I had fanfic for Galactica…but the forum died
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- This topic has 14 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 12 months ago by
mandara k.
10th March 2005 at 8:15 am #40412
mandara k
ParticipantIt was on another BB and “poof” it was gone. Oh well, bad stories will do that! 😉
I’ll be putting my new bend on the universe here. I’m starting with Reminscing, the bio of a Colonial survivor soon.
11th March 2005 at 3:13 am #74287theFrey
Participantcool, you going to post it here also?
15th March 2005 at 10:47 pm #74314mandara k
ParticipantAgain, i switched off that story to one that has more drive. I have no title for it so, it’s very rough and very looong. Yeesh, if i only could write well. 😥
16th March 2005 at 5:14 pm #74320Anonymous
InactivePost the rough version, love to read it! You can always edit it later.
Oh, and welcome back to the board! 🙂
16th March 2005 at 9:56 pm #74323mandara k
ParticipantOM LOK!
to those just joining us that’s trans.
Oh my lords of Kobol,
LOGIE! ” MWHAAA!” air kiss, air kiss(better than Gene Simmons)
How they swinging, boyfriend?
The prodigal finally returns to the roost. 😈
How’s the lovely Mrs. Logie and the little punkin?
And where’s the recent pics?
19th March 2005 at 4:20 pm #74334Anonymous
InactiveWe’re doing pretty well, thanks. The recent pics of the babe are on the wife’s laptop, will FTP them at some time, but here’s a pre-Christmas one:
Hope things are going all right with you.
20th March 2005 at 3:31 am #74339mandara k
ParticipantLogan, she’s absolutely gorgeous, and getting so big! I remem
ber when she was so little! Time, they grow so quickly!So cute!
It’s time to put this story in, ’cause i got another one on it’s heels and i should try to finish one before starting another. Looks like a long night, better put the kettle on for tea.
20th March 2005 at 4:08 am #74340mandara k
ParticipantOkay, here we go. i can’t promise it’s straight sci -fi ’cause it’s more fantasy but I’m gonna let it rip.
The tone startled Lee awake. He groaned as he shifted in the metal chair and massaged the back of his aching neck. Stealing a glance at his prone father, he began stretching his cramped muscles.
“You’re still here?” barked a gruff voice.
Lee nodded at the figure in a white lab coat, and asked,
“Why isn’t he waking up?”
Dr. Cottle flipped through the chart and then placed it back on the hook. He then lit another stick and inhaled.
” I don’t know, we weaned him off the happy juice yesterday. If there was a fever, I’d say they missed something in surgery, but the wounds were in his abdomen, not his head. We’ll give him a little longer to see if the narcan wears off.”
Cottle’s eyes narrowed, “How long since you slept Lee?”
“A couple of days, I suppose.”
“You need rest, you’re not going to do him any good if you are lying the bunk next to him.”
” I tried Doc, but i can’t seem to find a comfortable spot.”
“Humph…” Cottle muttered. He then reached in his lab coat pocket and tossed a vial at Lee.
Catching it easily he read the label.
“What’s this?”
“My sandman special, seems to be really popular of late.”
“I’ll bet, but Doc i can’t take these. What if he wakes up or we have another attack.”
Dr. Cottle stubbed out the butt on the floor and picked up the chart again. He read aloud as he wrote.
“Lee Adama is NOT allowed to see his father for 24 hrs.’
“You can’t do that!” Lee exclaimed.
Cottle lifted an eybrow, and said, ” for 48 hours, as he wrote. He then looked at Lee, “want to try for more, may be a week?”
“All right, all right, Doc. You win.”
“Take two and don’t call me in the morning, okay?”
Lee agreed and moved toward Adama.
“See ya later, old man.”
20th March 2005 at 4:29 am #74341mandara k
ParticipantShe was waking up, the grand old lady, and the everyday sounds of morning echoed through her metal halls. The calls of his shipmates, their laughter, as they made their way from their racks to the heads or the mess or to their stations was so familiar to him that it was hard to recall any other home before the Galactica.
Lee made his way toward his barracks, returning salute after salute. This somehow jarred him, this simple act, for now the eyes under the gesture were full of worry, and concern, pity, and fear and he had nothing to offer them in return. It had been determined earlier to keep Adama’s condition on a need to know basis because of the continual Cylon threat. The best he could do was to offer a slight smile, or an occasional squeeze of a shoulder of his fellow Galacticans.
