
Forums General Sci Fi Sci Fi Angst Firefly/Serenity

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  • #40514

    Am I the only one that think Joss Whedon is a HACK.. And his stupid Firefly deserved to get canceled..

    And the upcoming SERENITY movie is Horse POOP!?

    Just askin…


    Ho! you seem to have a pretty strong opinion on the prematurly terminated show. 😯 🙂

    While I would accept that it is not Scifi’s finest hour, it was not THAT bad 😉


    Yep, Whedon has had his cool moments – I can’ wait for Serenity


    [quote=”SadGeezer”]Yep, Whedon has had his cool moments – I can’ wait for Serenity[/quote]

    I agree.. When he won an Oscar for Toy Story. One of 18 writers on that movie.

    Since then.. Sci-Fi fans have had to throw up to Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E..

    If you’re 9 years old and Buffy and Angel is just like YOUR life.. And you and your friends think and talk like that. Well.. That is almost child abuse.

    Serenity needs a Colt 45 to the head. Put that old horse out of all of our misery.

    Why? Because they are releasing Comic books to help feed the Fire before the stupid movie comes out. Then another round of comic books to explain what happened in the movie.

    It is so bad.. And Whedon is such a money grubbing hack.. Exploiting his loyal fans.

    Sorry SadMan.. Whedon needs to pick a new career selling shoes. Maybe after Wonder Woman AND Serenity flops at the Box Office he will?


    hmm…I have to say I enjoy Firefly and happily await the movie (of course that has bit me in the butt before, I happliy awaited Hitchhikers).
    While the storylines are simple, the characterizations are wonderful(as well as the actors who play them) and the odd one-liner can make the whole show. I think Joss’s shows fill a need for sci-fi/fantasy that is sorely needed. Fun, quirky, and totally watchable.

    All hail Planet Bob!


    [quote=”Hollydays”]hmm…I have to say I enjoy Firefly and happily await the movie (of course that has bit me in the butt before, I happliy awaited Hitchhikers).
    While the storylines are simple, the characterizations are wonderful(as well as the actors who play them) and the odd one-liner can make the whole show. I think Joss’s shows fill a need for sci-fi/fantasy that is sorely needed. Fun, quirky, and totally watchable. [/quote]

    Sigh… Maybe I do stand alone in my hate for Whedon and his terrible Science Fictions attempts. HE should IMHO take up shoe sales or maybe something less technical as shoe shining.

    Whedon represents a new wave of horrible Science Fiction. Characters that are easily found on “Save the Bell” or any Buffy/Angel.

    Whedon’s utter contempt for the Science part of the Fiction makes me want to throw up. Whoops I wrote that before. Sorry.

    Kind of thinking the SadGeezers would represent an audience not taken in by such TV antics. 🙂

    Oh well.. And more BSG to suffer through.


    So lvcambot;

    What DO you like?


    [quote=”Sidhecafe”]So lvcambot;

    What DO you like?[/quote]

    Once again.. Whedon makes me physically Ill. Whedon should be shot for what he did to Alien Resurrection. Then there is that DUMB Serenity movie coming out. The general public canceled the BAD TV Firefly. Then Whedon and his infantile Ego pushes aside probably a good Sci-Fi movie with that junk. ..sigh

    B5 Crusade (not great but watchable)
    The Prisoner (Best TV of the 20th Century)
    Red Dwarf
    Sci-Fi channel Invisible Man
    Farscape (first season only)
    Latest Star Wars Movie was really good!
    Most of the Dr. Who TV series and early movies. That later movie sucked big time.
    Star Trek except 95% of Next Gen and all of Enterprise.

    SadMan and Staff recognize how great Lexx is/was. Lexx is usually far over the heads of Most Sci-Fi sites ran by the usual brain dead FANS.

    So I have great respect for Sadman and his staff… Been here for a while. One of the better sci-fi sites.



    Per Aaron, one of the track leaders

    [quote]Details of Joss’ appearance (at DragonCon 2005) are still being finalized with Universal (presumibly this is part of the promotion for Serenity) [/quote]

    Perhaps Universal feels a need to jolly up the fan base?


    [quote=”lvcambot”]Since then.. Sci-Fi fans have had to throw up to Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E.. [/quote]

    Hey, hey! I actually like Titan A.E.! No one agrees with me, but I liked it, [i]mostly for the soundtrack and cool looking ships.[/i] 8)

    Firefly is an acquired taste. It took a while before I really started to appreciate it. I think most people had that problem and that’s why it was cancelled.

    Serenity will probably rock. But I don’t anticipate it doing so hot at the box office though. I’d be surprised if it got a sequel. Surprised, and very happy.

