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Here are my quotes:

“An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind” (Gandhi).

“We desire that these proceedings be conducted in a civilised manner, but remind ourselves that humanity is not humanised without force. And even errant children must sometimes be brought to boot with a kick on the backside” (The President’s speech in “Fallout” ~ The Prisoner).

[quote=”sgtdraino”]How does humanism work against a person who believes that God commands that they kill you, and everyone else who shares your belief system? To them, you are the embodyment of evil no matter what you do… short of converting to their religion yourself.[/quote]

Wow, that’s a loaded question.

First off, I think a better question is: How do you best alleviate the conditions that lead to terrorism? — think there needs to be a long-term strategy, and I do think humanism is key. Terrorism often breeds where people feel desperate and in areas of great poverty. If we were genuinely compassionate to these people generally (provide for their needs, but not force our will on them) they would be more likely to feel grateful to us. Religion has become an excuse, the problems run deeper than that. Just look at the history in the middle-east, do they have a reason to resent us? Have we honestly tried our very best to make conditions better for them?

Do you think they only hate “us” because of our religion? Is religion the root of the problem? Has that fundamentalist fervour gained sympathy amonst those peoples because of a hatred of our general policy towards them? In other words, is religion really the excuse? Do they feel threatened? And do you believe the ends justify the means when it comes to your own country, but not to them? Just curious.

So what is your solution to the problem of terrorism around the globe?

I see so many double-standards; such hypocricy. Sad, very sad.
Here’s another loosely related question: Why is it okay for the US to stockpile weapons of mass destruction, and not the other countries?