Hey Dalektek…is this your brother?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Hey Dalektek…is this your brother? Hey Dalektek…is this your brother?


[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mercury:
[B]Wow, before I went to bed this topic was only 12 posts long!

Squish: Sorry if I offended you by what I said, I didn’t mean it to come across so harshly. This guy does seem to have some rather odd views on Lexx, maybe he does need some attacking…

In conclusion: Hope theres no bad feeling between us.

Everything is cool mate, do you now see what I was trying to say, he’s completely bonkers!!!
I wouldn’t post this on here if it was just some ordinary fan who I took a dislike to, I thought you guy’s might be interested to hear his madcap idea’s and maybe have a laugh at the sametime.
I consider everyone a friend on here and that includes you, so there is no hard feelings…be well.

Annoyed Squishy