Problems downloading SadCAST?

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    Does anyone else have problems downloading the SadCASTs?

    [quote]Hey guys,

    I’ve been having problems accessing your show. I click on the link but it hangs for an indeterminate amount of time. How ever will I get my dose of Sad Geezer!

    I don’t know if it’s a problem with LibSyn, but I wouldn’t be surprised… we recently switched to because of all LibSyn’s problems!

    Hope I can access your show soon,

    posted by: Casey McKinnon / Ms. Kitka 😉 on Wed, 8/2 03:49 PM EDT[/quote]


    Touch wood, I haven’t had a problem yet.

    Maybe she should try some software like getright to help.


    Personally I think she clicks on the link and waits for the show to download normally before it opens up in her media player. I think she shuld just right click and select save to disk then run it from the disk.

    The Galacticast site is EXCELLENT and I’d love to have the same functionality. I’m going to check out and see what it’s all about.

    By the way, Casey is the fine young lady behind Galacticast.


    [quote=”SadGeezer”]I think she shuld just right click and select save to disk then run it from the disk.[/quote]

    That’s my personal choice to avoid any and all strangehoods. Of course, I have problems downloading anything that large because of sh*tty old dial-up! (Sorry, I never miss a chance to b*tch about my backwater, piece of sh*t dial-up 😉 )


    i just tried to download SadCast 08…. got that ok, but the playback was a little jerky…? some sections difficult to listen to. i had another go at downloading it just in case there was a problem with the download, and all i got was the ‘downloading from…’ message on the bar at the bottom of my screen- and nothing else happened. no box in the middle of the screen, nothing…. 😕 i didn’t do anything different from the first time i tried to download it…. 😕

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