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    Ooooh aaahh, Peeps who talked to Xenia Seeburg in Sydney have stirred up new movie rumors!

    There in the Xenia-Syney thread over at I refuse to be sceptical! Hope they work it out. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.


    Thanks for the info, lizard,
    I’ll read the article later on tonight & let you know what I think; I may do that either Sunday or Monday morning, since we’re going out to a Mother’s Day lunch, Monday noon time.

    Lexxian to Lexxian,
    Jhevz 😉


    Here’s the pertinent part of Flipper’s post on his meeting Xenia Seeberg at the Sydney Con (reproduced with his permission…)

    [quote=”Flipper”][[b]Flipper[/b]:] I’ve heard rumors about a Lexx movie can you tell me something about that?

    [[b]Xenia Seeberg[/b]:] I can do more than that I CAN TELL YOU THAT IT SHOULD HAPPEN.
    Atlantis Alliance this very minute are buying the rights from Salter Street and they are working on the figures and it is very close.

    [[b]Flipper[/b]:] It was at this point I asked what would be the most wanted question from (I would guess)

    Will Michael be in it?

    [[b]Xenia S.[/b]:] Just before coming to Australia we all caught up and had a group meeting which included Michael and he said he was very interested in reprising his role. Atlantis Alliance is juggling the fact that it maybe a movie or could be another series.[/quote]

    [i]names in brackets added in by me[/i]


    theFrey checks the sky for flying donkeys…. 🙂

    It would be wonderful of course if it happen.


    In between her car accidents and pitching her Cancer/HIV-stopping nuclear recepters, I’m stunned she found the time to have a little get together with MM. I’m even more stunned that this major information comes not from any press release, or production company, or anyone capable of actually creating a movie, but from an actress speaking to a fan, at a convention… I half expected her to ask him if he wanted to invest in it.

    Though for a second assuming she moves on to the *tangible* parts and they could get the rights, millions of dollars, a production company, a lot, a distrubuter, writers, directors, and producers, I wonder, is it really the best thing?

    LEXX ended very well, very complete. And to be honest, for me, it’s not the actors that created and formed it, it’s the Beans. When we take a vote around here, Xenia usually isn’t even the most popular Xev/Zev. I won’t even touch MM! That man is irreplacable. So put the knives down ladies 😀

    I’m just not sure a continuation of the LEXX series is something warranted, or should even be talked about unless it’s coming from a Bean or AA directly. I like Xenia, she’s very pretty but other than playing a role, she has nothing to do with LEXX, and this is the umpteenth time she’s tried to get fans riled up about LEXX expansions. This dates back to like 2 weeks after the series ended when she went on German TV and said there would be a movie.

    The beans made it pretty clear with their 4th season that they were running low and almost done. Up until Season 4, the beans wrote [b]every single episode[/b]. And I don’t think there’s a single person who can argue the series got better in the 4th season when they began to outsource the writing. So personally for me, I think it’s time to let the LEXX RIP, unless Donovan, Giggeroff, and Hirschfield come together and start something anew the actors should move on instead of getting everyone in a frenzy about a Comic Book, Movie, or continuation every 6 months.

    I know it’s not a popular opinion folks, but give it some real thought. You deserve better.


    I’m also very skeptical about the lack of “official” confirmation, but I’m torn about whether or not it would be a good idea.

    On one hand, I also think LEXX ended well and as it should. On the other hand, I miss it and there have been TONS of ideas and concepts tossed around since the series ended. Maybe someone has or will be able to come up with something we’ve all overlooked.

    Regardless, LexxLurker is correct. No matter what happens, LEXX’s legacy and it’s fans deserve better than a half-baked plan.


    Like the Frey, I too have been checking the heavens above for a squadron of flying donkeys migrating towards Halifax with a hogtied Michael McManus in tow. 😆 Lovely person that Ms.Seeberg is, I cannot just take her word for it. I’ve been around long enough to have seen this type of rumor come to naught many times in the past.

