Serenity Died at the Box Office

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  • #40710

    Thank God.

    All those stupid little twits got their movie.. yet they were all alone in the dark at the gigaplex.

    But low and behold the real CRAZY folks will buy hundreds if not thousands of Serenity DVDs to put in their local libraries. That way the spawn of their freak births will have a chance to see what their parents liked.

    They say everything goes in cycles. Whedon is a cycle all his own with his loser fans.

    Do you realize Children are being born and raised right NOW.. While they drink from their bottle MOM is watching Buffy, Angel and probably Firefly.

    Can anybody imagine the damage this will do with the latest generation of Freaks?? I mean those 1-4 year olds just might go into space when they become adults. Based on Mom and (if the kid has a dad) early programming they will SPACE themselves. Just like in Firefly, Serenity. Space is one magic game where science is just a plot device to drag poorly written characters through Whedons mind. If I live long enough.. I bet there will be many early decompressions and ships that fly right into stars because the idiot offsprings think Whedon’s universe is real.

    They will load up their ships with Horses.. so they can ride “Wildfire” on Mars. Only to find out the difference in Gravity between Mars and Earth. Did I mention that Wildfire will not be able to breath? LMAO.

    Believe it or not I stood in line on “National Buy Nothing Day” in Frys. Right behind me was the typical lame brained parent and inane kid buying a copy of the complete Firefly Series. They waited over a HOUR to buy that junk!! I on the other hand was picking up a 200GB drive for $49.

    The father (who should be turned into child services) told me how much of a fan of Buffy and Angel he was.. He simply loved Whedon’s witty style of writing. I told him if I could find that hack I would try to break his fingers. (Try to slow down any future writing)

    IMDB reports Joss is working on Goners and Wonder Woman.

    Will somebody in Hollywood please fire this guy? Just because his mom and dad wrote for the Andy Griffith show.. PLEASE!


    “Dear Jesus.. This Christmas will you please take Joss Wheaton up to heaven with you and god?”




    Sweetie, just take deep breaths. In. Out. Slow. Calm. Okay? Feeling better now? 🙂

    We weren’t feeling too type A when we woke up this morning were we? 😀

    While I can certainly understand the feeling here. And can admit to since FX (Major, Major Buffy Freak) is kinda busy right now and most likely won’t see this post. Still, you have to pace yourself when getting worked up about Josh. I mean, the opertunities are after all endless. If you want to be ‘dissing him for the long hall, you need to slow down a bit. 😀

    ….theFrey wanders away to look for a good hiding spot, just in case FX does notice this agreement. 😀 ………..


    [quote=”lvcambot”]Thank God.

    All those stupid little twits got their movie.. yet they were all alone in the dark at the gigaplex.

    But low and behold the real CRAZY folks will buy hundreds if not thousands of Serenity DVDs to put in their local libraries. That way the spawn of their freak births will have a chance to see what their parents liked.

    They say everything goes in cycles. Whedon is a cycle all his own with his loser fans.

    Do you realize Children are being born and raised right NOW.. While they drink from their bottle MOM is watching Buffy, Angel and probably Firefly.

    Can anybody imagine the damage this will do with the latest generation of Freaks?? I mean those 1-4 year olds just might go into space when they become adults. Based on Mom and (if the kid has a dad) early programming they will SPACE themselves. Just like in Firefly, Serenity. Space is one magic game where science is just a plot device to drag poorly written characters through Whedons mind. If I live long enough.. I bet there will be many early decompressions and ships that fly right into stars because the idiot offsprings think Whedon’s universe is real.

    They will load up their ships with Horses.. so they can ride “Wildfire” on Mars. Only to find out the difference in Gravity between Mars and Earth. Did I mention that Wildfire will not be able to breath? LMAO.


    So how do you feel about the movie? It’s a little unclear. Did you like it? (Please don’t spoil).

    I don’t see too much what is wrong with bring earth culture to other planets, including horses and leather sofas in spaceships.

    “When you got it, flaunt it baby” as Zero Mostel said.

    Mars is nowhere near the firefly planets. They use a lot of good hard science, the only thing not so believable is rocket based spaceships,, they could never get the massive quanitities of fuel needed and they would need to jettison many stages of the rocket. They need a better propulsion system.

    Tell us some specifics. ..but remember to breathe.

    Which came first? The TV Buffy or the TV Buffy fans? When evolution goes on a downward spiral, the subspecies goes quickly to exttinction.


    [quote=”thefrey”]Sweetie, , you have to pace yourself when getting worked up about Josh.

    Us no nothing unhip folks use the name Josh. He calls himself JOSS. Oh yea thats just so Kewl.