At least he had been spared Kara’s reaction to all of this. She would have probably went to the brig and beat Boomer to a pulp after the shock of realizing her friend pulled the trigger. Always, the voice of reason, he thought wrily to himself, always the one with the cooler head, I’m always the one who has to be calm and collected, the CAG. There are times i wish…. I wish….
Lee stopped in front of the hatch to his rack. He knew that sleep would allude him there. Turning on his heel he headed in the other direction.
20th March 2005 at 4:50 am #74342mandara k
ParticipantHe entered the bay that never seemed to be silent and was saluted by the night crew of the deck.
“Sir, may i help you?” asked a very weary specialist.
“No, I just wanted to stretch my legs.”
“Oh.’ The crewman hesitated and then blurted out, “We are all sorry to hear about what happened to Commander Adama, we hope he is doing better.”
Lee smirked, and gave him the shoulder squeeze that is becoming common place during this time. He then walked toward a viper whose innards seem to be all over the place.
“How are the new fittings coming?”
“Slow sir, without the Chief and Starbuck it’s hard to know what should go where.”
“I’ll bet. Do the best you can.”
“Yes, sir, we will.”
Lee then spied a viper towards the back of the bay, partially hidden in shadows.
“What’s that vipe doing back there?”
“Oh, her?” She’s in too bad a shape to fly. we’ve been harvesting her for spare parts.”
Lee moved toward the viper and the specialist followed.
‘Do you have any water?” Lee asked.
“Sure, I’ll get you some.” As the crewman went to fetch a glass, Lee ran his hand over the wing of the abandoned ship and turnig his head to the side tried to make out the faded letters of her call sign. H E R…. it read but that was all that was left.
“Here you go sir.”
“Thank you specialist, I think I’m going to spend some time thinking here with the old girl, do you mind?”
“Not at all sir.” And with a salute the man was gone.
Lee removed the cap on the vial and tossed down two caplets and took a lage swig of the water. He then climbed onto the wing, and pushed the glass aside and crawled in the pilot seat. The dials were familiar, the claustorphobic feel, yet it felt like a cradle somehow, a warm spot to curl up in.
20th March 2005 at 5:39 am #74343mandara k
Participant” Lee!”
Once more Lee was started from sleep, but this time he woke to dusty dials, and a worn navigation column, but as he lifted his eyes there was no bay with scurrying orange figures but a sky of bright blue. Confused, he shook his head from side to side. Looking around he noticed the limb of a great tree was shading him in the viper and the twitter and call of birds assailed his ears.
From the limb a giggle ensued that was quickly shushed.
More giggles and some whispers.
“Who’s there?”
A child’s voice then spoke, “Hullo, Lee!”
A tow-headed child’s face then emerged from the leafy branch.
“We were wondering when you were coming back to see us.
But you are much older now, isn’t he Thena?”Another child’s head emerged from their spying place and look at Lee with a smile.
“Yup, that’s him, she’s been waiting, you know, for a while. Ready to speak of ‘grown-up things’ Thena rolled her eyes.
“Who’s been waiting?”
“She has, silly! Pol better take you to her. I want to practice with my bow.”
“All right, I’ll take him, but Thena don’t shoot anything, I’m always having to fix up what you injure. Promise me to shoot at any animals or follow them, you know you’re gone for days when you do that. Maman will be furious!”
” All right, I’ll wait for you. Go on now, she’s waiting.”
A very handsome boy emerged at the trunk of the great tree and walked over to the viper. With a smile he held out his hand. Lee reached to grasp his hand as he climbed out of the cockpit. Still holding Lee’s hand, the child tugged it forward and slightly to the right. “She’s this way.”
“You really don’t remember, do you? Well, you must remember something, you were flying her colors.”
Puzzled even more, Lee could only managed an “Oh,” as the pair walked on. Pol began swinging their hands back and forth and Lee smiled slightly at that. Something was oddly familiar about this boy and this place, but he could not recall to mind ever being here or knowing this boy.
“Do they still call you Apollo?”
“Yeah, that’s my call sign. How did you know that?”
