Originally posted by Squishy:
If I said to you how I felt about something that is dear to me or I felt strongly about, and you replied ‘Bollocks’ then I most certainly would take offence to that.
No I wasn’t doing that. Please don’t exaggerate. Somebody posted a silly (in my opinion) topic in requesting that ‘people should stop bickering and that all the flaming should cease’.
It was a very silly thing to do. This is not an aggressive board and people aren’t flamed and bickered with as much as the original post indicated.
I disagree quite sharply with MOST of what the super_joe said because it either stated that the SadBOARD was about to be overrun with flamers or was a misplaced apology (should have been to Ana in the Andromeda forums).
It isn’t!!!! If you think it is then you are mistaken! It may be that some people get through the net and manage to post the odd flame that moderators don’t pick up on, but that is very rare.
I am very happy with ALL the contributions that people make. If they break what seems like the only rule, they will be edited or banned. No apologies are necessary, they don’t need to place heart-rending posts on the board, they just need to make sure that they don’t do it again (otherwise they will be edited again or banned).
As the founder of SadBOARD and moderator of this forum I found the topic heading silly and much of the message patronising. But it’s just my opinion.
Originally posted by Squishy:
My post and the others reflect praise for the SadBOARD, feeling pride for being part of a culture that is unlike any other, your response essentially shot us down in flames.
And I am very pleased that people feel the way they do about the board. But again, I was replying to the comment by super_joe.
If you or anyone else agrees with the heading and the motivation behind the post, then I would question your reasons for doing so.
It maybe that my impression of the Board is wrong. Maybe you think that moderators SHOULD be harsher on posters.
Personally I don’t think that way and I will happily argue the point with anyone who does.
Originally posted by Squishy:
Re: DAMMIT ALL OF YOU, THIS IS A PEACEFULL BOARD, people who flame (make personal attacks are edited and or banned).*No one is suggesting otherwise, we are stating the main point of interest, which appeals to us about this board.
Yes they were – Super_joe shouted his topic “DAMMIT ALL OF YOU. GIVE PEASE A CHANCE!”
Originally posted by Squishy:
*Not at all, view it as an indirect question, I have no idea how much time you spend on your own site, and some people who have sites don’t have the time to monitor how it is being run.
No, I think I prefer to view it as it was written.
Originally posted by Squishy:
*Not at all, it’s common sense to know what can be deemed offensive, if the post isn’t littered with detrimental remarks it won’t be viewed as insulting.
I completely disagree! And I’ve already explained why. You are on very dodgy ground with such comments and you yourself have littered the above post with detrimental remarks. (The seriousness of the remarks is determined by the person you are making the remarks to).[i] It’s easily done! I do it all the time![/i]
Originally posted by Squishy:
*It comes down to actually discussing the board itself, the posts were in essence to show solidarity in the way we feel about this site, most of us look upon it as being more than just a place topics about Sci-fi, it’s a place where you make friends who like the same things.
And again, I wasn’t arguing about the posts, I was arguing about the topic heading.
Originally posted by Squishy:
*…. but Super Joe has the honesty and integrity to admit he was wrong, we forget it and move on.
I’m not convinced it was an apology! If it was, then why did he post such a title!? Why not say something like, “I’m sorry, Ana.” or some other similar sentiment. Why start it off with shouting for all of us to stop fighting and be nice to each other?
Originally posted by Squishy:
To say it’s ‘nuts’ is effectively discouraging any attempts to make observations, whether positive or negative about the site, it almost sounds like you are simply not interested on what people think of the board, just think of it as a discussion of how some members feel.
I do! And I think that Super_joe’s original post was ‘nuts’. I still do, and I also feel that I have just as much right to say so as you and others think it is right to agree with him.
Originally posted by Squishy:
You mention censorship, well I would prefer that rather than having our views put down by describing it as nuts.
That’s nuts! If someone tells me that everyone on SadBOARD is bickering and to give peace a chance’. I think it is perfectly justified to tell them that their comment is nuts.
I appreciate that as the webmaster for this site it could be seen that I have a responsibility to be a little more reserved and less inflammatory. But then again, this is the angst forum [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
Originally posted by Squishy:
You may notice that many of us (including mods) our quick to jump on any new member who will post something offensive or are acting impolitely, but it is done in a friendly and polite way, thus hoping that we can keep the general feeling of a friendly place here.
And that’s my point. I didn’t agree with super-joe’s post, I didn’t think it was the correct way to apologise and didn’t fully appreciate his sentiments. Initially I considered it a trollish thing to do for the following reasons:
- The heading was antagonistic and inaccurate – There are no flames going on and no reasons for us to ‘Give Peace a Chance’. The moderators do a good enough job in keeping the posts at the right level
- Any intended apology was inappropriate – that should have been directed to Ana.
- [i]”It seems that, far from being a place where sci-fi fans can express their thoughts and opinions, they are instead turning into bloody freakin’ war zones!”[/i] – is complete rubbish (and nuts!). Nowhere is there a warzone on SadBOARD and I resent the ‘statement’ that there is. [i]Even the bloody Angst forum is polite and reserved![/i]
- null
To me, the whole premise for the post was trollish. It could be construed at best as strange and at worst antagonistic. I tried to explain in as polite a way as possible why, but unfortunately I didn’t get the point across correctly. I hope this explains what I meant in a clearer way.