    *puts away her knife and pats LexxLurker on the head 😀 * I agree, the Divine Mr. McM is irreplacable. Anyone else playing Kai, or a movie without Kai would be a tremendous disappointment to me.

    Quite frankly, unless Paul Donovan himself slides down my chimney on Christmas Eve and places a movie contract signed by the aforementioned Divinely Pouty One ( in triplicate ) under my Christmas tree, then I have to assume MM is finished with LEXX. In which case, Kai is finished, happily frolicking in the Dream Zone, never to be seen again anywhere but in my fevered nocturnal imaginings, and in reruns/DVD’s. 😥

    As painful as this may be for some to hear, it bears repeating:

    [b]LexxLurker wrote:[/b]

    [quote]LEXX ended very well, very complete.[/quote]

    The fat lady, or phat assassin as the case may be, has already sung Vaiyo A-O. It was a good way to die. Most of Season 4 was cringe-inducing. The Beans and company were right to end it where they did, IMHO. To tack on a movie would feel contrived and would diminish the poignant ending they gave LEXX.

    LexxLurker and aquabloodstone are right. We do deserve better than some half-hearted rehash. It’s not to say that it’s impossible for the Beans to come up with a wonderful LEXX movie script that includes Kai without using some assenine plot device like Kai being found in the shower after Stanley wakes up from a dream. It’s also not impossible that I could win the lottery and forward my winnings to MM’s bank account with the proviso that he appear in a LEXX movie. But I don’t see all these things coming together.

    Not that I’m a Time Prophet or anything. I would be thrilled to bits to be completely and utterly wrong. 😀


    theFrey stops scanning the heavens and puts down her binoculars.

    While I think this is as possible as donkeys flying… I was still inspired to repost the location of the Lexx Season 5 Continues link. I think it is up to us to make sure there is a story line worthy of the Pouty one (and the others) just in case Atlantis Alliance needs a tax dodge sometime in the future and the Beans aren’t interested in continuing. Rather than let some hack screen writer churn out a Lexx meets Marvel Comics, we loyal fans must be ready to step into the breach!


    I am particularly interested in knowing will Prince gets his comeuppance? Will Tina turn to the Dark side or just to the moody one? And will 790 let her live to tell the tale? And will Bunny and priest live happily ever after in a ship full of Bimbo’s?


    Hi Fellow Lexxians,
    Wow, to have all 4 of them back will be a great idea; & I’m glad that Michael’s interested in returing as Kai. so 8) , but we’ll all have to wait & see what Atlantis Alliance says; I’ve got a positive attitude about this. After all, `Dr Who & V’ are both returning to tv; who knows, this may very well happen to Lexx.
    I’m too interested in how Xenia got in touch with Michael; that would also be cool. & besides of which, she may also be talking to the other cast members about this too; after all, they did the show together.

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉


    Ok, I see the point that this is just a rumor, but it is a rumor that comes directly from someone involved. I am glad that Xenia Seeburg is optomistic about doing something else with a Lexx theme.

    It’s true, that the ending of the show, esp the part where kai finally dies for real (I guess for real the second time in the series) Is an amazing ending and I thought that it was really fitting. I liked the way it echoed the scene in IWHS and really brought things full circle.

    On the other hand (the third hand!) There are a lot of undeveloped stuff where this could go. For me, it would be important that things in any movie would be very different and new, as opposed to just literally rehashing things from the show.

    A radical example: Last time we saw Kai, before getting imploded, he was alive– something really different for his character. Why not keep him that way for a while?? Would Xev still like him if he’s a vunerable, ordinary guy??

    Maybe the quantum effects created by the faulty particle accelerator sucked him into one of the other 10 dimensions of space at the same moment that the thing exploded— I like the idea of them finding him somewhere, his character could be very different. Getting out of the dead-dead end could really change the show. Xev could be more clusterlizardy and kind of be the superhuman one for a while! Since Xenia S. seems most interested, maybe more of her character could be explored.

