Fluff Daddy spoiler

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Glad you like my synops elmay. I’ll wrap this one up.

Stan contacts his friendly ATF agent who puts him in touch with Prince. Prince dosen’t care about Stan now that he is without the key, and tells the friendly ATF agent to “Initiate plan Dandelion”. Stan is thrown off the White House grounds.

Lykyya and her director fly to the Lexx. They meet the socible 790, who greets them “Lykyya. You’re alive. Like I care.And who’s your ugly friend?” Lykyya tells him that she’s captain, and asks where the controal center is. “Does that mean you’ve killed Stanley Tweedle? Oh happy day! The pedastel behind you. While you’re at it, why don’t you kill each other?” She tosses 790 to Huffer. “Lexx, I want to blow up some planets” she commands.

Stan is running thru the D.C streets, asking people to help him keep Lykyya from stealing the Lexx. They arn’t very sympathetic. He spots a porn shop that has one of Lykyyas movies in the window. He takes it and leaves, only to be stopped by a security gaurd. “Look I didn’t know I was supposed to give you anything for it so no harm done, I’m a security gaurd too. Well, I was, so could you cut some slack for a brother in the trade?” No, and Stan is carted away to a asylum.

The ‘doctors’ decide to lobotomize and castrate Stan “First thing next morning” (have you ever seen ‘Silence of the Lambs’? Stan is wearing a hockey mask and a straightjacket)

Xev is holding a bloody ‘living Kai’ barbie doll (not as good as Frey’s tho [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]) and watching the living Kai perform. “Sweet Kate, will you not swear that thou lovest me?” while standing under a sprinkler when the dead Kai shows up. She rushes up and hugs him. “listen, really strange things have been happening. There were people here before, and now there gone,and I don’t remember what happened or how I ended up holding this thing (she holds up the doll). And I’ve been blacking out, and when I wake up I feel really bad in my stomach” she says. “The cluster lizard aspect of your physiology is undergoing a reproductive cycle. The female cluster lizard experiances a form of estrus every 7 years. She becomes very agressive. At the end of the cycle, she also devours her mate. I saw you become a lizard and devour those people.” “And you didn’t try to stop me?” “Why would I?” Anticipating a ‘The dead do not’ she adds “No, you wouldn’t. I don’t belive you,I’m not that much of a lizard,and I know my own body. I’ve found love with him, he’s like you, only alive. And nothings gonna get in the way” “I disagree” Kai says, and starts to leave. “Where are you going?” “To find Stanley. I will meet you back here, after you have eaten your mate.” “Don’t say that. ” “Kai, what do you think about his, I mean your, acting?” she adds,just as living Kai starts babbling in German. “The dead do not think-about acting” and the dead Kai leaves.

Lykyya blows up Venus and Mars (actually it looked too big to be Mars and had too much of an atmosphere-but it wasn’t any other planet).

Xev wakes up too find that she’s eaten the living Kai and all that remains is his bun (I didn’t say that!). The dead Kai looks on with a glimmer of compassion in his eye (or did I imagine that?) as she strokes it and talks to it.

Lykyya and Hufferton visit the cryochamber. They notice Vlad. “Do you think she might be amenable to a little ‘space exploration’?” asks Hufferton. “Lets find out” Lykyya replies, opening the cryochamber. “Madam my name is Bartemus K. Hufferton, but my friends call me Huff. And you look like a friend to me” “What Huff is trying to say is that we think you’re hot” explains Lykyya.

Vlad wastes no time. “I kill you in the name of His Divine Shadow” and kills them both, in one shot.

The key flies around the Lexx, and enters a moth-breeder. His reaction? “Must build more moths”

Squish, I read that 150 of the people who were murdered were British. You have my condolences. As does everybody, of course but I wanted to mention it.

And then I’ll shut up about it. Sorry.