New Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book!

Forums British Sci Fi Series Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy New Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book!

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  • #40465

    I found this information and I thought I should share it with everyone.

    An in-depth look at the zaniest and quirkiest space odyssey around, The Anthology at the End of the Universe covers all aspects of the Hitchhiker’s empire, including the original Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, the subsequent British film and the immensely popular BBC hit of the same name. The Anthology at the End of the Universe is not a guide, but rather includes some of the best and brightest in science fiction today examining every theme, character and quirk of Hitchhiker’s with enough wit and innovation to satisfy even the most ardent Hitchhiker’s fan or critic.

    The Anthology at the End of the Universe finally answers all of your Hitchhiker’s questions, and quite a few you probably never even thought of.

    What is the real meaning of the towel? Why is being sane such a galactic disadvantage? What does Douglas Adams have in common with Margaret Thatcher? Why can’t you program your VCR and how did Adams predict this? What do Ford and Arthur have in common with Laurel & Hardy?

    • Lawrence Watt-Evans, who finally gives a satisfactory explanation of Vogon poetry, and along the way provides a history of the truly inept in art
    • Cory Doctorow on how the Guide really exists, how it works and where to find it
    • Don DeBrandt, who manages to not only prove that God exists in Adams’ universe, but to identify who He is, explain what His plans are and reveal once and for all why He seems to be obsessed with fish
    • Jacqueline Carey on Hitchhiker’s, British humor and “getting it”
    • Stephen Baxter on how Adams borrowed the classic tropes of science fiction and returned them twisted, inverted and mangled … so we can never quite view them the same way again
    • Mike Byrne, who demonstrates Adams’ almost uncanny foresight into the future of computer design (and mis-design)
    • Adam Roberts, who tells the funniest joke ever told, provides the key to analyzing humor and explains how 42 really is the right answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything
    The Anthology at the End of the Universe: Leading Science Fiction Authors on Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
     Editor: Glenn Yeffeth
     ISBN: 1-932100-56-3
     Pub. Month: April 2005
     Retail: $14.95 (US)/$20.95 (CAN)
     Publisher: BenBella Books
     Cover: Trade Paperback

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