If the enemy doesn’t put up a fight, it’s a victory….

Forums Other Forums The Pub Afghanimatrix If the enemy doesn’t put up a fight, it’s a victory….



Let’s recap. I have gone through the last 25 years of Afghan history. I have gone through the current situation in that country. I have quoted in detail a number of recent reports indicating problems with that country. I have quoted and referred to recent articles to demonstrate to all and sundry that it is not that hard to find if you keep your eyes open.

What do you bring to the table? Abxolutlely nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Can you prove that the situation in Afghanistan now is good? No.

Can you prove that the situation in Afghanistan now is substantially better than it was? No.

Can you prove that we’ve made one drops worth of headway against Al Quaeda by going into Afghanistan? No.

You haven’t even made those arguments. You certainly haven’t justified them. All you’ve done is sneer, evade, move the bar around, and waste my time. You got nothing, and you never had anything.

I titled this thread Afghanimatrix, because it is the Matrix. In the Matrix, there are two realities. There’s the Matrix, which everyone knows and everyone sees, the matrix that is all around you, and which is a complete lie. Then there’s reality, which is not pleasant, which is not comforting, but which has the regrettable advantage of being real.

So you take the blue pill, or the red pill. You can sleep away in the matrix, or live in reality.

This is Afghanistan, you can keep on blithely sleeping your way through it, believing the comfortable bull, never questioning and never bothering to look. Or you can open your eyes and deal with reality.

It’s not complicated. But you have to make a choice.

So yes, Captain Roadkill. I’m declaring victory. You’ve come to the field of battle with nothing, you offer nothing, you got nothing, and you end with nothing.