    So how do you feel about the movie? It’s a little unclear. Did you like it? (Please don’t spoil)..[/quote]

    You want to see really good Sci-Fi? Granted it is aimed at the kids.. “The New Adventures of Captain Scarlet”

    It is full CGI recreation of the 1960’s Gerry and Silvia Andersons puppet series. It has Gravity and a sense of Reality that Firefly/Serenity will never have. I wonder if SMG is up for another Chick Vampire series? No? How about a biker Chick in space? Yes! Yea.. Coming to the Sci-Fi channel soon!

    New adventures is available only in the UK right now. Because the USA/Canada/Sci-Fi channel is doing nothing but creating JUNK!! Dam! They even ran Farscape into the ground!!

    I went ahead and ordered the first part of season one of “Scarlett”

    I also bought first season of Sci-Fi Channels Invisible Man Region 2 only. (had to open up my DVD to play these DVDs) Funny how USA Network will NOT release season 2 of Invisible Man.


    Good Sci-Fi is gone. Hacks like Joss Whedon has killed Sci-Fi. I have to order from OUT OF THIS CONTENENT to get a glimpse of good Sci-Fi Entertainment.

    Yes i’m breathing… To bad all the Firefly/Serenity fans are still breathing.

    Kidding Kidding..


    NO I’m NOT.


    [quote=”lvcambot”][quote=”thefrey”]Sweetie, , you have to pace yourself when getting worked up about Josh.

    Us no nothing unhip folks use the name Josh. He calls himself JOSS. Oh yea thats just so Kewl.


    Yeah for me! I shall have to display my ‘know nothink about Whedon’ medal proudly. 🙂

    Flamegrape had a good post about him awhile back on another board. He was discussing the amout of anal wattage he out puts which gets him these projects. 😛 Pretty funny stuff. 🙂


    kids stuff? muppets? puppets? CGI?

    Well I admire your enthusiasm, but you are obviously far away in the epsilon qudrant, which is a neat trick in itself. You are sipping in the long, dark muppet time of the soul.

    I’m happy with BSG and 4400, if anything bring back the universe of Dark Star and Solaris.
    I like to see Alien and Predator versus everyone from Farscape.

    Shredded muppets with milk and toast…sounds good.


    hmmm…..have to say I have watched the odd ep of Buffy (Spike is quite yummy IMO). Does this make me a bad parent? Bad parents are bad parents and will watch whatever they are into, be it Coronation Street or the computer or whatever, while their children are around instead of spending time with them (whether the show is approp or not). I haven’t watched Lexx, Red Dwarf, Dr. Who, BSG, Firefly, ST, Farscape, Buffy, etc…WHILE my son was up and about, not even as an infant. Josh Wheadon may write in a particular sci-fi/fantasy genre that you don’t care about, so just ignore it.
    There are many sci-fi shows that don’t have much tech behind them or they don’t bother to explain it. Those who think they are engineers don’t watch them. All Sci-fi offers us a different perspective on life, a what if…and we enjoy it ’cause it is different.

    there are SWASHBUCKLERS like Battlestar, Firefly
    there are the COMEDIES like Red Dwarf, Lexx
    there are DRAMAS like Star Trek, Farscape (if you can get past the muppet)

    Each show is hopefully well rounded enough to have more than one element as its primary focus. Just like books, we don’t want to read Hebert all the time not do we want to read Anne McAffrey all the time…but I’m glad they are both available. If you like to watch the CSI of the Sky….enjoy! Just don’t cast your distainful glance my way..I’m too busy watching Dark Angel…


    [quote=”Hollydays”] Josh Wheadon may write in a particular sci-fi/fantasy genre that you don’t care about, so just ignore it..[/quote]


    The Whedon bad writing has forced the public to actually edit their own reality..

    It is JOSS NOT Josh.

    JC already! This idiot has warped everyones ability to read AND think.



    Actually…I just have a hard time remembering how to say/spell peoples names….
    like Ralph Fiennes…..

    like Ivcambot…

    some are good at that sort of thing, detail people, people who like AutoCadd

    “Hurting…stop..when does it?” – Eek the Cat


    [quote=”Hollydays”]Actually…I just have a hard time remembering how to say/spell peoples names….
    like Ralph Fiennes…..

    like Ivcambot…

    some are good at that sort of thing, detail people, people who like AutoCadd

    Hey.. I like you.

    Cambot was taken (From the old MST3K series). So I changed it to LVCambot. That is until the MF’ers at IMDB tore me a new one. But that is history now and I’m over it.

    Or at least that is what I tell myself every day.




    cool sense of humor you have…we need to channel it in new directions….

    How about Starhunter? Tanya Allen aside (which is why most watch it, I think)…

    😉 J/K

    So why did you get the trouble over the name???


