Tidal waves and flash floods across Asia

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  • #40313

    What a terrible thing to happen. I’ve been watching the news in disbelief. The death toll is huge. How absolutely awful.


    I was reading all the stories on the guardian, and cnn.com, it’s a terrible, terrible thing…the first hand accounts are just filled with shock and awe and the amount of people dead and missing…it’s an enormous tragedy.


    Several agencies are taking online donations via credit/debit card.

    Unicef.org has one set up for their disaster relief fund. I heard this morning the children will suffer the lack of clean water faster than adults.

    I wish I could do more.


    An immense tragedy… UNICEF is a wonderful organisation. I chose OXFAM. Here’s an article at their UK site: [url=http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_we_do/emergencies/country/asiaquake/update291204.htm]What We Do[/url].

    A couple other good organisations:
    The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – http://www.ifrc.org/
    Doctors Without Borders http://www.msf.org/

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