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Originally posted by SadGeezer:
Does anyone have any views about LEXX fanfic?

Are you ready for one of the longest posts I’ve ever written? So many posts have been made in this thread in the last 24 hours. I haven’t had time to respond to each one. Therefore, I’ve divided my post into two sections: a question section and an opinion section.


Since this is a volatile topic, please bear in mind that I’m not really favoring one side or another. Think of me as Joe Friday, a detective trying to figure out “just the facts, ma’am.” The questions that I ask are usually not specifically directed at the person who wrote the quoted post. Anyone may reply to my questions. And for the record, I have read few fan fiction posts anywhere on any bulletin board.


Originally posted by FX:
…so the fanfiction that revolves around a particular clone is called clone fiction…one must have an officiallly sanctioned clone, and the proper permissions, to write clonefiction, especially if any other clones are involved…then there is the standard fanfiction…again, if you are going to use any named characters from the board, you must have permission…

Specifically, who dispenses proper permission?


Originally posted by FX:
…but usually, the fanfictions, whatever flavor, are well marked, so that you can read it or not, as you choose…

Exactly how are the bulletin board posts marked in order to indicate that they are fan fiction posts? (FF and CF are examples. Any others?)


Originally posted by FX:
…it’s sort of a role playing game…

If these fan fications are games, how are they started, who starts them, how long do they run, are there points involved, what is the goal, etc. If they are like role-playing games, is there a “game master” or “referee” that conducts each game? Are points awarded in some fasion?


Originally posted by FX:
…the rules i have seen are posted by some of the people who are in apec…

Where are the rules posted? Who established and who maintains the rules? Who enforces them and how? (Actually, I think dgrequeen answered these questions. She posted a message as I was composing this post. Thanxx, dgre.)


Originally posted by Doffy:
I am a member of the hated, all-powerful, evil APEC…

I take it that APEC is an organization that holds executive authority over “clone” fan fiction that is posted on SciFi.Com/Lexx. What do the initials A.P.E.C. stand for? Does APEC have any other presence on the Internet other than at SciFi.Com/Lexx? Does APEC maintain their own webpage? How does one join APEC? What are their rules of behavior?
“Just the facts, ma’am.”


Originally posted by Doffy:
…and CowboyKai is my clone…

Did you invent CowboyKai yourself? Or was the name assigned to you as part of the parameters of the role-playing game? How does one aquire “possession” of a Kai clone?


Originally posted by Doffy:
…there have been some incidents of unauthorized use of characters…

Can you give specific examples? (Aside from vyX who, people have already testified, was abusive.) How were the offenders punished?


Originally posted by mayaxiong:
If you’re interested in writing a fic yourself, it’s the best place to try it out.

Are there other places on the Internet that are popular places to post fan fiction? Specifically, are there places dedicated to Lexx fan fiction?


Originally posted by Xev of R2D2:
I also see that the posts where some people who registered nicknames mocking me were not taken down.

These are very serious accusations indeed. Have you made inquiries with the people at SciFi.Com?


Originally posted by elfie:
scifi has tens of THOUSANDS of registered users, and only a handful (roughly… FOUR!!!) are being accused of anything at all.

Who are these accused people? So far, I think there’s Doffy, micromary, dgrequeen. Did I get those names right? Any others?


Originally posted by elfie:
golly, i was an outsider who broke ‘the rules’ and got my own clone without asking… and THEN what did these horrible cliquish people do????????? they freaking asked my to join their chat room and email club… wow, they so totally ostrasized me. ::sob:: NOT! i don’t post clone fics, i just jumped in and got one, lol ;o)

Sarcasm aside, does APEC use the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board to audition potential players in their clone fan fiction? Or are there other bulletin boards that the general public can visit, experiment with fan fiction, and win the approval of other APEC members?


Originally posted by elfie:
X is mad… other people are mad — WHAT WOULD IT TAKE TO END IT, X? what? i mean really… what are you trying to accomplish? everytime this starts people say the same things over and over and we get no where… what are you trying to get out of this?

Good question.

Would a bulletin board forum that is exclusively dedicated to Lexx fan fiction present a solution to this arguement? What would be the downside of this solution?


Originally posted by elfie:
i’m a moderator at KT

What is KT? Is it a bulletin board? A website?


And now I have some personal comments that I would like to make. These are just opinions and observations.


Originally posted by Doffy:
Many of the people complaining about the CF don’t even post at SciFi, so I have no idea what their malfunction is. We do try to mark the fics, so that if people don’t want to read them, they can skip over them. Surely there is enough room in Lexxdom for everyone! I come to Sad’s for discussion and news, and to SciFi to play. For god’s sake, if you don’t like the CF’s, don’t go there! It’s simple!

My major malfunction with the fan fictions at SciFi.Com/Lexx is pretty easy to explain.

I think fiction based on established characters and stories is just fine. It seems to me that it would be a great way for novice authors to get some practice with writing. But it can’t be ignored that fan fiction stories are fundamentally banal and derivative (meaning that they lack originality and freshness). Furthermore, [i]erotic[/i] fan fictions are fundamentally masturbatory (meaning that they serving the purpose of self-satisfaction). These are not bad things, I am just not in the least bit interested in reading such fiction. But this is not the primary reason why I do not enjoy the presence of fan fictions at SciFi.Com/Lexx.

The bulletin board system at SciFi.Com, in general, is utter cr@p. The bulletin board program itself is a user-unfriendly, ugly nightmare. It looks old and outdated. The single most annoying feature of it is that threads scroll up and disappear from the page containing the most recent posts. All modern bulletin boards keep threads with recent posts in them at the top of the list. This makes it easier to keep track of current discussions. Also, it seems that the bulletin board cannot handle posts that are too long. As a result, extra-long posts have to be broken up into several posts.

