Lexx: RPG Rules Discussion

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  • #40177

    Due to a suggestion from Logan, I decided to post this whole thing here so all of you other lexxians don’t have to forum jump to see whats going on. If you want to have a serious discussion regarding these rules so far, or other aspects of the RPG I would appreciate if you would come over to the Design Forums here

    Aside from that, please feel free to critique the rules thus far as you wish. I tried to give some Lexx examples where I could. I really think that these rules make for a very open and friendly style story telling campaign set in the lexx universes. Bare in mind this is the 1st draft of the rules as well. Thanks!

    [size=18]Character Creation:[/size]
    Each player has 3 Character Points, these are used to create the characters attributes.
    Attributes are used to build a physical being of your character for game purposes. They let you, the GM and the other players know, how strong, smart, cute etc… you are. Lexx has Five such attributes, which are as follows:

    Eplanation Layout
    [b]Attribute [/b]
    [color=red]Description [/color]

    [b]Sex Appeal:[/b]
    [color=red]How sexy are you? The higher the number the hotter you are. [/color]
    [color=yellow](For instance, Zev before the Love Slave treatment would have been a -1 Sex Appeal, where as after the treatment she would have been a +3.)[/color]

    [color=red]How sexual are you? Again the higher the number the “hornier” you are. [/color]
    [color=yellow](Let us use Zev as an example again. Before the Love Slave treatment she would have had a very low Libido score, however after the treatment she would have had a very high score.)[/color]

    [color=red]How cool are you? Do you have style? Can you influence people just by being near them? [/color]
    [color=yellow](Obviously His Shadow had some serious style, just look at all the people who followed him.)[/color]

    [color=red]A measure of your physical strength. [/color]
    [color=yellow](790 would have no strength score, he has no body!)[/color][b]

    [color=red]A measure of your intellectual prowess and memory. [/color]
    [color=yellow](790 would have a high Brains score)[/color]

    [color=red]A measure of how agile or clumsy your character is. [/color]
    [color=yellow](790 would have little balance.)[/color]

    Each of these Attributes begins with a score of 0, players they use their Character Points to purchase higher scores for their attributes on a one to one ratio. Meaning that each character point spent in an attribute raises that attribute one point.

    You may also steal from an attribute to raise another. Meaning you take a point from one attribute to give it to another. Attributes can never be lower than -1.

    [quote]For example: Joe Gamer wants to create a character who is sexy, dumb, has ok style and a decent libido. He then proceeds to spend his Character Points. He spends two points in Sex Appeal and one point in libido. 2+1 = 3 Character Points. Now he has to shuffle to finish his character. Joe Gamer then takes one Point away from brains, bringing it from 0 to -1 and then adds that point into Style. So Joes Character looks like this:

    [b]Sex Appeal: 2 | Libido: 1 | Style: 1 | Brawn: 0 | Brains -1 | Balance: 0[/b]
    He can still shuffle a bit more, taking a point from Brawn or Balance or Both even to add 1 or 2 points to another attribute. So if he wanted to be super stylish he could take a point from both balance and brawn and add 2 to Style for example.


    You can still up your attributes even after you have exhausted the character points and the shuffle exchange. You do this by using your Proto Points. See the explanation on attributes and Proto Points in the Proto Points section of the manual.

    [b]Traits/Skills: [/b]Things your character can do…
    Traits or skills are things your character knows how to do that is not part of their physical make up. For instance piloting a moth would be considered a skill or a trait. In most roleplaying games you are required to select these things at the time of character creation. Well in Lexx we don’t require you to do anything of the sort. Instead we want you to make you character as you play! You will not pick anything like Traits or skills until you are playing at which time you will use Proto Points to buy your skill rating.

    In Lexx we rate skills on the following scale, using descriptions to convey how good or bad you are at the given task. Everyone defaults at Fair, or a zero rating. However when the time comes to set your skill you can opt to be considered a Poor ranking which would give you an extra story point.

    Descriptor Modifier Cost
    Poor -1 -1
    Fair 0 0
    Mediocre +1 2
    Good +2 4
    Great +3 6
    Super +4 8

    [b]Proto Points[/b]
    Every player begins the game with 20 Proto Points, Proto points are used throughout the game to purchase things like skill/trait rankings, Attributes increases, gifts, etc…

    [b]Gaining Skills/Traits:[/b] Every time the players come into a situation that they require a skill to over come the situation they are given the choice to purchase their characters skill/trait level for that given skill. Players can opt to not purchase the skill, leaving it as a Fair, which is the default rating. Or they can purchase a better rating by spending their proto-points equal to the cost of the descriptor they wish. Finally players may select to downgrade their skill/trait to Poor, in which case they will add a Proto-Point to their current total.

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