    Anyway, if they get an interesting plot and lots of money for FX there are lots of things they could do that would feel fresh and not streched to the limit like S4 was. I think the only thing wrong with S4 is that there was too much of it! S3 had a very focused, consistent feel that I missed in S4.


    I’ve edited for brevity…

    I’m sceptical… XS has made several, unsubstantiated that I know of, claims that there was a movie or a TV sequel in the works since the show ended. May be trying to keep the dream alive in fans, fans did play a big part in getting S4 made. And possibly by promoting interest in the show’s revival, it’s a good marketing strategy… Both for the actor, and the actor’s products.

    I’m vaguely reminded of Richard Hatch from Galcactica, not Survivor, here. Though he certainly made more effort to stir up interest.

    I do hope she finds success in other North American projects… Whatever, I wish her luck.

    Who knows?


    Like Logan I wish XS the best of luck in her endeavours, but I recall her telling the German press last year that she would be working on a Lexx film in early 2004…


    [quote=”Logan”]Here’s the pertinent part of Flipper’s post on his meeting Xenia Seeberg at the Sydney Con (reproduced with his permission…)

    [[b]Xenia Seeberg[/b]:] I can do more than that I CAN TELL YOU THAT IT SHOULD HAPPEN.
    [b]Atlantis Alliance this very minute are buying the rights from Salter Street and they are working on the figures and it is very close.[/b] [/quote]


    She seems confused. Alliance-Atlantis bought Salter Street outright years ago, including Lexx. They even closed down Salter Street a few months ago.


    [quote=”stormsweeper”][quote=”Flipper”][[b]Xenia Seeberg[/b]:] I can do more than that I CAN TELL YOU THAT IT SHOULD HAPPEN.
    [b]Atlantis Alliance this very minute are buying the rights from Salter Street and they are working on the figures and it is very close.[/b] [/quote]

    She seems confused. Alliance-Atlantis bought Salter Street outright years ago, including Lexx. They even closed down Salter Street a few months ago.[/quote]

    Yes indeed, a major blunder which pretty much destroys any credibility. Perhaps Flipper misquoted her? If not, and she was confused, what could she have meant to say? — she sounds so definitive… “At this very minute…” Erm, aside from the fact that she before that she said “it [i]should[/i] happen” which is a very ambiguous statement.

    Perhaps she meant that the ex Salter Street Beans are in negotiations with AA execs… Or…


    Xenia has been talking about the imminent movie deal in the works ever since the show ended. I’m not going to believe it until some non-interested party (even some site like SyFy Portal) feels the rumor is credible enough to put out a tiny blurb on it.


    😯 flying donkeys? whatever, i suspect if mcmanus gets hungry enough, and the script were interesting enough, we will see a movie with kai ….as far as the beans go, we know that although ‘dead is never really dead’ in Lexx (verbatim from lex gigeroff) why are we all assuming that the movie would take up from where s4 ended? how about more backstory (and while donkeys are flying, mcmanus could get a facelift 8) )…i , for one, would like to see more of the early days with how the insects fought the brunnen g, and more mantrid , and more….oh hell, guess i’ll grab frey’s binoculars and start scanning the horizon 😈


    [quote=”FX”]…. how about more backstory (and while donkeys are flying, mcmanus could get a facelift 8) )…i , for one, would like to see more of the early days with how the insects [/quote]

    ooooh, I hope not about the face lift!!! (I think he looks younger than 40 anyway). Unless he goes to a surgeon that makes it look like he didn’t have anything done he might end up looking like the post facelift Harrison Ford, and even Al Pacino looks way too done. Meanwhile actors like Sean Connery and even Mel Gibson who seem to have aged (naturally?) actually look better.