    Hey Gene! What ya talkin’ about dude??
    Josh Wheatley kicks major bottom! 🙂

    That blondie babe kicking vampire ass was excellent, or if not excellent, at least a bit of fun. Angel had Cordelia in it and the special effects were awsome (especially Cordelia in a bathing costume – [i]nobody has real boobs like that![/i]).

    I also thought that Serenity was pretty good considering the Firefly series tended to wind me up (just can’t stand seeing space battles with with people using six-shooters). Ok, Whedon may have his head firmly suck up his bum, but he certainly is innovative.

    Hey.. I like you.

    Everyone likes Hollydays! 🙂


    Happy Xmas to you Sad Man..

    Las Vegas, NV USA



    So why did you get the trouble over the name???[/quote]

    Its a stupid story.. The fans had me for lunch.

    They never had a problem with my name. They were successful in making me take my views elsewhere. Had to close down my personal web site and change Email accounts etc. I’m thankful that my house is not in my name or the “Fans” would probably have burned my house down. Really.

    Lots of bad feelings all the way around.

    Not looking for a Soap Box here.. Just a way to Vent a bit. This stuff bubbles up every now and then. Its good that SadMan has this message area up so I can get it out. The members here seem to understand where I am coming from. The US Fan base are so wrapped up in keeping Whedon working that they activily destroy anyone that gets in their way.

    A very negative dark side to the fans.

    I never expected that people (this new generation of fans) would personally attack another person. The thing is to engage in conversation. The FF/S fans see every contrary voice as an Enemy to be shot. They believe that if they organize and bully everybody they can get more Buffy/Angel/FF/ and Whedon. These BrownCoats are just like a Neo Nazi group. The only difference is they use their Hate tactics via the Internet.

    Quite the education.

    Hollywood does not work like these idiots think it does. Whedon panders and pimps these people to his selfish ends. A horrible circle jerk. Like when the FF fanbase took out a full page ad in a trade publication when Fox canceled their “baby”.

    If a TV series does NOT bring in the Numbers it is canceled. There are exceptions.. Firefly was never the exception.

    Serenity failed in its release. Yet the crazies will buy 10 DVDs each or more to create the illusion it is a hit at home DVDs price to own.

    There is a market for small narrow areas like FF/S. The key here is not to corrupt the system to get what you want. To pile up bodies because of a stupid TV show.

    I really like Lexx.. But I would never hurt anyone to protect it.



    Popular interest in science fiction has contributed a lot of positve as well as negative. I have done a lot of research on TV scifi both in reading articles and in probing the fanbase. There seems is a dearth of statistical information that could be and needs to be collected on these large groups and the interaction with the Fantasy Makers.
    I think there is a big void here from which several books could evolve. What do you think?


    It all comes down to money. It is really cheap to bring in $5 an hour PA’s to man the Mac computers. So it takes 25 or 50. Those poor souls hold out hope that the big guns will throw them a crumb. Thus they spend probably 12 hours a day using the Internet as their own little money machine.

    This stuff is totally evil. Whedon and his crew are guilty as hell.

    Watch out folks.. With Whedon’s “Serenity” success everybody in hollywood will be hiring wearhouses of PA’s to manipulate the net.


    I am so happy I met you.. Good call.



    [quote=”kokopelli”] I don’t wish to merely complain about the TV fanbase. Popular interest in science fiction has contributed a lot of positve as well as negative. I have done a lot of research on TV scifi both in reading articles and in probing the fanbase. There seems is a dearth of statistical information that could be and needs to be collected on these large groups and the interaction with the Fantasy Makers.
    I think there is a big void here from which several books could evolve. What do you think?[/quote]

    At the very least I see a few interesting graduate papers being written on this. 😀


    [quote=”lvcambot”]It all comes down to money. It is really cheap to bring in $5 an hour PA’s to man the Mac computers. So it takes 25 or 50. Those poor souls hold out hope that the big guns will throw them a crumb. Thus they spend probably 12 hours a day using the Internet as their own little money machine.

    This stuff is totally evil. Whedon and his crew are guilty as hell.


    Sounds interesting. What else?


    [quote]But who really paid for and runs the site?[/quote]

    You are begining to lose me a bit..

    It looks like a CBC company..


    [quote=”lvcambot”][quote]But who really paid for and runs the site?[/quote]

    You are begining to lose me a bit..

    It looks like a CBC company..[/quote]

    Not really.


    Well for this site at least we definiately know who owns it. 🙂 I have sent him cards, called his house and two of our US moderators (and who knows how many european ones) have visited said owner at his home. Not me mind you. *sigh….* but *sniff* others have.

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