some of the LEXX cast (B.D. for one) sound like regular guys who love their fans, but remember…..they are regular people. I have proved to everyone on the net that I care about all “you” members and not a show or a character. He he…..for once not being a devoted sic-fi fan at a sci-fi site…..works….. 😈



    You’re not the only one. While LEXX was still airing there were many cons that peeps attended primarily to meet up with other LEXX fans. I’ve been to lots of them and they are truly fantastic! the first ever con was one in Nottingham, England and it was attended by around 20 fans with no stars but peeps came from Germany, Sweden, England etc and had a great time!!!! [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=135]See here for the write-up[/url].

    It was such fun that I spent a fortune to organise a con in Moscow of all places (mainly because a LEXXian that I fancied was in Siberia and we agreed to meet-up half way between our houses (which turned out to be Moscow). The [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=137]Moscow Heretics Ball[/url] was a complete blast (and I ended up proposing to the little siberian three days after I met her (Newkate). A few months later I was on a roll – I went to the first of the Halifax conventions, the [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=140]Halifax Un-Convention[/url] which honestly blew my mind!

    I’ve been lucky to have had the BEST fun at LEXXcons simply because I didn’t expect much except to meet the fans of the show. Even then SadGeezer.com was in the press and I remember being slightly embarrassed at telling a reporter that the main reason I had travelled so far was to meet other fans (not the stars) – [i]I read [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexxcons/hali/article.htm]the article (in the Halifax Herald)[/url] while in the company of Brian Downey![/i]

    Since then I’ve been to other (smaller) LEXXian gatherings – the most notable was my own wedding ([url=http://www.fawl.net/wedding/pictures.htm]a LEXXian wedding[/url] where I married the little siberian 🙂 in front of some of the LEXXians that I’d met at the cons only months before – some had come over from Sweden, the USA, Germany, Denmark and even London 😉

    LEXX gatherings changed my life for the better and I recently thanked Paul Donovan and Lex Gigeroff by email for giving me the opportunity to meet such wonderful people (and I a, still meeting them! The lovely FX last year and Headgehog in January!).

    However, I never expected to meet any of the cast of crew and was completely bowled over when I did. Brian Downey is a complete Diamond (as is Lex Gigeroff and Paul Donovan) I never met Xenia and only briefly met Michael M, but I much preferred to meet Cookie, Morrow, Sally, Tribs and Burnside and all the others – the fans of the show and my reason for going.

    Personally, I think that the stars are more interested in meeting the fans of LEXX because they are so cool. I didn’t go with any expectations of the stars and wasn’t disappointed. I think I would have been if I’d have expected anything of them.

    mandara k

    Yeah, I’m Grinching; must be getting close to the holiday thing, but i have time off coming around ny birthday and I’ll blow off some steam.

    I just think a change in attitude for me and a change in lattitude will set me right again.

    I would like to suggest however that in future get togethers that someone come up with ways to entertain everyone; trivia or ways to move everyone around at these things; we are an intelligent group of peeps, we can figure out ways to include everyone; even if it’s just a drinking game or something very basic. I happen to like the What’s my line theory which is saying a line and then guessing where it came from; similar to what we do here. If we would have applied some of what we do here on the BB to the party setting it would have been fine. And the Brigadoom recreation (it wasn’t even a reenactment) was fun with a sing along and goofiness. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION; there is your key!

    I’m going back to my lurk mode and so forth and so on; but I had my say and it was good to get it off my chest;

    I’ll be good now Daddy SAD I pwomise 😛


    I have to say that overall my convention experiences have been pretty good. I went to the last 2 UnCons in Halifax, MegaCon ’03 and DragonCon ’03. As SAD mentined, Brian has been a diamond. I met Ellen “Giggy” Dubin at the last UnCon and she was an absolute sweetheart as well. And of course there have been some great fans that I have met along the way too. None of this would have happened if it hadn’t been for one late night bout of insomnia about 3 1/2 years ago and a bizarre show I’d never heard of and… well, the rest is history. 😉

    So I plan to make it to MegaCon with no huge expectations except to say “hi” to the Lexx folks, get an autograph and maybe a couple of pics. Not to mention that it is about 40 degrees F warmer in Orlando than it is in Charleston, West Virginia during that time of year!!!