    But I like your idea of going back in time.
    No, instead of trying to make him look 28, it would be better to cast a look alike 20 year old as young Kai, and then have Michael McManus play his own father or something. Whatever can manage to do (if they manage!) I hope there is enough money for lots of special effects and artificial planets or realities. I liked the “fake” arty look of the show in s2 and s3 the best.


    There’s not a whole lot of pre-dead Kai story to explore, I think, since he was supposed to be in his twenties when he went and splattered on HDS’s windscreen.


    You go far enough back he could just play an ancestor of his…. make some refrence about the names in his family skiping every other generation or something and how his son will be named Kai just as his father was…. and then he can go about his merry way being some new character.


    Sheesh stormsweeper don’t be such a wet blanket!! One can never have too many insect wars and civilizations in science fiction. Recently I have been very disappointed with the total lack of personality shown by the insects in movies like “storm troopers”.

    what of Stan and Zev?? How do they get back in time?? Maybe the little lexx takes a wrong turn in space and ends up 10,000 years in the past.


    Sorry. 🙂 I was just thinking “Kai: The Whiny Teen Years” wouldn’t be all that interesting. I suppose they could make a movie just of the events told about in “Brigadoom,” though.


    [quote=”stormsweeper”]Sorry. 🙂 I was just thinking “Kai: The Whiny Teen Years” wouldn’t be all that interesting. I suppose they could make a movie just of the events told about in “Brigadoom,” though.[/quote]

    Oh! and who said Teen Angst wasn’t fun to watch. 😀 Watching MMM Twack playing dad to his own bratty self would be a scream and well worth the price of admission. 😆

    Stan and Zev going back in time would be interesting…. except their arrival at that exact time that whiney brat Kai was alive would be a bit of a coincidence yes? Not that is might not work since Xev would finally get some, teen hormones being what they are…. and while they were there they could get the treatment to live forever… helpful if they want to spend the next millennia trying to right evil until whiney brat Kai emerges as grumpy assassin Kai.

    Unfortunately this would violate the most sacrad tenet of Lexx, there shall be NO time travel!!!! So sayth the Beans…. long may they live supreme!!!


    Ok, now we have come up with “Buffy the insect slayer” 🙄 It is actually starting to sound less like lexx and more like a show UPN would make.

    And what is this about no time travel??!! Thats what the Vulcan science directorate always says on Enterprise. I would hate to think that the “beans” have taken on the characteristics of the Vulcan high command. Besides, Xenia would own everything and then she could do what she wants!!

    Hee Hee Hee, wouldn’t it be funny if she wrote the show so that kai, now alive and trapped in another dimesion, pines for Xev but she ignores him, while she gets the key back from stanley and forces him to chase around the universe after Prince—

    I think it’s a good thing that I never considered becoming a TV writer. But really, the teenage insect slayer thing could work!


    And what is this about no time travel??!! Thats what the Vulcan science directorate always says on Enterprise. I would hate to think that the “beans” have taken on the characteristics of the Vulcan high command. Besides, Xenia would own everything and then she could do what she wants!! [/quote]

    It’s rule #7:

    [quote]1. There shall be no rubber-faced aliens.
    2. All creatures possess a sense of humour.
    3. There is no Prime Directive.
    4. There are no life-forms more intelligent than humans, unless and until such a life-form does the requisite script writing.
    5. All planets worth landing all have human (or reasonably close) life-forms.
    6. All humans (or reasonable facsimilies) speak the same language.
    [b]7. Humans must physically travel to other locations. There shall be no time travel because it has been done before, and done before, and done before, and done before…[/b]
    8. Technology will rarely work as advertised.
    9. No one shall ever defeat an enemy because they are good shots and the enemy are bad shots.
    10. Stanley Tweedle shall never lose his hat.[/quote]

    Several of them (including 7) are a direct dig against Star Trek.


