Jericho – bring on the mutants

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    Anyone else watching this show? When I first heard of this post-apocalyptic themed tv-show I got pretty exited. Then after watching a couple of episode, not so exited. It feels too dull to watch with nothing interesting to it. What this show need are some mutants … alot of them! 😆

    p.s. yes, this is a whine-post. 🙂


    maybe they’ll indroduce some next year once the fall-out takes root, lol!

    I’m still enjoying the show. It is slower going, but has interesting twists….

    of course you can always head over to mutant central..Heroes


    [quote=”Hollydays”]maybe they’ll indroduce some next year once the fall-out takes root, lol!

    I’m still enjoying the show. It is slower going, but has interesting twists….[/quote]
    Please drop a reply [i]if[/i] something exiting happends, beside some personal drama that’s >> full nuclear attack. 😀

    [quote=”Hollydays”]of course you can always head over to mutant central..Heroes[/quote]
    But they’ve not gone post-apocalyptic .. yet.

    When I think of post-apocalyptic, I think more in the direction of The Stand, especially episode 1 before it continued to religion. My mutants I think came from a rpg game named Fallout.


    hmm…well if the cheerleader dies in heroes then it’s on to post-apoc…….

    you’ll have to keep your fingers crossed, i guess 😉

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