Vanity Fair, the Supreme Court and Election Skull duggary

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    I heard about the big dust up this morning on the Radio. Any one got a Vanity Fair who read the whole story?

    Apparently writer David Margolick offered an expose of how the Supreme Court actually decided Bush V Gore.

    You know what is the funniest thing???? Most of the info that I have found is from people (republicans) who are not stroking (or indeed questioning) questionable actions by the Supreme Court. But they are freaking major big time because a bunch of clerks broke their confidentiality agreements to bring to light partisan actions by the supposedly neutral court.

    If anyone has read it, I would be interested to hear what all was said.



    I haven’t read the article, I’d be interested to see it. But to me it’s always the same attitude.

    To give a lighter example:

    Jon Stewart has become a pariah, because he apparantly didn’t ask Kerry tough questions.

    Well where was the same criticism 4 years ago, when he had McCain and both Dole’s on his show?

    He didn’t ask them any real questions either. But god forbid you afford a Democrat the same courtesy on a Comedy show.

    As for the Supreme Court, all I know is that ultimately they chose our President. Something that I expected would be fixed in the last 4 years, but why bother when the majority has been appointed by Republican Presidents?

    Our Supreme Court is NOT elected, it is APPOINTED. And thus should never have any sway over who our political leaders are going to be. Otherwise we might as well be using Ancient Romes system of government.

    Oh and because there’s only a week left, anytime I respond to a political thread I’m going to include this… 😛

    [size=24][b]VOTE KERRY![/b][/size]


    Jon Stewart has become a pariah, because he apparantly didn’t ask Kerry tough questions.

    [size=24][b]VOTE KERRY![/b][/size][/quote]

    I can’t undertand how he’s catching hell for that. He never claimed to be a journalist. A fake journalist yes, but he certanly has no obligation to ask tough questions. He’s a late show talk show host, and his lead in “puppets making crank calls”, WTF did they expect?!


    Yup. Makes about as much sense as holding SNL Weekend Update accountable.

    Bring Chevy Chase and Jimmy Fallon to justice!

    [size=24]VOTE KERRY![/size]


    Ask and ye shall receive 😉

    Here’s a link to the Vanity Fair article through the

    [url=]SCOTUS BLOG[/url]

    A legal link yet! ( leads to a pdf file of the article)

    No, I don’t read the Scotus Blog 🙄 , but ran across this through another site that was talking about the article. Just got it today, so haven’t read it yet — though from others’ comments I expect it to be fascinating.

    Lots of stuff coming out of the woodwork this week!!



    [size=24]Yeah![/size] Thank you so much, you blogger sleuth you! 🙂

    I copied these links to my hard drive lest the powers that be cause them to be removed. Muhahahaha…….



    God is this some scary reading or what!

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