    I think that some miniseries could be quite lovely. One episode for Kai, one for Stanley, one for Zev/Xev…
    Kai episode could offer a closer look at his “job” as a divine assasin – letting us watch his “metamorphosis” from a regular corpse into a chemical machine (could be interesting prologue) and then – I dunno. Maybe a horror about a group of heretics being hunted down and killed by the divine assasin Kai. A slasher. Something like Wake the dead, but longer, darker, more horror, less comedy…
    And Stan episode – well. Here we got a bunch of possibilities… Maybe it could be about Stanley joining the heretics and going on some crazy quest and… Succeeding by some accident. Or something like that.
    Zev could be pretty difficult – spending most of her life in a box. But there must be a lot of things about wife bank that we don’t know and if Beans were writing this, they would surely make up a good story.
    790 is a problem. But an experimental movie about the original “owner” of 790’s body and that piece of brain in 790’s head and their cruel fates ending with the birth of robot operator 790 may be interesting.

    But that will never happen. Just dreaming…:-]


    If there were series 5 (and I am sort of relieved and at the same time sort of upset about the fact that it won’t most probably happen), a carnivorous plant (yes, THAT kind of plant) could get onboard again and this time take a look into Xev’s head. And Xev, of course, would be dreaming about Kai.
    Just imagine it – Michael McManus in some fancy sexy outfit saying “I’m hungry…” That may be really funny.
    It’s fun to imagine it… Although I am not sure I would like to see it on screen.


    I think an effective S5 would have to be a complete break with the original Lexx. Cesare’s idea of looking at the heretics would be a good place to start, with a largely new cast (maybe cameos or a small recurring role for Stan the Man) and story line.


    I cannot imagine effective S5…
    If they decided to simply continue on, without Kai, I would miss the guy. If Kai miraculously survived, I would feel cheated.
    It would have to be a spinoff, or some kind of prequel (in that case it would have to be short – either movie, or miniseries).
    Just as iStan has written.

    Let’s face it – one of the good things about Lexx is that it ended in time and that it ended so well.
    But making up our own versions of non-existent S5 is great fun…:-)

    But I’d love to see a Lexx movie. It wouldn’t have to start at the point where the series ended. (It shouldn’t, actually.)


    Cesare, I think you have some intriguing thoughts. A miniseries based on the current Lexx character’s past histories is a great idea. As you said, conceiving the ideas is a lot easier than executing them, but it’s still fun to think about.

    For the Xev one, I think she could somehow escape her box and fall in love, only to be recaptured by the Wife Bank and have her memory erased. 😥

    I have often wondered how Stanley came to be with the Heretics. Possibly, knowing Stan’s luck, it was a comedy of errors that brought him into the fold. Or perhaps he joined to impress a woman. There are those who may say Stanley couldn’t be motivated to such a thing by a woman, but I disagree. Stanley Tweedle is just full of surprises.

    One of the best Kai fan fics I ever read dealt with his tenure as an Assassin. I think you could definitely come up with a story where Kai regains his faculties temporarily and nearly fufills the prophesy before he meets Stan and Zev.

    Let’s see, 790’s back story… Maybe he was actually a female impersonator in his pre-robot head days, which would explain his confusion. O.K. I’m reaching, but you get the point.

    It even just struck me that a back story to Prince could make for a great story. In Heaven and Hell, he tells Kai that he doesn’t really know much about himself, and there are some moments in S4 that seem to bear that out. He doesn’t seem to know where he comes from, or if he has always existed. What if he was once human? What if he came to be as a result of a bad decision on his part? It would be a bit like writing mythology. It might be fun. 😀

    Although I do think a continuation of Lexx is highly unlikely, and probably unwarranted, I still enjoy imagining the possibilities, too. 😀


    That idea about Zev escaping and falling in love is great! I am sure, that she would be caught due to the betrayal of the man she would fall in love with.