All of this results in my opinion that fan fiction is a nuisance on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board. I just checked that board now and there were 15 out 40 posts on the “front page” that were dedicated to fan fiction. This is a great deal less than there usually are, I have to admit. But each fan fiction post bumps other posts off the “front page” of the bulletin board and into obscurity. Sure, anyone can search and find threads that address an issue of interest. But who is going to take the time to overcome this unexcuseable flaw of the SciFi.Com bulletin board system? The answer is no one.

The controversey with Lexx fan fiction at the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is only the [i]manifestation[/i] of the poor quality of that bulletin board’s system. The fan fiction is not really a problem in itself. I beleive that this the root of the arguements that have been raging for some time now.


Originally posted by Doffy:
All I can say is, Lexx, and yes, the clone game, has awakened new levels of creativity within me. I never wrote any fics before, and I have really enjoyed the outlet. I don’t think this is a bad thing.

I think that’s wonderful! I really do! Please do not mistake my opinion of fan fiction as dire criticism and do not let me discourage you. Despite my tastes, I beleive that fan fiction serves a useful function for aspiring writers. I hope it inspires you to take your writing skills in new and original directions. The best of luck to you.


Originally posted by elfie:
i don’t write clone or chocolate stories, but i like to read them, just the same. don’t like it- don’t read it. purty simple.

Yes, that’s a simple answer.

But I would like to make an analogy. Bulletin boards such as the ones at SciFi.Com/Lexx are open to the public. There are many basketball courts that are similarly open to the public. Here in the USA, people can go to a civic center, a boys or girls club, YMCA, YWCA, church, or school. Some of them are closely monitored and controlled. Others are not closely watched and are open to anyone. Anybody can come in and play basketball. There are some people who like to play volleyball, but most people usually play basketball because it is the primary function of the basketball courts. Consider the fact that there are a few people who like to practice kendo, judo, karate, etc., but do not have a place of their own specifically built for the purpose of practicing martial arts. What if kendoists are there, practicing all the time? It would make it difficult for people to play basketball or volleyball. I know this is a very loose analogy, but it’s the best I could think of at the time.

The SciFi.Com bulletin board is open to anyone. No one regularly moderates that forum. The only action on the part of the SciFi Channel that is ever taken is against anyone who posts offensive comments. Aside from that, anything goes. This is another failing on the part of the SciFi.Com bulletin boards.

The presence of fan fiction on the SciFi.Com bulletin boards is akin to pop-up ads in the eyes of people who are not at all interested in such writing. Because of the frequency of fan fiction posts, it makes it difficult for people who are always having to take them into acount when searching for threads that they really want to follow. Ergo, they are a nuisance for many people.


Originally posted by mayaxiong:
…there’s no wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth because it’s taking up ‘valuable’ space on the board.

I disagree. There have been plenty of complaints about this issue. As of late, most of these complaints have been discussed here at SadGeezer bulletin boards. The thing about complaints made at the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is that all posts addressing this issue scroll up and away as new posts are created. All such threads are quickly forgotten because of the flawed nature of that bulletin board system, as I discussed above.


Originally posted by mayaxiong:
And just for the info, the sci-fi board is not alone in it’s fan and clone fic for Lexx, there are several other sites that specialize in this type of writing, but they are private sites or lists, and not as public as the sci-fi board.

Then people who are interested in writing and/or reading Lexx fan fiction should go to those sites and not use the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board as a workshop to practice their art. I beleive that regular announcements about those Lexx fan fiction sites posted on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board would be welcomed by many and [i]tolerated by everyone.[/i]


Originally posted by Gelfling:
I apologize if I am going to offend anyone here, but that board touches a nerve with me. I was ran off long ago by the fictions and phobic behavior and I stand behind anyone who would stand up for themselves against the posters on SciFi.

Even though Gelfling made some insulting comments about the nature of fan fiction authors, these are serious accusations that should not be taken lightly.


Originally posted by elfie:
if the fics EXISTANCE bothers you *so* *much* that it ruins your fun at scifi… then don’t go – who cares.

This is the very heart of the issue. Fan fictions posted on the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is the most talked-about complaint. It is the usual reason why people ditch that bulletin board in favor of SadBoard. These fan fictions are driving people away from the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board.

The reason why people are fussing over this is that the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board is the [i]de facto[/i] official Lexx bulletin board. There used to be one at Lexx.Com, but it no longer seems to exist. And at issue is the domineering presence of fan fiction at this [i]de facto[/i] official Lexx bulletin board. Furthermore, a newbie Lexx fan will visit the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulleting board first. And what does the newbie see? Tons of fan fiction on an outdated bulletin board that makes it difficult to follow interesting threads.


Originally posted by elfie:

This I do. But the only way to ignore Lexx clone fan fictions and APEC is to not visit the SciFi.Com/Lexx bulletin board. Their presence cannot be ignored.


Originally posted by Hedgehog & Aleck:

I essentially agree with everything that Hedgehog and Aleck said in the above posts.

One final thing. I think that the members of APEC should no longer be concerned with the antics of X. I think that story is over. The real issue, I believe, is the presence of fan fiction at SciFi.Com/Lexx in general that is regarded as a nuisance. And I must yet again strongly advocate the activation of a bulletin board forum (here at SadBoard or elsewhere) that is entirely dedicated to Lexx fan fiction without any worries of dire criticism.