Hey Dalektek…is this your brother?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Hey Dalektek…is this your brother? Hey Dalektek…is this your brother?



Originally posted by Hypatia:
[b]Would sombody please post the URL for this newsgroup?

If Kai is a personality racist :rolleyes ,why is he going to Translvania/Carpathia to fight the vampire/divine shadow in kkk robes? (giggle)

[This message has been edited by Hypatia (edited August 19, 2001).][/b]

Hypatia, you sure you want to read his posts, as he’s now slagging off this board and it’s members, and believe me you need a cool head not to get annoyed.
Anyway, not sure if this will work…but it comes under the heading of alt.tv.lexx
Remember this guy has a screw loose, so I wouldn’t even bother responding,as like Dalektek it goes in one ear and and out the other very quickly!!!

Annoyed Squishy