    See you there? 😀


    Actually, Orlando sounds tempting, but this mega con thing is inconveniently timed the week BEFORE i have a vacation.

    I thought the cast did a decent job of circulating at DC03, but is is a rather difficult social situation. but i was happy to play the fan and do some gushing. Also, the people watching at DCon was pretty much worth the price of admission.

    My only complaint is that I didn’t get nearly drunk enough.


    [quote=”lizard”]Actually, Orlando sounds tempting, but this mega con thing is inconveniently timed the week BEFORE i have a vacation.

    I thought the cast did a decent job of circulating at DC03, but is is a rather difficult social situation. but i was happy to play the fan and do some gushing. Also, the people watching at DCon was pretty much worth the price of admission.

    My only complaint is that I didn’t get nearly drunk enough.[/quote]

    I hear you, lizard,
    I also had a great time with the Lexx cast at last yr’s DC & hope to do it again this yr; I was so happy to meet them that I hope to meet more of them in the near future.
    I may go to MegaCon next yr, if everthing goes right; &, I’d like to know more about, what it’s like & so on. & I’m a wee bit jealious of my parents; they’ve been there & I haven’t but would very much be interested in going.
    Those of you who are going to MegaCon, have fun & take plenty of pictures. 🙂

    Lexxian to Lexxian,
    Jhevz 😉


    Mega Con is a No-Go. Mr. Downey states that they are severing relations with Mr. Lowe and unfortunately this occurs too late to get something else going for Mega Con. 🙁

    Mr. D did say that they might have some other stuff going on later in the year, and they will of course notify us of that.


    [quote=”thefrey”]Mega Con is a No-Go. Mr. Downey states that they are severing relations with Mr. Lowe and unfortunately this occurs too late to get something else going for Mega Con. 🙁

    Mr. D did say that they might have some other stuff going on later in the year, and they will of course notify us of that.[/quote]

    Ahhhhhhhh, Frey,
    That’s too bad, but may be they’ll be at this yr’s Dragon*Con; it’s just too bad that Mr Lowe did them `dirty’ & couldn’t get along with them.
    & I’m sure that Mr. D will make it up to us; I’m just glad that I met the man. 🙂

    Your Friend,
    Jhevz 😉


    I know that Lloyd Lowe “dropped the ball” so to speak, but why? Did Mr. Lowe just lose interest? Or maybe he has other things going on in his life where he couldn’t dedicate the necessary time and effort. Or was he just being a plain old jerk?


    Well I am not sure that anyone beside Mr. Downey has talked to him lately.

    It has been a few months since last I spoke with him and at that time he was cleaning out his basement which was flooded by some winter storms. Which was a bit of a bummer for him, since he was still recovering from the health problems that threw the monkey wrench into the DC arrangements.

    As Valdron pointed out on the Sci-fi board, this is not Mr. Lowe’s main gig. He has a full time job, and does this as a hobby of sorts. A very expensive hobby, since before the first person enters a con, the pictures must be paid for, the plane tickets bought, the cabs paid for, and the hotel rooms rented…..

    Possibly the only people that can answer your question are Mr. Downey and Mr. Lowe. Have balls been dropped causing last minute problems for the cast and fans? Oh yeah. Why have they been dropped? Who knows? It could be a number of reasons, health, finances, family problems, real life difficulties or just not taking care of business. I suspect that the reason may be a combination of several reasons.

    What is known, is how stressful this is for the cast, the fans, and the convention staff. So this is indeed a major bummer.

    Hopefully the cast will be able to find another convention manager. And hopefully jkd112 will find something to hang with in Orlando. 😀


    [quote=”thefrey”] And hopefully jkd112 will find something to hang with in Orlando. :D[/quote]

    Diana Knight in her Vampirella costume would do nicely. 😈

    (sorry!) 🙄


    Hi Fellow Lexxians,
    Well, there’s always Dragon*Con & next yr’s MegaCon; & hey you never know, he might be at the Las Vegas convention again this yr.
    I have a name for Mr Lowe, but thank God I work at the Thrift Store, because, then I would’ve really said what I think of him; but let’s keep it clean. The weirdo; the cast just wants to spend time with their fans & get to know them; that’s not a crime.

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉

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