Thank you thank you thank you

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Battlestar Galactica (Reimagined) Thank you thank you thank you

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  • #40754

    I actually missed an ep of BG – erk! Thank you for your wonderful reviews!

    I ran home with my withdrawal shakes and sweats and got my fix by reading the review.

    Now I’ll just have to rock in the corner until next weeks ep!


    Your welcome. ❗ 🙂

    So I guess BSG is now airing up in Canada, which episode are you up to.

    [i]And this reminds me that I really need to upload the reviews for episodes 211-214[/i]


    I just watched “Resistance” , which is the third ep in season two, I believe.

    New possible love interest for Starbuck and dead love interest for Chief 🙁

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