Old Lexx fan…

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Old Lexx fan…

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    Old Lexx fan from years and years ago, Just watching the end of Season 4 on DVD. While Season 4 was patchy I still hold fond memories of Lexx and it was some of the best Sci-Fi (?) on TV and knocked most californian/american TV Sci-Fi for six.

    Is there any news on Lexx or anything?
    Whats going on with the guys on there?
    They got jobs yet?

    I take it there is nothing on a possible Lexx offshoot?
    Such a shame….

    PS Join my on XBox Live if anyone is out there, my GAMERTAG is XRayLexx.

    Long live Lexx….

    (ps anyone remember me on the sadboard years ago as JumpingJedi? I also had the XRayLexx Flash site, which was pretty cool)


    Heh, I’m the exact opposite of you. I was just a little kid when the movies were on TV, but I just watched the series this summer. I luv it!

    As far as the people on it go, you’ve probably read that Ellen Dubin’s in Napoleon Dynamite, and Michael McManus was in a German film. I don’t know much either.


    Yes we remember you. Fx was mourning your absence a few months ago.


    Well Ms. Seeberg just finished working on a movie and as curious if there are any good sci-fi con’s in Germany. Apparently she would like to go to one, so if anyone know about any do chime in.

    Mr. Downey has been working on the production side of things lately.

    Mr. McManus has did a short in Germany about a year ago.

    Ms. Dubin is in a new canadaian TV series called the Collector which is not shown here in the states.

    Mr. Kanies has been working a lot in Germany.

    Ms. Zentilli was in a play in Toronto called Urine Town which ran from May to October. Oh and her movie Touch and Go was released this year.

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