Re:Stupid Science in Sci-Fi

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Here’s one that I feel certain I have pointed out before (hopefully not earlier in this thread– because I am too lazy to check 😉 )

In the season finale of one of the STNG (with picard and riker), there is a strange phenomenon of an explosion that moves back in time. In other words, it starts as a tiny point, getting larger and larger as one goes back in time– so that it is destroying the past. So say it appears at 10:00 it’s a bit bigger at 9:59 — 9:58 … etc.

Well, they have to find the origin of this explosion and try to stop it. In the end, the enterprise crew finally tracks down the location where the anomoly is supposed to start– and it’s not there. So they go away for a while and come back LATER and it IS there! They say something like “we were just to soon before”! Well! (This is like checking for the thing at 10:05 above, not finding it and coming back at 10:10 and it IS there!) If this thing moves backwards in time they would have to go away and have come back SOONER not later, and when they missed it say “it’s not here already”

I like SF with time travel, but they really screwed up by basically forgetting about their own premise about the anomoly