Lexx Screensavers on Ebay???

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Lexx Screensavers on Ebay???

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  • #40236

    I was up on ebay this morning and ran across this site. I could swear that I have seen some of these pictures made by the fans as background or screensave pics. Am I crazy or what?


    [url]http://i14.ebayimg.com/02/i/02/9b/70/aa_1.JPG[/url] is the one I could swear was a background.


    [quote]http://i14.ebayimg.com/02/i/02/9b/70/aa_1.JPG is the one I could swear was a background.[/quote]

    I recognise that one from Holosapien’s site, though I don’t know who created it. One of them is a background I think was on T’Avri’s site, but that site’s gone so I can’t be sure. Some of the others were on the Spacecast website.

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