On the subject of cancellations

Forums General Sci Fi Sci Fi Angst On the subject of cancellations On the subject of cancellations


I don’t get it either, dgrequeen! I’m not the biggest fan of the show, but I enjoy it nonetheless. I’m completely perplexed why they would do this. It stinks to high heaven.

(BTW, read some of the quotes I’ve been posting in the [i]Farscape[/i] forum…)

It makes me not want to get involved with any new sci-fi show because I know it will never get the high ratings like, say, [i]The X-Files[/i]. And because all the channels ever think about is money from advertising, they never, ever will give a damn about dedicated fandom.

I had some hope for the future of sci-fi fandom when the SciFi Channel went on the air. But, of course, it’s really just like any other channel that has a theme.

The movie [i]The Matrix[/i] did not terribly impress me. To me, it was just a cyberpunk movie. But I realised the the major appeal was the protaganist’s struggle against the system. Are people starting to wake up and realize that our consumerist corporate culture is lie?

[ 10-09-2002: Message edited by: Flamegrape ]