Fluff Daddy spoiler
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Hey to all my American friends.
Squishy loves you all and wanted to show his support, I think many Brits, including myself, feel a little inadequate with us being on the other side of the Atlantic.
Given the chance many of us would be over there to help with donations of blood and medical assistance and just to help as best we can, mind you, if I came…you’d never get rid of me again!!!
Recently, the PM and other’s have talked of our ‘special’ relationship we have with America, I think the UK and the US set a good example to the world on how to get along.
I think it goes beyond being just allies, but I personally have always loved America, we think of you as the big brother that we look up to.
You have never let us down, and just being on this board over these few dramatic month’s have just reinforced the view of just how wonderful the American people are.
I know that America has it’s problems, but it’s times like these that you see the spirit of your nation, I don’t think there is another nation in the world that pull’s together as a people as much as the US.
Also, the UK has made me proud, because everyone here loves and supports America, and have noy been afraid to show that.
BTW, Squishy might be your next door neighbour soon, my father and brother are considering a move to Canada, and of course I will go, as that gives me the chance to sneak across the border and crash out on a few of your couches…you poor souls!!!
Squishy (mmmmm…Mountie Brains)
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