
I can’t say that I agree entirely with you on this matter, but most of what you have said is fair comment.
I’m not here to defend Super Joe or anyone else for that matter.
The only point I had to make was that this board can be susceptible to Trolls because of it’s nature, that problem had been highlighted recently.
That doesn’t mean to say that a problem exists as I know it doesn’t, only that it would be a shame if this board ended up being that way.
Yeah, it might be nuts to say it, because there isn’t a problem here, but I think we were really discussing previous experiences on other sites and how a troll would have a field day here.
A would be troll did appear recently, and it upset a few people, and for mind the whole point was that these things can destroy a sites reputation, it’s easy too see this site has a good reputation, and the remarks were to both compliment that but also to acknowledge that it’s troll free and devoid of personal attacks.
So what started as (excluding Super Joes post) as a comment of how good this place can be and the reason why that is so has resulted in both of us needlessly explaining each others posts.
I get your point, but equally you should get mine, but it’s not that big a deal.
Surely you can see why your site is liked so much, and why a few of us our protective of it, it’s a place where we can go to get away from all the other bollocks that goes on within cyberspace.
Now either your the type of person that feels embarressed when receiving a compliment or you simply could not see that compliment.
Personally, I didn’t want to discuss Super Joe and his post, maybe he’s just one of those people where his intentions were good but is not too great at articulating them, that’s pretty much the way I saw it.
Mine and Deliena’s posts were simply stating that it’s nice to be somewhere where trolls and flamers do not exist, it didn’t mean we were agreeing with Super Joes analysis of this site, in fact if anything the opposite is true.
I tried to understand Super Joes post as well, as aside from the would be troll there really isn’t a problem here.
I’m not a moderator here, but I would actively discourage trolling should it appear, so the site would get visitors who think the same as I, i.e what a cool place, absolutely no bitchin going on, and I feel that’s how this site enhances it’s reputation.
There isn’t a big brother style behaviour going on, I won’t say to the next visitor, you’re welcome but don’t misbehave, I have no right whatsoever to comment on anyone’s post in that fashion and I have never done so.
But having experienced and knowing what a troll does, if it becomes obvious that one exists, then I shall comment on their behaviour, but it’s yours and the mods say that decides on whether that person is having a disruptive influence here.
And I would only wade in because I hate the blighters, but that person really needs to go to an extreme before I would stick my oar in, and that means making others lives a misery unecessarily…simply put, I have a thing about bullies and that’s exactly what a troll is.
The mods here do a damn fine job, and one was very quick to see trouble coming and politely asked that person to refrain from behaving in a way that would atagonise, they did not heed the mods warning and as I particularly like the mod I felt it necessary to reinforce her views…again politely, that still made no difference.
It then became plainly obvious that they would not stop, so a more heavy handed approach was adopted by me and a few others.
Realise it or not, there is a sense of keeping it real (as Ali G would put it), and we all get along because we respect each other, and we respect each other’s views, I like that in people and we have those people in abundance here, so if those people are attacked I make no apologies for treating the attacker with the contempt they deserve, these people are my friends and I don’t wish to see them upset as I would any other friend.
I posted after Super Joe, not only to say why I liked the board, but also in the hope that the person who had caused a few people to be upset would understand why I felt I needed to have a go at them.
Whether they see that, remains to be seen, I hope they do.
So at the end of the day, you have a marvellous site that is well run, as well as a nice bunch of people who really get along, and I would just like to remain this way.
If I didn’t feel this way, then I would not have mentioned the site to JJ, he came from the Lexx newsgroup from me mentioning it too him. I did that because JJ is a nice guy that really contributes in a friendly way, there were plenty of trolls there, and I think JJ was also happy to find somewhere he can post without someone having a go at him, and now he is a regular here.
If you want I can certainly go and get a few trolls to come here so you can see the flip side!!!
Anyhoo, your comments are fair and I am happy to end this discussion for my part on that note.
Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]