Production 6
Direction 3
Characterisation 5
Storyline 4
Acting 6
Fun/Sexy/Cool 3

Perseus, mortal son of Zeus, battles the minions of the underworld to stop them from conquering heaven and earth

Summary 4.5 meh
Production 2.2
Direction 2.1
Characterisation 1.5
Storyline 1.6
Acting 1.5
Fun/Sexy/Cool 1.3
Summary rating from 4 user's marks. You can set own marks for this article - just click on stars above and press "Accept".
Summary 1.7 crappy

Clash of the Titans (1981): Movie Review

I’d love to say I loved this film, it’s a classic because Harry Harryhausen’s  last special effects film (or his last noteworthy one).  Unfortunately, after watching it again recently, it’s a little too stilted and stiff. Despite the acting talent, it feels a little too contrived and forced.  There doesn’t seem to be ‘any rip-roaring yarn’ to it all – ‘you shud watch this coz it’s important’ is about all that can be said about it.  Even the film buff though, will struggle to tell you why.

It’s an important by-gone era film but not a seminal work.  You wont gain much from watching it.

Teenagers {early} will love it.  It really helps capture your imagination, but those of us a little older will not gain much.

What others say:

“It holds no surprises, little suspense and never delves beyond the superficial. Yet excellent production, a fine cast and Harryhausen’s creatures make it an entertaining, if unsubstantial, episode in epic filmmaking.”

Marylynn Uricchio, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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