    Oh and Angel seasons 2-4 were most excellent too. 😆


    [quote=”Headgehog”][quote=”lvcambot”]Since then.. Sci-Fi fans have had to throw up to Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E.. [/quote]

    Hey, hey! I actually like Titan A.E.! No one agrees with me, but I liked it, [i]mostly for the soundtrack and cool looking ships.[/i] 8)
    . :lol:[/quote]

    I really love this message board and it folks.. Anybody with the Motorola Man / Silver Surfer from Reboot as his avatar WINS in my book.

    To bad I can’t get a group of you together to beat up the Whedon fans at a Serenity Preview.

    Anyway… Too cool.


    [quote=”Headgehog”] Hey, hey! I actually like Titan A.E.! No one agrees with me, but I liked it, [i]mostly for the soundtrack and cool looking ships.[/i] 8)
    . :lol:[/quote]

    Actually, I liked Titan A.E. also. I liked the visuals.


    The show was better than Enterprise, which in my book is a terrible show! It wasn’t a bad series (Firefly) but alittle different than the norm which was good.
    I will more than likely enjoy the movie, but wasn’t a serious fan of the show. It was something to watch.

    But on the side of hollywood though…they like to change stuff or dumb it down not only for movies but tv shows too, hate it when that think the majority of ppl are stupid and wont get certain concepts or story plots and feel the need to change it for ratings or commercial money pressure!

    Plus right now it seems that there is a lull point with writers there, its sequel city of late, old series new, or book adaptation with little coming out as originals. doesn’t help that Scfi alone got rid of the 2 most original shows (Farscape & Lexx) for other shows that seem to be running past their time (Stargate)!
    Granite Atlantis isn’t too bad and I do like Battlestar but lets face it…..they are running a Scfi tv channel that has very little I would want to watch of late, and I am a heavy Scifi geek!


    [quote=”Shiroekitsune”]The show was better than Enterprise, which in my book is a terrible show! It wasn’t a bad series (Firefly) but alittle different than the norm which was good.
    I will more than likely enjoy the movie, but wasn’t a serious fan of the show. It was something to watch.


    Enterprise was horrible. The captain had the same stupid dog as the movie crimson tide.. Blah.

    I had heard years ago that the character Sulu was going to have his own series based on his adventures.. In the time frame as “The Undiscovered Country” movie.

    It would have been nice to have a captain that would “Fly his ship apart”.. More action and a closer look at that part of the Star Trek time line.

    Going back to the beginning with Enterprise… A grand idea. They were so full of telling politically correct stories they lost Adventure aspect the Kirk Star Trek always had. Enterprise had all the excitement of a G8 summit.

    The only episode I caught of Enterprise lately was the alternate dimension sword through the earth thing. Archer was a Politically correct jerk. Oh boy.. Now that was exciting. Yawn.

    I thought “Feminism in SPACE…” Voyager was as low as the franchise could stoop. But Enterprise was able to lower the bar.

    If everything goes great with my plans… In a few years I might get a chance to create a Sci-Fi TV series. Have the story outlined and a very good plan to make it a economical to shoot yet funny and smart. The problem is I need to have some financial success so I can completely fund the project myself.

    No studio exec’s telling me what to do.. I mean Lexx is the perfect example (I guess). Lexx was so far out there that Donovan and crew seemed to be able to what ever they wanted to.

    Oh… I’m on a quest to meet with Paul Donovan. Not as a Fan of Lexx but a fan of how he pulled it all off. International distribution etc. To meet as two independent film makers.



    Word on one of the Dragon Con boards is [quote]There is a
    possibility of something happening at DragonCon (what with Joss having shown a pretty much final cut with effects, sound, etc at San Diego Comic Con) so if you’re a Firefly fan and weren’t planning on going before, you might want to reconsider.


    I thought parts of firefly were really good. They treated the bad guys like the Bount yHunter ruthlessly when needed. They behaved like good friends and real people, had some good lines.

    But complaints are interesting. What is the problem with the science? I like the hard scifi here like when they shot a rifle through space to shoot out a control tower to save the ship from being hijacked. Except they were too chicken to show what happened to the two bad guys in the control tower.

    Loved the theme song.
    Didn’t like the River character completely. If she is so smart why she never acted like it, always 100 percent dizzy brained and hlepless… not real.


    Oh well.. And more BSG to suffer through.[/quote]

    You wouldn’t be W. C. Field’s re-incarnation would you? How do you feel about children and pets?.


    Oh well.. And more BSG to suffer through.[/quote]

    You wouldn’t be W. C. Field’s re-incarnation would you? How do you feel about children and pets?.[/quote]

    I love dogs and children.. if they are cooked properly.



