Heard anything about Michael McManus lately?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Heard anything about Michael McManus lately?

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    Does he have his own website yet? I can’t find it, if he does. 🙁

    Does he prefer acting at a certain theatre in Canada? Does it have a website? 😕

    Has he said phewy on all his fans and moved off to Germany with his girlfriend? 👿 Me? Jealous? Who, me?

    ha ha ha

    Just wondering where he was and what he was up to. I guess I’m still the Kai Slobberer. You know, from alt.tv.lexx.


    No, he does not have his own website.

    No certain theatre that anyone has heard of, but he was briefly mentioned in a play in Canada last year. Unfortunately, before the show opened, he was no longer listed as a cast member.

    Last I heard, several weeks ago, he was still in Toronto.

    So there is still hope springing eternal that he might be in some future Canadian production. 🙂


    Hi BowCatz, Frey & Fellow Lexxians,
    He may just be hanging around, waiting for the right play to perform; after all, he still has us fans by his side. 🙂
    Yes, I know Frey, HDS, I have a crush on the guy; who doesn’t (female wise).?. 🙂 Anyway, he’s the perfect tall, dark & handsome & yes, Canadian. me biased…as biased as they come; why, my daddy’s from Toronto, Canada & Lake Simpcoe. 🙂 & our Michael happens to be Canadian & I’m very fond of them. 🙂

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉

    mandara k

    I think he’s playing it smart; I mean really; how can anyone concentrate on a new role if the audience that came to see you wanted you as Kai and moaned over the shape of your lips. Not that an actor can’t use that to an advantage but from a guy who wanted out after Season 3; I would stay out of the limelight too and do small work small theatre; little pay; and preferably non-English speaking.

    Wishing and hoping can only do so much, ya know; may be he prefers to be Joe Q. Public to acting; may be he does radio under a pseudo; who knows?

    May be he wants recognition beyond being a sci-fi slab of meat. If you leave him be; he’ll re-emerge if he really has the acting fire down below; he’ll be somewhere plying the trade; if you let him be.


    Well lots of actors do voice overs, so that is definately a possibility.

    And, hopefully, no one would go to a play being done by an actor and scream “Spock!!!” 🙂 Or, whatever ;D


    [quote=”thefrey”]Well lots of actors do voice overs, so that is definately a possibility.

    And, hopefully, no one would go to a play being done by an actor and scream “Spock!!!” 🙂 Or, whatever ;D[/quote]

    True, Frey, true,
    A lot of them do voice overs & audio produced plays & such; plus, he has the voice to do that kind of thing.

    Your Friend,
    Jhevz 😉


    I guess I just miss him, that’s all. He has such style.

    In “Wake The Dead”, he didn’t need the yellow eyes. He had such an evil persona. 😈 That rolling around on the floor quoting the kid who programmed him. Freaky scary maniacal dude definitely.

    He could build a website so easy and free at Angelfire or Geocities.

    I hope he doesn’t go weird and join some cult and forget us fans. Unless he’s the cult leader. 8)

    The Cult of MM. 😆
    Now accepting memberships.
    Family memberships available.
    Virgins slain every full moon. (opt out available. See MM for details.)


    [quote=”BowCatz”]I guess I just miss him, that’s all. He has such style.

    In “Wake The Dead”, he didn’t need the yellow eyes. He had such an evil persona. 😈 That rolling around on the floor quoting the kid who programmed him. Freaky scary maniacal dude definitely.

    He could build a website so easy and free at Angelfire or Geocities.

    I hope he doesn’t go weird and join some cult and forget us fans. Unless he’s the cult leader. 8)

    The Cult of MM. 😆
    Now accepting memberships.
    Family memberships available.
    Virgins slain every full moon. (opt out available. See MM for details.)[/quote]

    Of what I heard about him from others who have met him, he’s very quiet, soft spoken & is more into Shakespere than into Sci-Fi; he may not even want to be type-cast in a certain role & not be able to get into other roles, that he may want to do.