Well, silly, I’m the one who thought of that, you know after the secret doublehandshake written in blood brotherhood initiation
ceremony. Remember how Zak got squeamish after we cut his hand?”“Zac? You know Zac? How?”
“He came with you, he just appeared when you did. We haven;t seen him for a long time. It’s funny he didn’t arrive with you. May be it’s ’cause you are all grown-up. She told us that everything could be different when you came back. I’m glad you kept the name though.”
Lee smiled at the engaging little boy and then noticed they had entered a clearing full of line after line of billowing white sheets floating in the warm breeze.
“She says it been too dry, she’s got her clouds on the line. C’mon!”
The child let go of Lee’s hand and ran forward.
“He’s here! He’s here!”
Lee moved in the direction the boy ran and as he moved closer he heard a a quiet conversation behind one of the billowing squares. Stopping in front of one he could see two sets of feet. one set small and brown, the other tanned but graceful. next to them lie a huge basket with more white sheets intermingled with grey and black.
“Tell Thena not to go far, she is nigh impossible to find when she hunts. And be back before too long. You have your evening ride to take care of.”
” I know Maman, we’ll be back way before then.”
“See that you are, these rain clouds can’t cover every place.”
The boy raced out from under the sheet and with a quick hug of lee’s legs and a smile, ran off to find his sister.
Lee cleared his throat.
20th March 2005 at 6:13 am #74344mandara k
ParticipantA musical voice chuckled behind the white field.
” Oh Lee, such ceremony, I’ve known you longer than anyone.”
“You don’t remember, I know. Just call me Maman then, that’s what this brood does.” The warm breeze began lifting the sheet higher and Lee could see now a length of thighs covered in folds of linen and then two chubby legs cradled in slender arms.
“Come, Let us talk.”
Lee ducked under the billowing mast neatly pegged to a thick line. He started when he saw the figure of a tall, statuesque woman holding a child with a deformed leg. Lee also noted scarring on the child’s features and the eyes of anger and hate. Shuddering, Lee shifted his gaze to the placid features of the woman. She was older, yet graceful, her greying hair pulled back softly, and her eyes, though sporting crow’s feet, were lively and very kind.
The child began fidgeting and reaching for Lee, but the lady re-adjusted the tot on her hip and softly but firmly tucked his little arms in hers. “Not Now,” she whispered, and brushed her lips against his peeling brow. With one more whimper as he watched Lee, the deformed boy settled against her chest and sighed.
“I must apologize for Marsy, he can be so impetuous at times, can’t you Marsy- love.” With that said she planted a kiss on a mass of dark curly hair.
“Ma’am, I mean Maman, I’m sorry I don’t know where are I am or who you are. Is this a dream?”
The lady smiled sweetly at him. “of course it is, dear, but you have visited us many times in the past especially when you were a child.
Now look at you, a fine youg man. Turn around and let me look at you.”Lee sheepishly obliged and after make the revolution, noticed her smiled deepened.
“Your father must be very pleased.”
20th March 2005 at 8:34 pm #74348Anonymous
InactiveIt’s a very interesting story; I’m intrigued. Nicely written.
I’ve only seen a few of the reimagined BSG eps, so I’m not that familiar with the backhistory of the characters. Is Maman your own invention?
[size=9]Just a side-note: I’ve been wanting to write a BSG story called Battlestar Galactica: Tales From A Parallel Universe where Moore’s Galactica [i]slides[/i] into a dimension where the crew meet their alter egos from the original BSG, and fight the Cylons together — lasers vs. nukes (a Sliders kinda idea).[/size]
21st March 2005 at 12:05 am #74349theFrey
Participantagreeded Logan. 😀 very Nice Mandara. How long did this take? Me, my stuff takes for-freaking-ever.
21st March 2005 at 2:08 am #74351mandara k
ParticipantWell, This isn’t done yet, i have a few pages to finish it up.
This one took an afternoon when I was hot to write it down. Like i said, I have another one hot on it’s heels but I have restricted myself to one at a time.
Thank goodness I’m among friends 😉 Like I said, pulitzer prize i am not, but I appreciate your support.
Here goes, may be i can finish this tonight and get down the other on paper. I’m revising this one as I type from the rough one on paper.
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