    [quote]I think you could definitely come up with a story where Kai regains his faculties temporarily and nearly fufills the prophesy before he meets Stan and Zev.
    That could be interesting. But I’d like to see a story from the victim’s point of view. Yep, we’ve seen this in Wake the dead (and Brizon and I worship his Shadow), but nevertheless…
    And I think, that if Kai just once proved to be a real threat, His Shadow would get rid of him.
    But His Shadow was an arrogant bastard, so, who knows…:-)

    The Prince story could be very interesting as well…


    [quote=”iStan”]I think an effective S5 would have to be a complete break with the original Lexx. Cesare’s idea of looking at the heretics would be a good place to start, with a largely new cast (maybe cameos or a small recurring role for Stan the Man) and story line.[/quote]

    There was a time when I wondered if I could become attached to an all new cast set in the pre-Lexx days, but then I read a fantastic fan fiction centered around Thodin’s grandfather called Protoblood Brothers. It’s posted on if anyone is interested.

    I was amazed at how quickly I came to like the characters in this story. There was a little cameo by Kai and Vlad in it, but really, the story stands on its own without any support from the current Lexx characters. With a good cast and interesting characters, a pre-Lexx series could work.

    In my time in Lexx fandom, I have read ( and written ) a large quantity of fan fiction. I have stumbled across some incredibly well-written stories. Not the kind of silly stuff I toss out there, but well-thought out concepts that are in keeping with the Lexx spirit. A continuation of Lexx needn’t be in the form of a movie or a season 5. I would love to be able to read Lexx novels. With books, the possibilities are endless.

    [i][[b]Edit:[/b][/i] I just read your post, Cesare. I love the idea of Xev being betrayed by the man she falls in love with. Having been in a box, she doesn’t always make good decisions where it comes to men. It shows a vulnerability to Z/Xev that makes her very ” real “.

    I also like the idea of telling the story from Kai’s victim’s POV. Do you remember how Kai describes tracking Ring Torben into the center of a planet? It might be cool to tell that story. Who was Ring Torben and why was he so important that he had the resources to nearly evade Kai?

    Oooh, this is fun. 😀


    Well I don’t know about that Strudel… I understand there is already a fic out where Kai finds his hidding place by interogating Torben’s Daughter. If I am not mistaken the story would have to start after that or complete forgo anything but an X rating. 😆


    Yeah, I’ve read that one. 😯 Is there a rating higher than X? 😆 No, that one wouldn’t translate well on to the big screen. 😆

    I was thinking more along the lines of telling it without the randy daughter. Maybe even having someone escape, perhaps one of Thodin’s band, with information that leads up to the current story. Maybe Stanley gets this information from the dying rebel and that’s how he becomes a designated data courier.

    It’s hard to say what time period the Ring Torben story comes from, though. Lexx timelines make my brain throb.


    Well perhaps we should say, it would not translate to the big screen at any of the local movie-plexes * we * go to. 😯 Possibly, there are a few movie screens in certain industrial areas of town that would play it and do quite well. 😀


    Lexx s4 ended the why it should have, the way I would have ended it anyway. A continuation of the series (in any form) would be gimmicky to me.

    Don’t like any of the “travel back in time” ideas, when the story ended splendidly. there is a reason for prequels and back stories, which is where, if in fact something is in the works,it should be.

    What I do like is the idea of a series revolving around Kai in the conflict eras of the Brunen G. Its been mentioned in this thread that there isn’t much story revolving a pre Lexx Kai? Trust me, with the right story angle, and a brilliant mind attached to said script, a series or movie revolving an anti hero type assasin would be fantastic, and original. How many series or movies revolve around a(then) badguy? would love to see this.


    Michael McManus mentioned somewhere, that a spinoff about Brunnen G and their voyage to a new home in the light universe could be a good idea. Or as he put it, if there would be a new series taking place in Lexx universe(s), then it should be a spinoff and that such spinoff… (See the lines above.)

    He’s right. Brunnen G and their history may be background for some marvellous stories. Even without Kai.

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