    I hope he also does a web site & may be his fans may be able to get even more closer to him & find out what he’s currently doing; also, it’ll give us fans a chance to get to know the man a little more. I’d sign up & take a long look at his site. 😀

    Lexxian to Lexxian,
    Jhevz 😉


    Maybe if the “fans” were less interested in his personal life and more interested in his professional life…..then maybe you would know what he was doing in the “real world”. Do you really want to know what he is like in private….. 😈


    [quote=”Fatguy”]Do you really want to know what he is like in private….. :twisted:[/quote]

    Yes – there seems to be so many conflicting opinions about the guy even from people who have met him then it may be enlightening to know what he is like in private . The danger of this is finding out he is some rowdy party guy an aging jobbing actor who has never read a book but a whiz at computer games ( some actors do admit to only having read Shakespeare because they had got a part in one of the plays) desparately looking for the chance to do a voice over for some cheesy chocolate ad to keep himself stocked in beer and cigs and the next party . The fanatsies of many may be shattered but at least we would know.


    😆 Well said. 😀


    I agree, Frey.

    Well said, Scaletrix,
    You took the words right out of my mouth.

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉


    Coming from a family of actors, I would prefer a website dedicated to his art. A few personal items would be okay, but don’t destroy the mystique of my roomy imagination.

    A couple of photos of him around the house, holding a cat, or washing his car would be okay. Nothing too personal. Actors are of a different mindset than most people we meet. Their imaginations run very deep and their visualization skills can be quite literal. Words are thier bread and butter.

    But, it would be nice if he would create a simple website. $7.95 a month wouldn’t kill him and he can have it hosted, too. If he has a favorite charity, then Pay Pal could handle that as well.



    Actors are of a different mindset than most people we meet. Their imaginations run very deep and their visualization skills can be quite literal. Words are thier bread and butter.

    But, it would be nice if he would create a simple website. $7.95 a month wouldn’t kill him and he can have it hosted, too. If he has a favorite charity, then Pay Pal could handle that as well.[/quote]

    Surely the people with the deep imaginations are the writers yes actors interpret what is written but with the help if the director who has the overall vision of what they want the play,film, TV Sci-Fi show to look like .

    With regard to Michael McManus the mystery is (to me) how someone who has been mythologised to be so into has’art’ that he apparently hasn’t performed his ‘art’ since his stint on Lexx .He out of all the cast has been portrayed as the ‘commited serious actor ‘yet the rest have moved on to do other things and don’t mind advertising the fact (bums on seats = money in pocket) . So what has he been doing ? Even big film stars find it difficult to return after stepping out of the limelight for a couple of years and he isn’t . I’m sure most actors would have wanted to take advantage of the fan status to get workand it can’t be said that actors won’t do anything to work they too have to pay their bills – an out of work actor is not an actor anymore but one of the unemployed or clerical worker or a ………(please insert chosen possible new occupation for Michael)

    In a way I quite like the idea that he has rebelled and disappeared from sight but some of the stuff that has been written about him since especially about his lifestyle is frankly absurd so the truth would be nice .

    As for the website – no chance


    I agree about the people with the deep imagination being the directors and the writers, but I would add the set designers to that mix. I was always in love with the visuals of Lexx. That is what originally attracted me to the show. My first Lexx visual was S3 Battle. Whooooo. Then original movies hooked me in with their gritty far future difference, and my favorite visual was Stan and the kid pinned to the wall like butterflys in S4. It took some twisted deep thought to come up with that stuff. 🙂 And we liked it 😀

    Mr. Kaines (preist) once pointed out that there is a difference in the way people in different countries approach acting. And the following is all my words trying to explain what he conveyed to me. 🙂

    In some countries it is regarded as more of a job and a craft. The people that go into it, regard it and the attendant duties as just that, a job that they enjoy, that must be worked at. While other countries have people who look at it as more of an artistic calling thing. Which is good, because you get the truly off the wall brilliance that artists can bring to their work. But the down side of that is that those people are perhaps not the stablest over the long haul. There are exceptions of course, who can marry the brilliance to the stability of the long slog, but they are not the norm.

    And finally I wonder how hard would it be to go from a job working with your friends, who will often defer to your artistic wishes (as friends do) in a job you know spot on, in a enviroment that lets you exert some control over the other crafts affecting you…. To that of a theater or a show, where such behavior would be regarded unfavorably by the director and others, who expect actors to act and not waste time or interfere with the other crafts.

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