Dead Thing Pie

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i never *ever* completely trust anyone. other experiences in my life, not just school-related, have given me this view. The only person i really trust is my younger brother, who i’ve been taking care of since he was born. and i don’t even completely trust him. it doesn’t matter as much as you’d think though. when i develop a deeper friendship with someone i act just like i would if i really trusted them, but i never do. i’m always ready for disappointment and betrayal. i don’t [i]expect[/i] it, but i’m ready for it. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, after all. but I gotta say that sadgeezers are better than most.

something that happened just last year: my school, whose basketball team is more than half black, went to play an away game at a high school in a district known for its racist sentiment. ’bout halfway into the game, alumni began shouting racial slurs at the team. These guys were like 25. One of the players, let’s call him Leon, was on the bench. He shouted up at them that only idiots still believed that racist sh*t anymore and why didn’t they give it up because nobody’s buying it anymore. One of the racists jumped down the stands and took a swing at Leon. His buddies followed. Some more of the players got up off the bench. An unbelievably short time later, about half the stands were involved in an all-out brawl with our basketball team. Afterward, the players involved were suspended, and the team resigned, virtually en masse, because the instigators got away, scot free, and nothing was even [i]said[/i] by the hosting school. My school placed really low that year because after the best players resigned, our team really sucked.

Anywho- Did anyone else know that GW is projected to have a whopping IQ of 91? The lowest in the history of American presidents. If you have an IQ below 90 you’re mildly retarded. Ain’t America grand? [img][/img]


dead thing pie!

Much Madness is divinest Sense-
To a discerning Eye-
Much Sense-the starkest Madness-
‘Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail-
Assent-and you are sane-
Demur-you’re straightaway dangerous-
And handled with a Chain-
– Emily Dickinson