What do you want for Christmas?

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    When you’re asked what you love most about Christmas, do you ever answer completely honestly and say the gifts?
    Coz I find myself always saying spending time with family, doing all the togetherness stuff, when the truth is, I love the presents!

    So – my challenge is, what do you REALLY want for Christmas?

    I want a trip to LA to spend time with my best friend who is there on exchange for the next six months.
    She went to Universal Studios the other day and was on the set of Buffy… I’m sooo envious! The closest I get to anything like that is my new 2004 Spike Calendar.


    ummm…a winning lottery ticket? the little toerags that broke into my car last thursday dressed up and stuffed like the seasonal turkey? 👿
    i couldn’t really say what i’d want. our family is close at any time of year, and as far as pressies go those thieving gits spit-roasted would brighten up the remainder of 2003 no end…
    as you can probably tell, i’m still sulking 😡 sorry to ruin the party 🙁


    We haven’t opened our prezzies yet. Really there are no gifts I want, expect, or have asked for. The things I really want I already have. I’m just thankful to have a wonderful family to share the day with. And this is a special Christmas, since it’s my daughter’s first one. I’m most excited about her gifts — I can always use a few more pacifiers to calm me down when I’m discussing cult sci-fi and start to get a little over-excited (the diapers should also come in handy on those occasions). 😉

    Merry Christmas, seasons greetings, happy holidays to all! 😀


    I want to be financially secure…..but if not that…..then I want the Government Of Canada to approve my articles of incorporation for two proposals I have in the works. I am tired of always having some little guy in a government job, lord it over me and tell me I can’t do something because he says so….. They get such a petty thrill screwing around people just trying to do some good in the world…..then approve some B.S. proposal because the boss says so….. 👿 Well…..you asked…..

    Maurice Merry Christmas


    And you had some expectation of finding that under your tree?

    Dear Santa,

    Please change the laws and governance of Canada so that * I * can do exactly what * I * want, exactly when * I * want it.

    And you didn’t get it?? Hummm, you must not have been on the good list this year then. 🙂


    [quote=”thefrey”]And you had some expectation of finding that under your tree?

    Dear Santa,

    Please change the laws and governance of Canada so that * I * can do exactly what * I * want, exactly when * I * want it.

    And you didn’t get it?? Hummm, you must not have been on the good list this year then. :)[/quote]

    Ok, it can’t fit under the tree…..but neither can the pat answer: “World Peace.”

    Alright…..perhaps I may be a bit too harsh on the government employees – they never said “no” – just the usual Canadian reply: “we need more information”; which is secret code for: “you need to hire a lawyer.” 😡 But…..if I could wake up and find two approved envelopes under the tree…..Well: “God Bless Us Everyone!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀



    I wanted the same thing I want every year : Eva Habernmann in the sack.



    Hi Fellow Sci-Fi Fans,
    I got basically what I wanted this yr, but I wouldn’t have minded having Michael McManus under my tree; since he’s also Canadian, there would’ve been 2 Canadians I admire in my household, which I wouldn’t have minded having around, my daddy & Michael.
    I hope you all had a nice Christmas & got whatever it is you wanted.

    Happy Boxing Day,
    Jhevz 😉

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