    Oh well.. And more BSG to suffer through.[/quote]

    You wouldn’t be W. C. Field’s re-incarnation would you? How do you feel about children and pets?.[/quote]

    I love dogs and children.. if they are cooked properly.

    Some people have good taste and some people taste good I guess.
    Ghouls and werewolves and purple things are usually the people eaters.

    Just remember in the the scifi universe lovers are eaten before dogs.
    Your enthusiasm is refreshing but I did like Firefly.
    Maybe you don’t like cowboys so thne there would be no hope for you.
    How do you feel about Clint Eastwood or John Wayne?
    If you can’t sing “Rawhide” you might not get past St. Peter, i’m sorry to say.

    Keep movin’, movin’, movin’,
    Though they’re disapprovin’,
    Keep them shippers movin’ Firefly!
    Don’t try to understand ’em,
    Just rope and throw and grab ’em,
    Soon we’ll be living high and wide.
    Boy my heart’s calculatin’
    My River will be waitin’, be waiting at the end of my ride.

    Move ’em on, head ’em up,
    Head ’em up, move ’em out,
    Move ’em on, head ’em out Firefly!
    Set ’em out, ride ’em in
    Ride ’em in, let ’em out,
    Cut ’em out, ride ’em in Firefly!.


    [quote=”lvcambot”] I love dogs and children.. if they are cooked properly.


    My favorite manner of preperation includes a little garlic, a couple of onions and perhaps a few small red potatos.



    Loved the theme song.
    Didn’t like the River character completely. If she is so smart why she never acted like it, always 100 percent dizzy brained and hlepless… not real.[/quote]


    Firefly/Serenity with the exception of maybe ONE character.. what’s his name. (not the barney miller guy) All of them are totally “Pretty People”. DarkStar/Alien/Aliens had flawed characters. They looked like the knew how to sweat.

    Firefly/Serenity have Very attactive people with contrived probems. It as if they all needed to go home and just chill out. Because they could. Whedon created such a stupid Universe it is like some hyper Fox demographic of what everybody wants. They all shop at the mall.. hang out and be cool.

    Space Western? Check out the 1986 Animated TV series “Galaxy Rangers” now that was neat. And it actually made logical sense. The creators took traditional Western stories and put them in a future context. Wheadon could’t even pull that off.

    Rod Serling used the Western Genre all through out his writing career with incredible results. Twilight Zone – Night Gallery. Just so good.

    Whedon was given (handed) forty MILLION DOLLARS to recreate his FAILED TV SERIES. JC! Where is the money for the feature film of Lexx? The one where we all get to see stanley, Xev and Kai have sex with hot looking Babes. Duh.. Us folks that have a brain either get to read good stuff or place orders to UK Region 2 to get our Sci-Fi fix.

    There is nothing good in any way at all in Firefly/Serenity. For me I didn’t even get the chance to feel good when it was rightly cancelled. Whedon made super BANK (one way or the other) got to make a movie he never earned. George Lucas nearly killed himself when he made his First Star Wars film. Whedon just showed up.

    Maybe its the sign of the times. Reward the losers and destroy the folks with vision. Some of our best and brightest are dying in Iraq. While the silver spoon twits are back here having 3 ways in their dorms. The A-Team US marshals gun down an unarmed man and make a spectacle of blowing up his luggage. A strike against Terror. meanwhile somebody’s son or daughter is throwing their life away just for the chance at College.

    Whedon encourages his loser fans to help keep him working. Doing things so low IMHO that I would never do if I was homeless and hungery. Maybe if I had a couple of kids out on the street with me I would get a bunch of losers together to PIMP my garbage. Gather up money to distribute my horrible TV shows to Libraries to help bring more fans into my pocket book 10-20 years down the line. But once on my feet I would stop. Whedon on the other hand is still out there pimping himself at Comic book conventions shamelessly pimping everything he can. A no talent loser with his **** up all the teens ****.

    There needs to be a new wave of Good realistic sci-fi movies.. not these urban over privileged Platinum card caring kids with Cell Phones and I-Pods that want their pandering safe comic book realities.

    It’s still wartime so we won’t see anything good unless some Indy Producer breaks through maybe via the Internet.

    Maybe I am that guy.. If not please some heroic guy or gal please step up.

    I’d like to continue this thread but I am way to busy with my own work. Just so many hours in the day.

    Las Vegas, NV USA


    So two explanations/hypothesies are proposed by Gene to account for the incredible trash or (trash component in worthy vehicles) calling itself scifi these days:

    1. A Nation at War.

    2. The creation of a Fractured Social Consciousness.



    The Incredibles.. The bad guy is the spiting image of Whedon. Whedon the twit that won an Oscar for writing with a team of about 12 on the first Toy Story.

    Oh well…


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